Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Educational attainment of the population

Educational Attainment of the Population includes residents in Norway as of October 1, aged 16 years or older by the end of the calendar year.

Updated: 11 June 2024
Next update: 11 June 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Level of education for persons 16 years and older
    Level of education for persons 16 years and older1
    TotalTotal shareShare femalesTotalTotal shareShare females
    Level of education, in total4 339 490100.0100.04 569 268100.0100.0
    Below upper secondary education1 111 54025.825.21 064 19123.422.4
    Upper secondary education1 603 06637.234.51 633 61135.932.6
    Tertiary vocational education125 7882.92.1147 0533.22.5
    Higher education1 471 13534.138.21 700 61337.442.6
    Unknown or no completed education27 961..23 800..
    1For many immigrants Statistics Norway has no information about their level of education. From 2014, figures include an estimated level of education for missing values for these immigrants. See About the statistics and definitions of education levels. Tertiary vocational education was prior to 2016 included in upper secondary education.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Age groups and educational attainment
    Age groups and educational attainment1
    Population October 1Highest completed education
    TotalBasic school levelUpper secondary educationTertiary vocational education2 Higher education, short3 Higher education, long4
    Total4 569 26823.435.93.225.412.0
    16-19 years263 68386.
    20-24 years333 03520.753.11.323.81.1
    25-29 years367 07317.627.73.035.815.9
    30-34 years395 49418.525.43.631.920.6
    35-39 years380 40318.626.33.830.121.2
    40-49 years718 26016.531.73.530.318.0
    50-59 years744 31917.438.44.627.412.2
    60-66 years441 90123.539.
    67 years or older925 10023.147.42.719.77.0
    Males2 291 91424.439.34.020.411.9
    16-19 years135 57688.611.
    20-24 years171 14424.856.61.316.50.8
    25-29 years188 16520.635.13.827.513.0
    30-34 years201 78921.331.54.724.817.6
    35-39 years193 88721.531.84.923.318.5
    40-49 years366 73418.437.54.423.316.4
    50-59 years379 66918.342.15.521.912.1
    60-66 years222 86122.543.05.119.310.1
    67 years or older432 08920.147.23.618.410.7
    Females2 277 35422.432.62.530.412.2
    16-19 years128 10783.616.
    20-24 years161 89116.349.41.431.61.4
    25-29 years178 90814.519.92.044.519.1
    30-34 years193 70515.519.02.539.323.8
    35-39 years186 51615.620.52.737.124.1
    40-49 years351 52614.525.72.737.519.7
    50-59 years364 65016.434.43.833.112.4
    60-66 years219 04024.436.23.428.27.8
    67 years or older493 01125.847.61.920.83.8
    1For many immigrants SSB has no information about their education. From 2014, figures include an estimated level of education for missing values for these immigrants. See About the statistics for more information.
    2Includes intermediate level courses based on completed upper secondary level, but which are not accredited as higher education.
    3Higher education, short comprises higher education up to 4 years in duration.
    4Higher education, long comprises higher education more than 4 years in duration.
    Explanation of symbols
  • County of residence for educational attainment
    County of residence for educational attainment1
    NumbersPer cent
    TotalBelow upper secondary educationUpper secondary educationTertiary vocational education2 Higher education, short3 Higher education, long4
    19851 606 11242.443.010.04.7
    19901 665 35938.344.811.75.2
    19951 701 13533.346.814.05.8
    20001 746 27031.446.515.36.7
    20051 807 42330.
    20101 956 83528.645.317.68.5
    20152 117 01027.144.118.710.0
    20232 291 91424.439.34.020.411.9
    Viken (2020-2023)535 67526.138.63.320.511.5
    Oslo297 03519.925.62.228.423.9
    Innlandet158 07228.644.
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)178 97725.742.64.419.28.2
    Agder130 24523.743.
    Rogaland202 20222.842.04.618.611.9
    Vestland269 06422.441.64.920.011.0
    Møre og Romsdal112 88024.943.
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage201 27122.842.03.819.412.0
    Nordland - Nordlánnda102 49428.442.84.717.07.1
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)103 91828.339.64.917.99.3
    County not stated8147.57.52.525.017.5
    19851 673 48649.139.410.51.0
    19901 734 10944.641.112.91.4
    19951 773 11639.442.416.32.0
    20001 812 16635.942.119.12.9
    20051 868 44532.441.322.34.0
    20101 981 01229.639.924.95.7
    20152 104 97526.737.727.38.3
    20232 277 35422.432.62.530.412.2
    Viken (2020-2023)533 51723.532.82.829.711.2
    Oslo302 56117.
    Innlandet158 82825.536.92.328.17.2
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)181 48524.035.82.829.38.1
    Agder130 52423.336.12.429.58.7
    Rogaland197 62822.433.32.729.711.9
    Vestland264 59221.233.42.431.111.8
    Møre og Romsdal109 69123.436.
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage197 42621.334.32.130.611.7
    Nordland - Nordlánnda100 46025.935.
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)100 51624.
    County not stated12636.516.71.630.215.1
    1For many immigrants SSB has no information about their education. From 2014, figures include an estimated level of education for missing values for these immigrants. See About the statistics for more information.
    2Includes intermediate level courses based on completed upper secondary level, but which are not accredited as higher education.
    3Higher education, short comprises higher education up to 4 years in duration.
    4Higher education, long comprises higher education more than 4 years in duration.
    The table was updated 18 June 2021 at 12:25.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Districts in Oslo and educational attainment
    Districts in Oslo and educational attainment1
    NumbersPer cent
    TotalBelow upper secondary educationUpper secondary educationTeritary vocational education2 Higher education
    Oslo total599 40218.423.62.255.7
    Gamle Oslo54 31517.920.12.159.9
    Grünerløkka57 30915.419.82.262.7
    Sagene41 82313.317.31.867.6
    St. Hanshaugen35 95212.418.32.067.2
    Frogner55 01511.420.12.366.3
    Ullern29 16711.620.12.665.7
    Vestre Aker41 07811.619.62.366.6
    Nordre Aker43 82412.720.32.065.0
    Bjerke29 20623.526.52.247.7
    Grorud23 04531.632.02.334.1
    Stovner27 51435.633.32.029.1
    Alna41 03130.231.62.335.9
    Østensjø41 54519.829.22.848.2
    Nordstrand43 50115.727.22.854.3
    Søndre Nordstrand31 11631.429.72.036.9
    Sentrum1 52815.124.82.357.9
    Marka1 38717.833.62.346.3
    Unknown urban district Oslo1 04644.
    1For many immigrants SSB has no information about their education. From 2014, figures include an estimated level of education for missing values for these immigrants. See About the statistics for more information
    2Includes intermediate level courses based on completed upper secondary level, but which are not accredited as higher education.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Immigrants by country background and educational attainment
    Immigrants by country background and educational attainment1
    Level of education, in totalNo completed educationBelow upper secondary educationUpper secondary educationTertiary vokational education2 Higher education, short3 Higher education, long4
    Total844 9598 928241 757236 25411 828196 426149 766
    Poland103 9127319 70850 8481 04316 77015 470
    Lithuania40 16014411 05913 26931211 1724 204
    Sweden35 2311264 54912 46364211 6945 757
    Syria30 48024319 5254 3642224 7101 416
    Somalia26 4301 55015 5755 7682172 719601
    Germany25 432404 8616 2483156 5427 426
    Ukraine42 639668 7247 13375110 41215 553
    Philippines23 4851135 0665 5364459 2313 094
    Iraq22 7044919 5505 4652945 0351 869
    Eritrea22 96528113 6896 0963182 132449
    Pakistan22 3307898 9764 4492334 7993 084
    Thailand21 82155810 2975 8752333 8441 014
    Iran19 6593294 9734 4173905 0194 531
    Russia20 526304 1854 0503824 6347 245
    Denmark18 035192 5136 3614375 1843 521
    Other countries369 1504 07698 50793 9125 59492 52974 532
    1For many immigrants SSB has no information about their education. From 2014, figures include an estimated level of education for missing values for these immigrants. See About the statistics for more information.
    2Includes intermediate level courses based on completed upper secondary level, but which are not accredited as higher education.
    3Higher education, short comprises higher education up to 4 years in duration.
    4Higher education, long comprises higher education more than 4 years in duration.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Reason for immigration and educational attainment
    Reason for immigration and educational attainment1 2
    NumbersPer cent
    TotalNo completed educationBasic school levelUpper secondary education3 Higher education, short4 Higher education, long5
    Sex, reason for immigration and country background
    Both sexes695 7351.
    Males352 7840.631.631.419.116.2
    Females342 9511.328.522.925.620.2
    Total221 8390.217.535.623.122.6
    Males134 2320.220.245.517.715.5
    Females56 6120.113.325.731.028.6
    Males2 7360.823.718.922.932.9
    Males13 1060.511.78.634.144.8
    Females4 8320.
    North America
    Males1 7100.27.75.734.550.9
    Females1 104-7.23.534.454.6
    Latin America and the Caribbean
    Males3 2310.217.413.524.743.1
    Females2 1160.318.611.328.540.2
    Total247 1691.135.025.922.714.0
    Males28 5950.238.033.416.510.5
    Females62 0260.223.028.624.821.8
    Males14 6220.951.625.215.85.5
    Females20 6102.546.824.918.45.8
    Males28 9020.842.425.319.910.5
    Females73 8172.137.422.325.511.5
    North America
    Males2 099:15.515.638.329.7
    Females2 5540.112.511.838.636.1
    Latin America and the Caribbean
    Males3 8640.433.426.920.017.5
    Females9 3230.625.223.625.922.5
    Total182 7781.943.023.018.711.9
    Males25 5680.127.228.721.820.3
    Females35 0810.421.922.425.028.6
    Males27 7512.356.
    Females19 7775.754.
    Males47 7061.451.721.317.86.6
    Females26 1773.548.720.619.56.4
    North America
    Latin America and the Caribbean
    Total39 8380.111.08.631.547.5
    Males5 2380.115.89.422.151.8
    Females10 0310.
    Males1 904-6.03.527.162.5
    Females1 311:
    Males6 318-4.54.829.660.4
    Females11 4150.
    North America
    Latin America and the Caribbean
    Females1 066:13.09.624.451.0
    Total4 1110.620.320.530.427.0
    Males1 263:16.621.531.829.1
    Females1 159:16.019.830.531.8
    North America
    Latin America and the Caribbean
    1For many immigrants SSB has no information about their level of education. 2014 figures includes an estimated level of education for missing values for these immigrants. See About the statistics for more information.
    2Very few non-Nordic immigrants resident after 1989 lacks reason for immigration. Unknown reason for immigration is therefore not included in this table.
    3Includes intermediate level courses based on completed upper secondary level, but which are not accredited as tertiary education
    4Higher education, short comprises higher education up to 4 years in duration.
    5Higher education, long comprises higher education more than 4 years in duration.
    The table were updated with figures for 2022 5 June 2023.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 23 May 2024.

Completed education

Educational activities that are completed at an educational institution during the period in question.

The Norwegian Standard Classification of Education (NUS)

The Norwegian Standard Classification of Education is a 6-digit code system that classifies educational activities by level and field. The level classification is intended to give the best possible notion of the educational system structure in Norway. The 1st digit indicates the level of education. Furthermore, 2-4 digits indicate detailed field division. The entire six-digits state the specific study programs.


Persons born abroad of two foreign-born parents and four foreign-born grandparents.

Norwegian-born to immigrant parents

Persons born in Norway of two parents born abroad, and in addition have four grandparents born abroad.


Calculated as of December 31.

International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED): The international statistical standard for classification of education

Education level

The definitions of the various educational levels used in the statistics on the Educational Attainment of the Population are as follows:

COMPULSORY SCHOOL LEVEL: Compulsory schooling (in the statistics called 'Below upper secondary education') in Norway is divided into a primary level and a lower secondary level. The primary level consists of grades 1-7 while the lower secondary level consists of grades 8-10. In the statistics, it includes (i)-(iv):

(i) Individuals with educational attainment at only primary level. This information is derived from surveys and implies to a large extent to immigrants who have stated primary level as their highest educational attainment.

  • NUS-level = 1
  • ISCED2011-level = 1

(ii) All individuals who complete compulsory schooling, regardless of their results.

  • NUS2000-level = 2
  • ISCED2011-level = 2

(iii) From the school-year 1975/1976 up to and including the school-year 1994/1995: All individuals who have completed upper secondary education with a duration of less than two years, i.e. mainly study programs at primary level.

  • NUS-level = 2
  • ISCED2011-level = 2

(iv) From the school-year 1995/1996 onwards: All individuals who have completed upper secondary education with a duration of less than three years, i.e. mainly study programs at primary level and upper secondary level-I courses.

  • NUS-level = 2
  • ISCED2011-level = 2

UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL LEVEL: People who have completed both primary and lower secondary education or the equivalent have the right to three years’ full-time upper secondary education, either general theoretical education or vocational education and training. In the statistics, it includes (i)-(iv):

(i) All individuals who have completed upper secondary education prior to 1974/1975, regardless of the education’s length.

  • NUS-level = 3 and 4
  • ISCED2011-level = 3

(ii) From the school-year 1975/1976 up to and including the school-year 1994/1995: All individuals who have completed upper secondary education with a duration of two years or more, i.e. mainly upper secondary level-I and level-II courses.

  • NUS-level = 3 and 4
  • ISCED2011-level = 3

(iii) From the school-year 1995/1996 onwards: All individuals who have completed upper secondary education with a duration of three years or more, i.e. mainly upper secondary level-II courses/third-year upper secondary courses.

  • NUS-level = 4
  • ISCED2011-level = 3

(iv) From the school-year 1998/1999 onwards: All individuals who have obtained less than 120 credits at tertiary level, and who do not have a tertiary vocational education with a duration of less than two years.

  • NUS-level = 4
  • ISCED2011-level = 3

TERTIARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION LEVEL: Includes all individuals who completed tertiary vocational education (both 2-years and 2-years or more), but which are not approved as higher education (i.e. academic tertiary education).

  • NUS-level = 5
  • ISCED2011-level = 3, 4 (duration of less than 2 years) and 5 (2 years or more)

HIGHER EDUCATION – undergraduate level:

(i) All individuals who have completed a tertiary education with a duration of up to four years.

  • NUS-level = 6
  • ISCED2011-level = 5, 6 and 7 (one-year master’s programs)

(ii) From the academic-year 1998/1999 onwards: All individuals who have obtained 120 credits or more at tertiary level, regardless of obtaining a degree.

  • NUS-level = 6
  • ISCED2011-level = 5

HIGHER EDUCATION – postgraduate level:

(i) All individuals who have completed a tertiary education with a duration of more than four years.

  • NUS-level = 7
  • ISCED2011-level = 7

(ii) All individuals who have completed a doctoral degree.

  • NUS-level = 8
  • ISCED2011-level = 8

Educational activities are grouped by the Norwegian Standard Classification of Education (NUS) which was established in 1970 by Statistics Norway and later revised in 1973, 1989 and 2000. Educational institutions are classified as being higher education by the Standard Industrial Classification.

For international purposes, ISCED 2011 - The International Standard Classification of Education is used .

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