Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Activities of adult learning associations
The main purpose is to show education arranged by popular education organizations from different angles. The aim is to reveal the total course activities, give information on course level, choice of subjects, as well as age and gender of the participants.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Popular education organisations. Number of courses, participants and lessonsDownload table as ...Popular education organisations. Number of courses, participants and lessons
2023 2019 - 2023 Change in per cent Courses 46 938 5.7 Both sexes 564 924 16.4 Males 235 601 15.2 Females 329 323 17.3 Lessons total 1 280 674.75 -8.6 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Number of courses, participants and lessons by organizationDownload table as ...Number of courses, participants and lessons by organization
2023 Courses Participants Lessons total Total Males Females Total 46 938 564 924 235 601 329 323 1 280 674.75 The Workers' Education Association of Norway 1 323 24 703 13 211 11 492 32 979.00 The Adult Learning Association for Agriculture and Community 1 736 15 792 11 945 3 847 34 031.00 Adult Education Association of Christian communities and organizations in Norway 6 075 54 608 23 804 30 804 137 691.50 The Study Association Funkis 7 351 69 042 19 554 49 488 143 121.75 Association for studies of culture and traditions 7 347 62 194 15 448 46 746 216 934.75 The Sports Education Foundation 3 376 46 248 27 912 18 336 40 747.00 The Adult Education Association of Music 5 750 82 952 34 143 48 809 300 309.00 The Sami Adult Education Association 47 252 55 197 3 222.00 The Adult Education Association of the Centre Party 1 130 7 219 4 001 3 218 16 620.00 The Adult Education Association of Solidarity 327 2 198 753 1 445 48 927.00 Study association for Lifelong Learning 4 961 70 272 31 444 38 828 183 222.00 The Adult Education Association of Nature and Environment 4 007 34 052 14 867 19 185 77 620.25 The Adult Education Association of the Liberal Party 1 073 6 434 3 541 2 893 13 035.00 The Academic Association for Adult Education 2 435 88 958 34 923 54 035 32 214.50 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Number of courses, participants and lessons by countyDownload table as ...Number of courses, participants and lessons by county
2023 Courses Participants Lessons total Both sexes Males Females Total 46 938 564 924 235 601 329 323 1 280 674.75 Viken (2020-2023) 9 361 112 620 46 204 66 416 258 974.75 Oslo 5 825 97 735 43 763 53 972 171 950.50 Innlandet 4 494 46 214 17 982 28 232 114 510.25 Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023) 3 676 40 474 16 932 23 542 100 848.00 Agder 2 966 31 095 13 613 17 482 66 581.00 Rogaland 3 684 40 578 16 573 24 005 88 063.25 Vestland 5 513 65 285 27 150 38 135 143 892.50 Møre og Romsdal 2 258 25 529 10 024 15 505 54 559.75 Trøndelag - Trööndelage 4 734 58 832 24 764 34 068 161 748.25 Nordland - Nordlánnda 2 305 22 353 8 261 14 092 64 637.50 Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023) 2 096 24 009 10 236 13 773 54 169.00 Svalbard 26 200 99 101 740.00 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Number of courses, participants and lessons, by subjectDownload table as ...Number of courses, participants and lessons, by subject
2023 Courses Participants Lessons total Total Males Females Total 46 938 564 924 235 601 329 323 1 280 674.75 Language studies 686 5 599 2 063 3 536 29 111.50 Aesthetic subjects and handicraft 16 293 188 926 65 656 123 270 674 054.75 Humanities, philosophy and ethics 5 320 56 223 25 247 30 976 112 727.25 Social sciences 773 11 886 3 233 8 653 18 659.00 Organization and management 9 962 149 508 69 726 79 782 134 576.25 Business and ICT 448 5 238 2 421 2 817 4 372.50 Health, social and sports 8 297 76 867 24 476 52 391 187 244.00 Transport and communication 55 1 485 989 496 1 167.25 Science, industry and technical subjects 1 190 30 535 21 578 8 957 19 162.00 Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation 3 859 38 233 20 057 18 176 94 055.75 Goods and services 55 424 155 269 5 544.50 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Number of participant, by organizations and ageDownload table as ...Number of participant, by organizations and age
2023 Participants 14-29 years 30-49 years 50 years or older Total 564 924 155 818 153 617 255 489 The Workers' Education Association of Norway 24 703 4 430 10 302 9 971 The Adult Learning Association for Agriculture and Community 15 792 4 745 6 267 4 780 Adult Education Association of Christian communities and organizations in Norway 54 608 33 838 8 887 11 883 The Study Association Funkis 69 042 3 216 10 253 55 573 Association for studies of culture and traditions 62 194 21 000 5 941 35 253 The Sports Education Foundation 46 248 22 189 17 483 6 576 The Adult Education Association of Music 82 952 9 914 15 335 57 703 The Sami Adult Education Association 252 93 58 101 The Adult Education Association of the Centre Party 7 219 513 2 491 4 215 The Adult Education Association of Solidarity 2 198 604 674 920 Study association for Lifelong Learning 70 272 26 418 16 567 27 287 The Adult Education Association of Nature and Environment 34 052 11 761 11 671 10 620 The Adult Education Association of the Liberal Party 6 434 1 258 2 216 2 960 The Academic Association for Adult Education 88 958 15 839 45 472 27 647 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Number of participants, by county and ageDownload table as ...Number of participants, by county and age
2023 Participants 14-29 years 30-49 years 50 years or older Total 564 924 155 818 153 617 255 489 Viken (2020-2023) 112 620 29 820 27 723 55 077 Oslo 97 735 22 683 41 849 33 203 Innlandet 46 214 11 571 8 965 25 678 Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023) 40 474 11 442 8 969 20 063 Agder 31 095 9 037 7 460 14 598 Rogaland 40 578 12 466 11 614 16 498 Vestland 65 285 22 835 15 365 27 085 Møre og Romsdal 25 529 5 180 5 977 14 372 Trøndelag - Trööndelage 58 832 20 607 13 716 24 509 Nordland - Nordlánnda 22 353 3 991 5 362 13 000 Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023) 24 009 6 159 6 528 11 322 Svalbard 200 27 89 84 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Number of participants, by subject, age and sexDownload table as ...Number of participants, by subject, age and sex
2023 Participants 14-29 years 30-49 years 50 years or older Total 564 924 155 818 153 617 255 489 Language studies 5 599 1 226 3 073 1 300 Aesthetic subjects and handicraft 188 926 39 829 31 076 118 021 Humanities, philosophy and ethics 56 223 39 042 4 965 12 216 Social sciences 11 886 1 731 6 511 3 644 Organization and management 149 508 38 207 60 428 50 873 Business and ICT 5 238 346 1 464 3 428 Health, social and sports 76 867 9 968 20 492 46 407 Transport and communication 1 485 285 578 622 Science, industry and technical subjects 30 535 12 550 11 271 6 714 Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation 38 233 12 572 13 543 12 118 Goods and services 424 62 216 146 Males Total 235 601 73 599 66 046 95 956 Language studies 2 063 417 1 232 414 Aesthetic subjects and handicraft 65 656 15 141 10 283 40 232 Humanities, philosophy and ethics 25 247 19 098 2 017 4 132 Social sciences 3 233 460 1 558 1 215 Organization and management 69 726 17 952 28 149 23 625 Business and ICT 2 421 213 849 1 359 Health, social and sports 24 476 4 301 6 568 13 607 Transport and communication 989 176 359 454 Science, industry and technical subjects 21 578 7 917 8 383 5 278 Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation 20 057 7 910 6 561 5 586 Goods and services 155 14 87 54 Females Total 329 323 82 219 87 571 159 533 Language studies 3 536 809 1 841 886 Aesthetic subjects and handicraft 123 270 24 688 20 793 77 789 Humanities, philosophy and ethics 30 976 19 944 2 948 8 084 Social sciences 8 653 1 271 4 953 2 429 Organization and management 79 782 20 255 32 279 27 248 Business and ICT 2 817 133 615 2 069 Health, social and sports 52 391 5 667 13 924 32 800 Transport and communication 496 109 219 168 Science, industry and technical subjects 8 957 4 633 2 888 1 436 Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation 18 176 4 662 6 982 6 532 Goods and services 269 48 129 92 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Number of participants, by county and subjectDownload table as ...Number of participants, by county and subject
2023 All subjects Language studies Aesthetic subjects and handicraft Humanities, philosophy and ethics Social sciences Organization and management Business and ICT Health, social and sports Transport and communication Science, industry and technical subjects Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation Goods and services Total 564 924 5 599 188 926 56 223 11 886 149 508 5 238 76 867 1 485 30 535 38 233 424 Viken (2020-2023) 112 620 497 37 137 13 446 927 33 386 855 14 684 134 4 054 7 477 23 Oslo 97 735 2 717 19 516 5 492 7 652 31 431 2 302 13 281 818 9 571 4 751 204 Innlandet 46 214 38 17 826 4 878 551 9 262 542 7 440 192 521 4 927 37 Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023) 40 474 157 15 489 4 730 618 9 184 135 5 803 25 1 368 2 951 14 Agder 31 095 478 9 245 5 804 81 7 068 117 4 873 76 983 2 370 0 Rogaland 40 578 630 13 841 6 203 244 11 979 66 4 549 85 1 067 1 868 46 Vestland 65 285 629 25 385 7 639 543 14 673 434 8 598 48 3 386 3 950 0 Møre og Romsdal 25 529 16 10 774 1 641 547 6 965 146 3 379 10 526 1 518 7 Trøndelag - Trööndelage 58 832 250 21 970 3 936 441 13 149 267 7 550 83 6 770 4 355 61 Nordland - Nordlánnda 22 353 34 9 510 1 145 191 5 581 48 4 096 0 326 1 422 0 Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023) 24 009 153 8 146 1 302 86 6 770 326 2 587 14 1 963 2 630 32 Svalbard 200 0 87 7 5 60 0 27 0 0 14 0 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Number of participants, by examination and levelDownload table as ...Number of participants, by examination and level
2023 Total Option of public examination Option of other valid examination or certificate Option of internal examination Option of vocational examination No examination or final tests Total 564 924 2 800 23 644 6 530 861 531 089 Primary level 261 506 122 14 516 2 833 0 244 035 Secondary level 205 529 2 427 7 408 1 619 861 193 214 Higher level 5 734 220 531 332 0 4 651 Not reported 92 155 31 1 189 1 746 0 89 189 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 18 March 2025.
Adult education
Education specially arranged for adults.
The courses are grouped after school subjects in accordance with Norwegian educational terms.
The popular education organizations can offer courses on primary, secondary, and tertiary educational level in addition to many other courses.
One course lesson is 60 minutes. Breaks of up to 15 minutes per hour are included.
Courses offering examination
Meaning to be a supplement to subject and level. Several courses arranged by popular education organizations give students the possibility to take an examination.
Classification of subject groups is worked out by Statistics Norway together with The Ministry of Education and Research, The Norwegian Association for Adult Education, Norwegian Association for Distance Education and Folk High School Council.
County is based on the classification of county municipality.