External economy

External trade in goods2012


Export of fish, by species1
Million NOKChange in per centTonnesChange in per cent
2010201120122011 - 20122010201120122011 - 2012
1Within the SITC classification group 03 'Fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates', Statistics Norway has grouped everything by species based on the product groups in the HS nomenclature. Some discrepancies may occur since not all product groups are specified by species. The group 'Other fish' is the sum of the remaining product groups under SITC 03.
2Salmon contains more than the weekly figures of exports of salmon, fillets and other prepared salmon is also included.
Total52 49052 10850 808-2.52 490 1892 277 0862 385 3034.8
Salmon231 28629 17929 5631.3783 179838 153995 25818.7
Cod5 7256 1635 620-8.8164 662166 567168 5381.2
Herring3 7184 2454 155-2.1676 859474 393389 904-17.8
Mackerel3 0683 5913 006-16.3289 350255 345275 1177.7
Coalfish2 1052 1631 791-17.2102 150102 66178 979-23.1
Haddock1 3421 5391 456-5.483 35997 84395 264-2.6
Trout1 6081 4111 79427.139 84238 91256 83046.0
Shrimps492603565-6.312 59614 23710 327-27.5
Halibut416465439-5.611 15811 42711 5911.4
Ling315294240-18.48 4897 2966 211-14.9
Cusk180182181-0.55 5345 4085 225-3.4
Redfish136128111-13.38 1226 6306 049-8.8
Other fish1 7811 8391 626-11.6299 354253 641281 94211.2
Other crustaceous animals except shrimps and mollusc320304263-13.55 5344 5724 069-11.0