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Accounting data for non-financial limited companies
Accounting data for non-financial limited companies provides an overview of the companies' profit and loss statements, balance sheets and analytical figures for different industry groups and county.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Accounting statistics for non-financial limited companiesDownload table as ...Accounting statistics for non-financial limited companies1
NOK million Per cent 2022 2023 2022 - 2023 Income statement Operating income (NOK million) 8 717 887 8 256 588 -5.3 Operating profit (NOK million) 1 728 927 1 203 491 -30.4 Profit before tax (NOK million) 2 308 818 1 845 787 -20.1 Net profit (NOK million) 1 230 974 1 141 995 -7.2 Balance sheet Fixed assets (NOK million) 13 368 857 13 926 435 4.2 Current assets (NOK million) 6 439 256 6 060 766 -5.9 Equity (NOK million) 9 254 273 9 560 927 3.3 Liabilities (NOK million) 10 553 839 10 426 274 -1.2 1Figures for 2023 are preliminary. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Selected accounting figures, income statement. NOK million.Download table as ...Selected accounting figures, income statement. NOK million.1
2021 2022 2023 Operating income (NOK million) 6 874 883 8 717 887 8 256 588 Revenue (NOK million) 6 447 255 8 254 346 7 789 054 Operating expences (NOK million) 5 917 805 6 988 960 7 053 097 Raw materials and consumables used (NOK million) 3 168 826 3 824 813 4 126 847 Payroll expence (NOK million) 1 057 554 1 165 721 1 189 723 Depreciation and write down of tangible and intangible fixed ass. (NOK million) 326 423 344 690 417 834 Operating profit (NOK million) 957 078 1 728 927 1 203 491 Income from subsidiaries, other group entities and from ass. (NOK million) 282 600 334 076 623 369 Interest income (NOK million) 57 888 121 120 190 340 Interest expence (NOK million) 143 960 211 006 275 935 Write-down of financial assets (NOK million) 74 941 133 170 105 670 Financial items, net (NOK million) 701 010 579 891 642 297 Profit before tax (NOK million) 1 658 088 2 308 818 1 845 787 Tax (NOK million) 516 701 1 078 071 700 793 Net profit (NOK million) 1 144 713 1 230 974 1 141 995 Proposed dividends (NOK million) .. .. .. Number of enterprises 331 371 346 452 353 374 1Figures for 2023 are preliminary. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Selected accounting figures. Balance sheet. NOK millionDownload table as ...Selected accounting figures. Balance sheet. NOK million1
2021 2022 2023 Fixed assets (NOK million) 11 948 491 13 368 857 13 926 435 Intangible fixed assets (NOK million) 416 769 577 598 639 419 Tangible fixed assets (NOK million) 3 603 204 3 799 360 3 979 441 Financial fixed assets (NOK million) 7 928 519 8 991 899 9 307 575 Current assets (NOK million) 5 297 870 6 439 256 6 060 766 Inventories (NOK million) 575 251 678 030 672 202 Debitors (NOK million) 2 833 933 3 601 095 3 330 937 Investments (NOK million) 743 300 916 710 916 365 Cash and bank deposits etc (NOK million) 1 145 385 1 243 421 1 141 262 Total assets (NOK million) 17 246 361 19 808 113 19 987 201 Equity (NOK million) 8 169 685 9 254 273 9 560 927 Invested equity (NOK million) 5 084 108 5 644 741 5 962 168 Retained earnings (NOK million) 3 085 577 3 609 532 3 598 759 Liabilities (NOK million) 9 076 676 10 553 839 10 426 274 Provisions (NOK million) 938 060 983 243 1 065 154 Other long-term liabilities (NOK million) 4 083 208 4 492 790 4 553 206 Short-term liabilities (NOK million) 4 055 408 5 077 807 4 807 914 Total equity and liabilities (NOK million) 17 246 361 19 808 113 19 987 201 Number of enterprises 331 371 346 452 353 374 1Figures for 2023 are preliminary. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Key figures for limited companiesDownload table as ...Key figures for limited companies1
2021 2022 2023 Operating profit margin (per cent)2 13.9 19.8 14.6 Operating margin (per cent)3 24.1 26.5 22.4 Return on total assets (per cent)4 10.4 12.7 10.6 Return on equity (per cent)5 14.0 13.3 12.0 Equity ratio (per cent)6 47.4 46.7 47.8 Current ratio7 1.31 1.27 1.26 Number of enterprises 331 371 346 452 353 374 1Figures for 2023 are preliminary. 2Operating profit in per cent of operating income. 3Profit before tax in per cent of operating income. 4Profit before tax + interest expense in per cent of total equity and liabilities at 31 December. 5Net profit in per cent of total equity at 31 December. 6Equity in per cent of total equity and liabilities at 31 December. 7Current assets at 31 December in proportion to short-term liabilities at 31 December. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 20 March 2025.
Operating income and operating expenses are ordinary income and expenses outside financial ones. Operating income is divided into sales revenues (taxable and tax-free), rental income, commission revenues, profits from the sale of fixed assets and other operating-related revenues. Operating expenses include changes in stocks, costs of raw materials and consumables used, wages and salaries, depreciation and write-downs of tangible fixed assets and intangible fixed assets as well as a number of different types of other operating expenses. Examples of operating expenses that are specified are subcontracting, repair and maintenance and expenses relating to means of transport.
Cost of raw materials and consumables used includes stock changes of work in progress and finished goods.
Wages and salaries include wages, holiday pay, employers' national insurance premium, pension costs and other personnel expenses.
Financial income and financial expenses are ordinary revenues and expenses relating to investments, securities, receivables and liabilities. The financial items also include share of earnings relating to foreign exchange gains and losses (agio) and value changes of market-based current asset investments.
Extraordinary revenues and expenses apply to material items that are unusual for the business and do not occur regularly. These records are excluded from statistics year 2022 due to changes in Accounting Act.
Taxes represent taxes relating to the accounting result, and consist of taxes payable, expected reimbursement claims from owners and changes in deferred taxes. Taxes payable are the taxes expected to be assessed on the year's taxable income corrected for any discrepancy between calculated and assessed taxes the year before.
Allocation of the profit/loss for the year shows how a profit is allocated and losses are covered. It provides information on transfers to/from equity and dividends to owners.
Fixed assets cover assets that are mainly included in the enterprise's long-term creation of value and are intended for permanent ownership or use, as well as receivables and securities scheduled for repayment later than one year after the time of settlement. This includes tangible fixed assets broken down into buildings and facilities, facilities under construction, transport equipment, machinery etc. Long-term receivables and investments are included as fixed assets, such as investments in other activities and loans to enterprises in the same group.
Current assets are assets relating to the enterprise's sales of goods and services, or which are expected to have a functional period of less than one year in operation. This includes cash and short-term capital investments (cash, bank deposits, shares, bonds etc.), receivables and inventories. Receivables are current assets if it has been agreed or scheduled that they shall be repaid within one year after the end of the financial year.
Equity is the portion of the total capital belonging to the owners, and is shown as the value of assets less liabilities. Equity is classified in two main divisions, invested equity and retained earnings. Invested equity consists of share capital and share premium accounts. Retained earnings consist of fund for assessment differences and other reserves/uncovered losses.
Liabilities cover all obligations that can come to place restrictions on the future use of the enterprise's resources, and are divided into provisions for liabilities and charges (pension commitments, deferred tax liabilities, etc., other long-term liabilities and short-term liabilities. Long-term liabilities are legal or financial obligations not meant to be redeemed during the coming accounting period, and are not related to the enterprise's short-term sales of goods and services. Short-term liabilities are liabilities that fall due for payment within one year from the time of settlement, or are directly related to the enterprise's short-term sales of goods and services.
see Variable Definitions for an explanation of variabels and other terms in accounting statistics.
Industrial classification is in accordance with the revised Norwegian Standard Industrial Classification. Limited companies operating in several fields are mainly grouped by the activity that contributes the most to the company's overall added value.
For the years before 2007, earlier versions of the Standard for industrial classification, Standard Industrial Classification (SN) 2002, have been used.
The sector classification follows classifications from the Standard forInstitutional Sector Classification.