External trade in ICT goods (discontinued)1999


All releases for External trade in ICT goods (discontinued) - annually

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
16 September 2011 2010 Worsening in ICT trade balance
16 August 2010 2002-2009 Decline in ICT goods trade
22 June 2009 2002-2008 ICT exports NOK 18 billion
12 March 2008 2002-2007 Decreasing value of ICT imports
24 October 2007 2000-2006 Exports dominated by telecommunications
28 March 2006 2000-2005 Modest growth in external trade with ICT goods
8 February 2005 1996-2004 Imports of ICT goods increased by 21per cent
19 February 2004 2003 Exports of ICT goods for 12 billion
8 April 2003 2002 Decline in external trade with ICT goods
25 February 2002 2001 Import surplus of ICT goods
5 June 2001 2000 Import surplus of ICT goods
12 April 2000 1999 Import surplus of ICT goods