Electoral turnout

Updated: 1 November 2023

Next update: Not yet determined

Voted in the last municipal elections
Voted in the last municipal elections
Electoral turnout, by sex, age and education
Electoral turnout, by sex, age and education
General electionMunicipal county council elections
Both sexes78.
18-19 years72.771.748.355.6
20-24 years64.365.436.445.5
25-44 years74.372.051.552.5
45-66 years83.682.367.769.1
67-79 years85.985.075.977.4
80 years or older69.170.356.864.4
Level of education
Basic school level64.561.144.945.9
Upper secondary education79.577.561.262.7
Higher education89.688.075.075.1
Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The statistics show voter turnout for general elections and municipal council and county council elections by gender, age level of education eg. for country,county and some municipalities. Time series from 1969.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 10 June 2021.

The estimates for electoral turnout are based on whether the persons entitled to vote was at the polling station and cast a ballot. The voter will then be ticked off in the electoral roll. We do not know if the ballot will be rejected eg. The estimates for electoral turnout and number of votes for the sum of parties will not be 100% in accordance. however, the discrepancy is very small.

Name: Electoral turnout
Topic: Elections

Not yet determined

Division for Population Statistics


Every 2 year.

Not relevant

The statistics files are stored long term in SSB.

Not relevant

The political parties and journalists are frequent users of the statistics. The statistics are also used by ministries in the calculation of financial support to the parties, municipalities and county municipalities. Students and election researchers are also frequent users.

Ingen eksterne brukere har tilgang til statistikk før den er publisert samtidig for alle kl. 08.00 på ssb.no etter forhåndsvarsling senest tre måneder før i Statistikkalenderen. Dette er et av de viktigste prinsippene i SSB for å sikre likebehandling av brukerne.

Not relevant

Act on Official Statistics and Statistics Norway §§ 10 and 20.

Not relevant

All persons entitled to vote

Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
Not relevant
