
External economy: Balance of payments

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  • Primary income growth resulted in a positive current account balance in 2020

    The balance of goods and services ended at NOK 8 billion in the fourth quarter of 2020 following two consecutive quarters below zero, according to preliminary figures. This did not prevent Norway from having a trade deficit for the year 2020, whic...

  • Largest trade deficit since 1981

    Preliminary figures show that the balance of goods and services in the third quarter of 2020 ended at NOK -20 billion. This is an all-time low. The trade deficit should be seen in the light of the corona pandemic. Both exports and imports are redu...

  • Balance of income and current transfers create current account surplus

    Balance of income and current transfers were measured at almost NOK 28 billion in the 2nd quarter of 2020. Both income from- and expenditures to the Rest of the world (ROW) are reduced significantly, with the expenditure falling the most. The curr...

  • Strong balance of income and current transfers

    Balance of income and current transfers were measured at almost NOK 39 billion in the 1st quarter of 2020. This is the highest ever measured in a quarter. Investment income is contributing with net income of NOK 46 billion while net current transf...

  • Weak current account balance

    The current account balance is estimated at NOK 19 billion in the preliminary figures for 2019. We need to go back to 4th quarter of 2017 to find equally low figures.

  • Online cross-border payments using payment cards for 2010–2018

    Reports 2020/04

  • Weaker current account balance

    The current account balance in 3rd quarter of 2019 showed a surplus of NOK 24 billion. This is almost NOK 60 million lower than it was in the same quarter of 2018. The main explanation of the weak current account balance is lower export of oil and...

  • Weaker current account balance

    The current account balance in 2nd quarter of 2019 showed a surplus of NOK 31 billion. This is almost half of what it was in the same quarter of 2018. The main explanation of the weak current account balance is lower export of oil and natural gas.

  • Weaker surplus in the balance of goods and services

    The balance of goods and services is weakened both measured against last quarter and against the same quarter in the previous year. Looking at the development from the previous quarter the decline in exports was caused by a drop in the income from...

  • Weak balance of income and current transfers

    The balance of income and current transfers was negative for the 4th quarter of 2018. The last time this happened was in 2013.

  • Strong export growth

    The total export of goods and services in the 3rd quarter was the highest since the start of the millennium. The preliminary estimate is more than NOK 348 billion.

  • High balance of income and current transfers

    The balance of income and current transfers was historically high in the preliminary calculations for the 2nd quarter of 2018, with almost NOK 47 billion.

  • Increased current account surplus

    A surplus in both the balance of goods and services and income and current transfers contributed to a strong current account balance for Norway in the 1st quarter of 2018, ending at NOK 61 billion.

  • Higher surplus in current account balance

    A high surplus on both the goods and service account and the income and current transfers account led to a higher surplus on the BOP current account from the 3rd to the 4th quarter of 2017.

  • Increase in inward and outward settlement flows

    Incoming bank settlement flows increased by NOK 99 billion from the third quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2017. Outgoing settlement also increased from the previous quarter; up by NOK 79 billion.
