Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Activities of adult learning associations

The main purpose is to show education arranged by popular education organizations from different angles. The aim is to reveal the total course activities, give information on course level, choice of subjects, as well as age and gender of the participants.

Updated: 3 April 2024
Next update: 3 April 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Popular education organisations. Number of courses, participants and lessons
    Popular education organisations. Number of courses, participants and lessons
    20232019 - 2023
    Change in per cent
    Courses46 9385.7
    Both sexes564 92416.4
    Males235 60115.2
    Females329 32317.3
    Lessons total1 280 674.75-8.6
    Explanation of symbols
  • Number of courses, participants and lessons by organization
    Number of courses, participants and lessons by organization
    CoursesParticipantsLessons total
    Total46 938564 924235 601329 3231 280 674.75
    The Workers' Education Association of Norway1 32324 70313 21111 49232 979.00
    The Adult Learning Association for Agriculture and Community1 73615 79211 9453 84734 031.00
    Adult Education Association of Christian communities and organizations in Norway6 07554 60823 80430 804137 691.50
    The Study Association Funkis7 35169 04219 55449 488143 121.75
    Association for studies of culture and traditions7 34762 19415 44846 746216 934.75
    The Sports Education Foundation3 37646 24827 91218 33640 747.00
    The Adult Education Association of Music5 75082 95234 14348 809300 309.00
    The Sami Adult Education Association47252551973 222.00
    The Adult Education Association of the Centre Party1 1307 2194 0013 21816 620.00
    The Adult Education Association of Solidarity3272 1987531 44548 927.00
    Study association for Lifelong Learning4 96170 27231 44438 828183 222.00
    The Adult Education Association of Nature and Environment4 00734 05214 86719 18577 620.25
    The Adult Education Association of the Liberal Party1 0736 4343 5412 89313 035.00
    The Academic Association for Adult Education2 43588 95834 92354 03532 214.50
    Explanation of symbols
  • Number of courses, participants and lessons by county
    Number of courses, participants and lessons by county
    CoursesParticipantsLessons total
    Both sexesMalesFemales
    Total46 938564 924235 601329 3231 280 674.75
    Viken (2020-2023)9 361112 62046 20466 416258 974.75
    Oslo5 82597 73543 76353 972171 950.50
    Innlandet4 49446 21417 98228 232114 510.25
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)3 67640 47416 93223 542100 848.00
    Agder2 96631 09513 61317 48266 581.00
    Rogaland3 68440 57816 57324 00588 063.25
    Vestland5 51365 28527 15038 135143 892.50
    Møre og Romsdal2 25825 52910 02415 50554 559.75
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage4 73458 83224 76434 068161 748.25
    Nordland - Nordlánnda2 30522 3538 26114 09264 637.50
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)2 09624 00910 23613 77354 169.00
    Explanation of symbols
  • Number of courses, participants and lessons, by subject
    Number of courses, participants and lessons, by subject
    CoursesParticipantsLessons total
    Total46 938564 924235 601329 3231 280 674.75
    Language studies6865 5992 0633 53629 111.50
    Aesthetic subjects and handicraft16 293188 92665 656123 270674 054.75
    Humanities, philosophy and ethics5 32056 22325 24730 976112 727.25
    Social sciences77311 8863 2338 65318 659.00
    Organization and management9 962149 50869 72679 782134 576.25
    Business and ICT4485 2382 4212 8174 372.50
    Health, social and sports8 29776 86724 47652 391187 244.00
    Transport and communication551 4859894961 167.25
    Science, industry and technical subjects1 19030 53521 5788 95719 162.00
    Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation3 85938 23320 05718 17694 055.75
    Goods and services554241552695 544.50
    Explanation of symbols
  • Number of participant, by organizations and age
    Number of participant, by organizations and age
    Participants14-29 years30-49 years50 years or older
    Total564 924155 818153 617255 489
    The Workers' Education Association of Norway24 7034 43010 3029 971
    The Adult Learning Association for Agriculture and Community15 7924 7456 2674 780
    Adult Education Association of Christian communities and organizations in Norway54 60833 8388 88711 883
    The Study Association Funkis69 0423 21610 25355 573
    Association for studies of culture and traditions62 19421 0005 94135 253
    The Sports Education Foundation46 24822 18917 4836 576
    The Adult Education Association of Music82 9529 91415 33557 703
    The Sami Adult Education Association2529358101
    The Adult Education Association of the Centre Party7 2195132 4914 215
    The Adult Education Association of Solidarity2 198604674920
    Study association for Lifelong Learning70 27226 41816 56727 287
    The Adult Education Association of Nature and Environment34 05211 76111 67110 620
    The Adult Education Association of the Liberal Party6 4341 2582 2162 960
    The Academic Association for Adult Education88 95815 83945 47227 647
    Explanation of symbols
  • Number of participants, by county and age
    Number of participants, by county and age
    Participants14-29 years30-49 years50 years or older
    Total564 924155 818153 617255 489
    Viken (2020-2023)112 62029 82027 72355 077
    Oslo97 73522 68341 84933 203
    Innlandet46 21411 5718 96525 678
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)40 47411 4428 96920 063
    Agder31 0959 0377 46014 598
    Rogaland40 57812 46611 61416 498
    Vestland65 28522 83515 36527 085
    Møre og Romsdal25 5295 1805 97714 372
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage58 83220 60713 71624 509
    Nordland - Nordlánnda22 3533 9915 36213 000
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)24 0096 1596 52811 322
    Explanation of symbols
  • Number of participants, by subject, age and sex
    Number of participants, by subject, age and sex
    Participants14-29 years30-49 years50 years or older
    Total564 924155 818153 617255 489
    Language studies5 5991 2263 0731 300
    Aesthetic subjects and handicraft188 92639 82931 076118 021
    Humanities, philosophy and ethics56 22339 0424 96512 216
    Social sciences11 8861 7316 5113 644
    Organization and management149 50838 20760 42850 873
    Business and ICT5 2383461 4643 428
    Health, social and sports76 8679 96820 49246 407
    Transport and communication1 485285578622
    Science, industry and technical subjects30 53512 55011 2716 714
    Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation38 23312 57213 54312 118
    Goods and services42462216146
    Total235 60173 59966 04695 956
    Language studies2 0634171 232414
    Aesthetic subjects and handicraft65 65615 14110 28340 232
    Humanities, philosophy and ethics25 24719 0982 0174 132
    Social sciences3 2334601 5581 215
    Organization and management69 72617 95228 14923 625
    Business and ICT2 4212138491 359
    Health, social and sports24 4764 3016 56813 607
    Transport and communication989176359454
    Science, industry and technical subjects21 5787 9178 3835 278
    Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation20 0577 9106 5615 586
    Goods and services155148754
    Total329 32382 21987 571159 533
    Language studies3 5368091 841886
    Aesthetic subjects and handicraft123 27024 68820 79377 789
    Humanities, philosophy and ethics30 97619 9442 9488 084
    Social sciences8 6531 2714 9532 429
    Organization and management79 78220 25532 27927 248
    Business and ICT2 8171336152 069
    Health, social and sports52 3915 66713 92432 800
    Transport and communication496109219168
    Science, industry and technical subjects8 9574 6332 8881 436
    Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation18 1764 6626 9826 532
    Goods and services2694812992
    Explanation of symbols
  • Number of participants, by county and subject
    Number of participants, by county and subject
    All subjectsLanguage studiesAesthetic subjects and handicraftHumanities, philosophy and ethicsSocial sciencesOrganization and managementBusiness and ICTHealth, social and sportsTransport and communicationScience, industry and technical subjectsNatural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreationGoods and services
    Total564 9245 599188 92656 22311 886149 5085 23876 8671 48530 53538 233424
    Viken (2020-2023)112 62049737 13713 44692733 38685514 6841344 0547 47723
    Oslo97 7352 71719 5165 4927 65231 4312 30213 2818189 5714 751204
    Innlandet46 2143817 8264 8785519 2625427 4401925214 92737
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)40 47415715 4894 7306189 1841355 803251 3682 95114
    Agder31 0954789 2455 804817 0681174 873769832 3700
    Rogaland40 57863013 8416 20324411 979664 549851 0671 86846
    Vestland65 28562925 3857 63954314 6734348 598483 3863 9500
    Møre og Romsdal25 5291610 7741 6415476 9651463 379105261 5187
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage58 83225021 9703 93644113 1492677 550836 7704 35561
    Nordland - Nordlánnda22 353349 5101 1451915 581484 09603261 4220
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)24 0091538 1461 302866 7703262 587141 9632 63032
    Explanation of symbols
  • Number of participants, by examination and level
    Number of participants, by examination and level
    TotalOption of public examinationOption of other valid examination or certificateOption of internal examinationOption of vocational examinationNo examination or final tests
    Total564 9242 80023 6446 530861531 089
    Primary level261 50612214 5162 8330244 035
    Secondary level205 5292 4277 4081 619861193 214
    Higher level5 73422053133204 651
    Not reported92 155311 1891 746089 189
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 18 March 2025.

Adult education

Education specially arranged for adults.


The courses are grouped after school subjects in accordance with Norwegian educational terms.


The popular education organizations can offer courses on primary, secondary, and tertiary educational level in addition to many other courses.


One course lesson is 60 minutes. Breaks of up to 15 minutes per hour are included.

Courses offering examination

Meaning to be a supplement to subject and level. Several courses arranged by popular education organizations give students the possibility to take an examination.

Classification of subject groups is worked out by Statistics Norway together with The Ministry of Education and Research, The Norwegian Association for Adult Education, Norwegian Association for Distance Education and Folk High School Council.

County is based on the classification of county municipality.

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