Accounting statistics, non-financial enterprises foreign financing

Updated: 4 March 2025

Next update: 5 June 2025

Year-to-year change in total liabilities abroad
Year-to-year change in total liabilities abroad
4th quarter 2023 - 4th quarter 2024
Assets and liabilities in foreign countries. NOK million. Preliminary figures
Assets and liabilities in foreign countries. NOK million. Preliminary figures
4th quarter 2024Change in per cent
3rd quarter 2024 - 4th quarter 20244th quarter 2023 - 4th quarter 2024
Total assets2 375 7680.9-4.1
Fixed assets1 583 003-2.5-2.1
Current assets792 7658.2-7.7
Total liabilities1 646 3874.82.5
Long-term liabilities1 076 6183.86.9
Short-term liabilities569 7696.8-5.0
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Assets and liabilities in foreign countries, yearly figures by category. NOK million
    Assets and liabilities in foreign countries, yearly figures by category. NOK million1
    Total assets1 822 1812 335 8432 669 4932 791 020
    Fixed assets1 310 9021 474 8111 628 3731 805 852
    Intangible fixed assets abroad328367203242
    Tangible fixed assets abroad31 09732 53735 37639 427
    Financial fixed assets abroad1 279 4771 441 9081 592 7941 766 183
    Investment in subsidiaries, other group companies or associated companies abroad925 5491 014 6581 158 7201 275 823
    Loans to group companies329 743396 600401 105446 259
    Current assets511 280861 0311 041 120985 168
    Debitors abroad343 648599 133693 916607 431
    Investments abroad149 314239 155304 817322 354
    Bank deposits abroad18 31822 74442 38755 383
    Total liabilities1 555 2591 636 0051 743 3461 770 217
    Long term liabilities1 095 5321 010 8901 069 4681 086 093
    Bond loans abroad472 902418 094509 510528 379
    Liabilities to foreign financial institutions205 789182 275157 837158 413
    Long-term liabilities to group companies abroad369 056357 068353 617341 307
    Short-term liabilities459 727625 114673 878684 125
    Short-term liabilities to group companies abroad310 730361 735421 307418 609
    1Figures from last year are preliminary.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Assets and liabilities in foreign countries, by continent. NOK million. Preliminary figures
    Assets and liabilities in foreign countries, by continent. NOK million. Preliminary figures
    Total assetsFixed assetsCurrent assetsTotal liabilitiesLong-term liabilitiesShort-term liabilities
    Total2 791 0201 805 852985 1681 770 2171 086 093684 125
    Europe except Nordic countries1 944 3201 135 199809 1211 162 458742 506419 953
    Of which
    Belgium16 0427 7438 299104 405....
    Sweden378 724246 836131 888174 22395 91078 313
    United Kingdom301 782142 152159 630271 996195 57476 423
    Germany157 20680 26576 94198 15052 25745 894
    Netherlands293 040259 92433 115127 08969 64857 441
    Denmark182 378127 32355 05563 59728 06635 531
    Russia2 5281 7397901 141....
    France165 39225 762139 63030 83817 91212 927
    Switzerland35 2299 37425 85428 95511 22817 727
    Finland106 81268 54838 26461 00525 55535 450
    Ireland76 80829 16347 64544 80734 21410 594
    Cyprus7 4585 3572 1012 3251 338987
    Luxembourg44 58520 17324 412107 319100 0277 292
    Iceland12 07811 0771 0011 477....
    Northern, Central America and the Caribbean367 470298 11369 357426 178292 511133 667
    Of which
    United States316 750268 46648 284394 213271 821122 392
    Bermuda12 8508 8184 0325 0243 4521 572
    Canada25 33215 00710 32519 05614 0035 053
    Asia205 941138 88967 05279 10932 14446 965
    Of which
    Singapore101 38779 57021 81730 7796 15624 623
    South Korea20 64510 9659 6811 523....
    China16 63013 0063 62515 202....
    Africa23 90915 5118 39816 4746816 405
    Of which
    Angola3 2171 7601 4577 95107 951
    Algeria4 308......0..
    South America210 257202 7147 5434 8506364 214
    Of which
    Brazil185 241180 4424 7992 6555722 082
    Oceania22 3348 67013 6645 1431 5703 573
    Of which
    Australia18 7276 16512 5624 6391 4963 143
    Unknown16 7886 75710 03276 00616 65859 348
    Explanation of symbols
  • Assets and liabilities in foreign countries, quarterly figures by category. NOK million
    Assets and liabilities in foreign countries, quarterly figures by category. NOK million
    Total assetsFixed assetsCurrent assetsTotal liabilitiesLong-term liabilitiesShort-term liabilities
    4th quarter 20231 2 476 0551 617 228858 8271 606 7521 007 308599 444
    1st quarter 20241 2 461 4521 662 304799 1481 567 5921 068 432499 160
    2nd quarter 20241 2 410 2751 648 883761 3911 581 8711 050 144531 727
    3rd quarter 20241 2 355 4781 622 786732 6921 570 6191 037 074533 546
    4th quarter 20241 2 375 7681 583 003792 7651 646 3871 076 618569 769
    1The figures are preliminary.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The statistics gives an overview over Norwegian non-financial enterprises’ assets, liabilities, ownership, financial income and financial expenses abroad.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 23 April 2021.

The units below are regarded as Norwegian in the statistics:

Legal persons registered as Norwegian, excluding their affiliates abroad. The definition is valid regardless of the owner’s nationality. Hence, foreign-owned companies registered as Norwegian are regarded as Norwegian units.

Affiliates in Norway of foreign registered legal persons. Physical persons permanently residing in Norway, regardless of citizenship. The following units are regarded as foreign in the statistics:

Legal persons registered abroad, including Norwegian-owned companies that are registered abroad.

Norwegian companies’ affiliates abroad.

Physical persons permanently residing abroad, regardless of citizenship.

Fixed assets in foreign countries cover assets that are mainly included in the company’s long-term creation of value and are intended for permanent ownership or use. They also include receivables and securities scheduled for repayment later than one year after the time of the settlement. They include tangible fixed assets, long-term receivables and investments. Investments include securities, shares and loans to other companies within the same group.

Current assets are assets relating to the company’s sales of goods and services (stocks of goods are not included, but assets and liabilities concerning sales of goods are), and assets which are expected to have a functional period of less than one year in production. This includes cash and short-term capital in foreign countries, foreign receivables and inventories.

The data are based on accounting legislation, and the values do not necessarily give a good picture of the real or the market value of the assets.

Liabilities cover all obligations that may limit the company’s future use of its resources. They are divided into short-term and long-term liabilities to foreign countries. Long-term liabilities are legal or financial obligations not meant to be redeemed during the coming accounting period. They are not related to the company’s short-term sales of goods and services. Short-term liabilities are liabilities that fall due for payment within one year from the time of settlement. Liabilities which are directly related to the company’s short-term sales of goods and services also fall in this category.

Companies applying the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) classify proposed dividends as a part of the equity, and not as a short-term liability.

In the statistics, assets and liabilities are grouped into assets and liabilities in companies within own group and assets and liabilities in companies that are not in own group.

The annual statistics are broken-down by groups of countries.

Groups of countries are based on the ISO standard 3166.

Name: Accounting statistics, non-financial enterprises foreign financing
Topic: Establishments, enterprises and accounts

5 June 2025

Division for Business Dynamics Statistics

The annual statistics are divided into countries or groups of countries.

Annually and quarterly statistics on non-financial companies’ foreign financial income, foreign financial expenses and foreign balance sheet items. The quarterly statistics are published 10 weeks after the quarter’s end, while the annual statistics are published within one year after the fiscal year.

The statistics are part of the basis for the Balance of Payment of non-financial companies, and partly the basis for reporting of Foreign Direct Investment to international organizations as IMF, OECD and Eurostat.

Statistical files are stored.

The purpose of the statistics is to give an overview over Norwegian non-financial companies’ foreign economy (assets, liabilities, ownership, financial income and financial expenses).

Parts of the earlier basis for the Balance of Payments statistics were closed, and this statistics was established to replace parts of the basis. The statistics also gives information on non-financial companies’ foreign assets and liabilities was previously collected as a part of the Financial Census.

The Accounting Statistics, non-financial companies foreign financing, are a part of the Balance of Payment.

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on at 8 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given inthe Statistics Release Calendar.

For more information about the principles for equal treatment of users in releasing statistics and analyses, click here.

Accounting statistics, non-financial companies' foreign financing, is part of the basis of the Balance of Payment. The statistics is also part of the international reporting of assets and liabilities to foreign countries. The data collection is partly joint with the statistics on import and export of services.

The quarterly statistics cover the sample, and do not give figures for the entire population. The statistics is not directly comparable with the Balance of Payment.

Statistics Act Sections 10 and 20.

Council Regulation (EF) 184/2005.

The statistics are based on a survey of the 600 largest non-financial companies. The size of the company is measured by assets and liabilities in foreign countries, foreign shares and foreign ownership.

The population is based on the Financial Census of 2003 and taxation data.

Data are collected from non-financial companies, and are matched with information from the accounting statistics, stock statistics and the Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises.

The data are collected quarterly from the about 600 largest companies quarterly. The annual statistics cover approximately 3000 companies, where the 600 largest are included.

The data are collected by electronic questionnaires. The respondents must report within 30 days after the quarter, but have longer time to report the annual data.

The data are checked when reported to Statistics Norway, and for some types of errors, the respondent is contacted to get the errors corrected. The data are also verified by comparing them with data from other sources, like previous reports and accounting data.

Not relevant

Figures are not published in a way which makes it possible to identify particular units in the statistics.

Revisions in the accounting legislation may cause less comparability over time.

The reported data are based on the tax questionnaire on accounting. The interpretation of figures concerning Norwegian amounts and amounts toward foreign countries may vary from company to company, and cause missing values. There may also be errors in reporting. One of the most common errors stem from differences between variables as defined by Statistics Norway and as they are in the company’s accounting system or general ledger. The separation of the figures into Norwegian and foreign may also cause errors.

Non-response weakens the quality of the statistics. To minimize non-response, missing data are imputed electronically.

To secure high relevance at low cost, ensuring that the largest companies are in the sample is emphasised. There is no complete register covering all units in the population. Due to this, it might be units in the population not covered by the sample.

Not relevant


Nazia Yousaf