External trade


Cash flows between Norway and abroad
Shows Norwegian cross border payments made via Norwegian banks
Export of salmon
Weekly export price and export volume for farmed fresh, chilled and frozen salmon.
External trade in goods
The statistics comprise the development in Norway's trade with other countries in terms of value and volume figures.
External trade in goods, indices of volume and price
Measures the development in volume and price for exported and imported goods over time
External trade in services
Gives information about service flows between Norway and other countries
Global value chains and outsourcing
The statistics show how Norwegian enterprises move their business functions abroad, and their participation in global value chains.

Analyses, articles and publications

Showing 10 of 108
  1. In the period of March 3rd – March 9th the export price of fresh salmon came to NOK 87.00 per kilo, down by 6.1 per cent compared to the previous seven-day period.

  2. The companies with the largest number of employees both import and export more services than companies with fewer employees. In 2019, they accounted for more than 45 per cent of exported services and 34 per cent of imported services. The enterprises, with less than 10 employees, also stand for a significant share of imported services.

  3. In the period of May 15th – May 21st the export price of fresh salmon came to NOK 110.87 per kilo, up 2.0 per cent compared to the previous seven-day period.

  4. In the period of May 8th – May 14th the export price of fresh salmon came to NOK 108.66 per kilo, down by 3.3 per cent compared to the previous seven-day period.

  5. In the period of May 1st – May 7th the export price of fresh salmon came to NOK 112.37 per kilo, up 0.7 per cent compared to the previous seven-day period.

  6. In the period of April 24th – April 30th the export price of fresh salmon came to NOK 111.63 per kilo, down by 7.4 per cent compared to the previous seven-day period.

  7. In the period of April 17th – April 23rd the export price of fresh salmon came to NOK 120.57 per kilo, up 6.3 per cent compared to the previous seven-day period.

  8. In the period of April 10th – April 16th the export price of fresh salmon came to NOK 113.39 per kilo, up 3.8 per cent compared to the previous seven-day period.

  9. In the period of April 3rd – April 9th the export price of fresh salmon came to NOK 109.21 per kilo, down by 1.6 per cent compared to the previous seven-day period.

  10. In the period of March 27th – April 2nd the export price of fresh salmon came to NOK 111.04 per kilo, down by 5.4 per cent compared to the previous seven-day period.

Older analyses, articles and publications
for subtopic External trade.