Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Municipal and county council election, electoral survey

The statistics show the behaviour of the Norwegian electorate in local elections, e.g. party preference by age, gender education and immigrant background.

Updated: 19 January 2024
Next update: Not yet determined

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Support for the different parties, by sex (per cent)
    Support for the different parties, by sex (per cent)
    Labour Party23261924
    Progress Party97149
    Conservative Party22182823
    Christian Democratic Party4444
    Centre Party6879
    Socialist Left Party3458
    Liberal Party151455
    Green Party4844
    Red Party4334
    Other lists88118
    Explanation of symbols
  • Party profiles, by sex, age and level of education (per cent)
    Party profiles, by sex, age and level of education (per cent)
    Labour PartyProgress PartyConservative PartyChristian Democratic PartyCentre PartySocialist Left PartyLiberal PartyGreen PartyRed PartyOther lists
    18-19 years2633143132
    20-24 years47572961132
    25-44 years19182227234337442924
    45-66 years48434535473039394346
    67-79 years2422202219141242120
    80 years or older4456812115
    Basic school level1731141516131261521
    Upper secondary education40524134502619233450
    Higher education43174551346169715129
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 22 June 2021.

Norwegian citizens who turn 18 before the end of the election year have the right to vote in parliamentary elections. In the municipal council and county council elections, Nordic citizens also have the right to vote if they were registered as resident in Norway no later than 30 June in the election year. Other foreign nationals have the right to vote if they have been entered in the population register as a resident for the last three years before election day.

Political interest

The questions are asked as follows: How interested are you in politics in general? Very interested, quite interested, not very interested, completely uninterested. In the tables we show the proportion who have answered Very interested or quite interested.

Personal votes

There are many different reasons why a voter might give personal votes. To what extent did the following reasons influence your decision to give a personal vote in the municipal elections?

To a large extent, To some extent, Not at all. In the tables we show the proportion who have answered To a large extent, To some extent.

Reasons not to vote

There are many different reasons why people do not vote in municipal elections. Indicate the extent to which the following reasons were important in your decision not to vote in these municipal elections... Very important, Moderately important, Slightly important, Not important. In the tables we show the proportion who answered Very important or Moderately important.

Not relevant

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