Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Marks and national tests, lower secondary school

The statistics contain results from national tests as well as marks upon completion of compulsory education. National tests assess the pupils’ skills in reading, mathematics and English. The statistics also contain data on overall achievement marks, examination marks and lower secondary school points in the 10th grade.

Updated: 14 November 2024
Next update: Not yet determined

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Average overall archivement marks and score points
    Average overall archivement marks and score points1
    Score points, 5th gradeOverall archievement mark, 10th grade
    MathematicsEnglishReadingMathematicsEnglishFirst choice form of Norwegian
    Both sexes49.450.749.
    1Data for average overall archivement marks are publised in August, while data for national tests are published in November.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Average lower secondary school points, by gender, county and parents' educational attainment level
    Average lower secondary school points, by gender, county and parents' educational attainment level1
    All pupilsAll levels of educationParents' educational attainment level
    Basic school or no completed educationUpper secondary educationTertiary education, 4 years or lessTertiary education, more than 4 yearsUnknown
    All pupils61 78442.235.639.343.446.734.8
    Boys31 81840.333.737.341.544.832.8
    Girls29 96644.337.541.445.648.737.1
    Østfold3 39541.035.538.643.445.933.4
    Akershus8 89942.735.239.543.446.736.0
    Oslo6 42944.136.740.
    Innlandet4 03341.836.139.343.746.734.9
    Buskerud3 09341.835.239.443.646.635.0
    Vestfold2 85041.535.338.943.245.333.3
    Telemark1 96441.036.138.542.745.932.6
    Agder3 85041.635.338.943.245.935.3
    Rogaland6 16442.335.739.343.346.735.1
    Vestland7 42842.536.239.543.546.534.6
    Møre og Romsdal3 09142.134.840.043.446.535.9
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage5 32841.734.438.642.746.133.1
    Nordland - Nordlánnda2 61042.134.540.143.747.035.3
    Troms - Romsa - Tromssa1 82442.236.939.342.646.135.2
    Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku80840.435.638.442.344.233.8
    10 points are not included
    Due to the government's decision to cancel exams in lower secondary school, lower secondary school points in 2020 and 2021 are only based on overall achievement marks, and are therefore not comparable with lower secondary school points from other school years.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Average overall achievement marks, by gender and parents' educational attainment level
    Average overall achievement marks, by gender and parents' educational attainment level
    All pupilsBoysGirlsParents' educational attainment level
    Basic school or no completed educationUpper secondary educationTertiary education, 4 years or lessTertiary education, more than 4 yearsUnknown
    Arts and crafts4.
    Physical education4.
    Food and health4.
    Natural Sciences4.
    First choice form of Norwegian3.
    Second choice form of Norwegian3.
    Spoken Norwegian4.
    Christianity, religion, philosophy and ethics4.
    Social Sciences4.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Distribution of pupils, by mastering levels in national tests in 5th grade, by gender and parents' educational attainment level. Per cent
    Distribution of pupils, by mastering levels in national tests in 5th grade, by gender and parents' educational attainment level. Per cent
    Mastering level EnglishMastering level reading NorwegianMastering level Mathematics
    Both boys and girls
    All educational levels23.051.125.927.247.025.828.747.224.1
    Basic school or no completed education25.657.317.150.941.77.451.839.48.8
    Upper secondary education25.154.120.737.148.014.937.747.215.0
    Tertiary education21.249.629.219.947.632.422.248.329.5
    All educational levels20.653.026.430.346.523.321.247.031.8
    Basic school or no completed education25.758.615.752.
    Upper secondary education22.856.820.440.946.013.128.350.721.0
    Tertiary education18.551.430.123.147.729.215.846.038.3
    All educational levels25.449.225.424.047.628.436.347.516.2
    Basic school or no completed education25.456.118.549.642.97.562.033.54.5
    Upper secondary education27.551.521.033.450.016.747.243.89.1
    Tertiary education24.047.828.216.647.635.828.850.820.5
    Explanation of symbols
  • Distribution of pupils, by mastering levels in national tests in 8th grade, by gender and parents' educational attainment level. Per cent
    Distribution of pupils, by mastering levels in national tests in 8th grade, by gender and parents' educational attainment level. Per cent
    Mastering level EnglishMastering level reading NorwegianMastering level Mathematics
    Both boys and girls
    All educational levels9.117.542.919.910.511.722.638.819.47.514.421.738.118.96.9
    Basic school or no completed education17.826.240.911.33.728.334.329.96.70.834.330.
    Upper secondary education12.422.544.514.85.816.429.838.612.52.720.627.837.111.92.6
    Tertiary education5.813.943.223.513.66.517.940.724.410.58.817.940.123.69.5
    All educational levels8.716.943.320.310.814.
    Basic school or no completed education17.526.841.411.13.332.
    Upper secondary education11.921.845.514.85.919.630.636.
    Tertiary education5.313.343.324.014.08.420.039.423.
    All educational levels9.618.242.519.510.
    Basic school or no completed education18.125.740.411.64.124.634.532.
    Upper secondary education12.923.343.514.85.613.128.941.113.63.321.731.936.18.81.4
    Tertiary education6.314.643.122.913.24.615.742.025.612.19.621.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Distribution of pupils, by mastering levels in national tests in 8th grade, by gender and immigration category. Per cent
    Distribution of pupils, by mastering levels in national tests in 8th grade, by gender and immigration category. Per cent
    Mastering level EnglishMastering level reading NorwegianMastering level Mathematics
    Both boys and girls
    Norwegian-born to immigrant parents8.217.644.
    Other pupils8.217.043.520.410.
    Norwegian-born to immigrant parents8.517.646.118.98.920.330.133.712.43.517.722.336.917.16.0
    Other pupils7.516.243.621.111.511.222.638.720.37.111.517.438.123.19.9
    Norwegian-born to immigrant parents7.917.641.921.211.315.027.637.614.55.221.830.333.811.13.0
    Other pupils8.917.843.519.610.26.819.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Distribution of pupils, by mastering levels in national tests in 5th grade, by gender and immigration category. Per cent
    Distribution of pupils, by mastering levels in national tests in 5th grade, by gender and immigration category. Per cent
    Mastering level EnglishMastering level reading NorwegianMastering Mathematics
    Both boys and girls
    Norwegian-born to immigrant parents16.555.727.839.046.714.338.543.717.9
    Other pupils23.650.625.923.547.628.825.948.325.8
    Norwegian-born to immigrant parents16.757.925.542.645.012.429.046.624.5
    Other pupils20.552.527.026.747.326.018.947.233.9
    Norwegian-born to immigrant parents16.353.430.235.448.416.248.240.711.1
    Other pupils26.748.624.720.348.031.733.149.417.5
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 20 March 2024.

School county

Based on the school's address per 1.10 of the specific school year.


Schools are either privately owned or public schools (i.e., owned by the state, municipalities or counties).

Marks, lower secondary school

Overall achievement mark

The overall achievement mark in each subject is based on a broad evaluation of the pupil’s competence in the subject.

Marks are awarded on a scale from 1 to 6, where mark 6 indicates that the pupil holds exceptionally high competence, and 1 indicates that the pupil has attained little competence in the subject.

Examination mark

The examination marks are based on single tests and are included on the school-leaving certificate awarded to all pupils when they leave the 10-year compulsory school. Normally, pupils are tested by a written examination in Norwegian, English or mathematics, and by oral examination in one subject. The scale used is identical to the one applied for overall achievement marks.

Lower secondary school points

Lower secondary school points are a combined measurement for all marks. The lower secondary school point score summarizes the pupil’s results in all the different subjects and is part of the admission criteria for upper secondary school.

School points are calculated by adding up each individual mark and dividing the sum by the number of marks. This average, with two decimals, is multiplied by 10.

If the pupil has attained marks in less than half of his/her subjects, the lower secondary school point score is set to zero. In these statistics, pupils with zero school points are excluded.

National tests

Mastering levels

The mastering levels follow the guidelines given by the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training.

There are three levels for 5th grade and five levels for 8th and 9th grade. The pupils are placed at the different levels based on the sum of their test scores.

Score points

In addition to mastering levels, the results can be measured in score points where the average in the scale is set at 50, with standard deviation 10.

The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training has developed a common scale that describes the skills of the pupils with the same numbers, even though the pupils' results are from different tests.

As of 2022, the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training has developed a new method for calculation of score points (see "Comparability over time and space" under the section "Production" for more information).

You can read more about the mastering levels and what the national tests asses at The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training (only in Norwegian).

Parents’ highest level of education is derived from register information in The National Education Database (NUDB).

Immigration category is coded according to Standard for immigration category 2008 . The term other pupils comprise the pupils in immigration categories A, D, E, F and G.

Grouping of countries is coded according to SSB's alternative grouping of countries:

  • Group 1: EU/EEA, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
  • Group 2: Asia, Africa, Latin-America, Oceania except Australia and New Zealand, and Europe except EU/EEA.

The centrality of pupils' school municipality is coded according to the definitions in Centrality 2020.

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