Establishments, enterprises and accounts;Immigration and immigrants

Ownership and roles in business enterprise sector (discontinued)1 January 2013


Shareholders in public and private limited companies, by gender and share
Both sexesFemalesMales
Number of shareholdersShare of shareholdersNumber of shareholdersShare of shareholdersShare of shareholdersNumber of shareholdersShare of shareholdersShare of shareholders
Total1 073 705100.0289 31026.9100.0784 39573.1100.0
0-1 per cent830 53477.4229 07827.679.2601 45672.476.7
1-9 per cent48 1844.513 05727.14.535 12772.94.5
10-24 per cent39 2483.711 99630.64.127 25269.43.5
25-49 per cent44 1374.111 77426.74.132 36373.34.1
50-74 per cent45 9694.312 44327.14.333 52672.94.3
75-99 per cent6 1100.61 12318.40.44 98781.60.6
100 per cent59 5235.59 83916.53.449 68483.56.3
Private limited company (AS)
Total416 267100.0111 35626.8100.0304 91173.2100.0
0-1 per cent173 38541.751 18029.546.0122 20570.540.1
1-9 per cent47 91311.513 00927.211.734 90472.811.4
10-24 per cent39 2339.411 98830.610.827 24569.48.9
25-49 per cent44 13710.611 77426.710.632 36373.310.6
50-74 per cent45 96711.012 44327.111.233 52472.911.0
75-99 per cent6 1091.51 12318.41.04 98681.61.6
100 per cent59 52314.39 83916.58.849 68483.516.3
Public limited company (ASA)
Total657 438100.0177 95427.1100.0479 48472.9100.0
0-1 per cent657 149100.0177 89827.1100.0479 25172.9100.0
1-9 per cent2710.04817.70.022382.30.0
10-24 per cent150.0853.30.0746.70.0
25-49 per cent00.
50-74 per cent20.000.00.02100.00.0
75-99 per cent10.000.00.01100.00.0
100 per cent00.