
Board and management in limited companies
Gives an overview of board representatives and general managers in companies
Entrepreneurs in business enterprise sector
Statistics on entrepreneurs and the survival of enterprises
Shares and dividend payments
Gives an overview of ownership of and dividends from Norwegian limited and public limited companies
Ownership and roles in business enterprise sector
The statistics has been discontinued

Analyses, articles and publications

Showing 5 of 5
  1. The entrepreneur statistics have been revised since the previous publication, and this has led to some changes in the figures. These changes apply to the entire time series. The main changes are explained in this article.

  2. This report has a broader perspective on women's representation on the boards of Norwegian joint-stock companies than the official statistics.

  3. This report analyzes the transition to self-employment among immigrants and others with an immigrant background compared to the natives, and to what extent they maintain their businesses.

  4. This report shows some implications of entrepreneurship among immigrants for individual income and wealth relative to non-entrepreurs and compared to native entrepreneurs.

  5. Norway enacted multiple tax reforms in the period 2004-2018.

Older analyses, articles and publications
for subtopic ownership and roles.