Establishments, enterprises and accounts

Enterprises1 January 2018


Enterprises as of January 1, newly-established enterprises and discontinued enterprises, by county
Enterprises as of January 1Newly-established enterprisesDiscontinued enterprises (final figures)Enterprises as of January 1Newly-established enterprisesDiscontinued enterprises (estimated)Enterprises as of January 1 (estimated)
Total415 36562 02858 186421 22561 53359 724418 456
Østfold21 7703 0122 99722 0602 8753 37421 441
Akershus48 0477 3637 05248 9877 2677 74548 247
Oslo76 26713 68212 62877 44313 21412 33977 196
Hedmark13 6071 6531 66613 7211 6871 64113 710
Oppland14 5181 7471 58914 7411 7441 76814 573
Buskerud23 8573 1613 15524 1093 1363 45723 614
Vestfold19 9492 8592 73620 2132 7672 90219 980
Telemark13 1951 7621 68713 3821 8171 79513 320
Aust-Agder8 8071 1501 0898 8941 2181 0818 989
Vest-Agder15 0112 1321 91815 2602 1072 16415 036
Rogaland33 0685 4304 75833 8054 6965 06832 930
Hordaland37 3205 7905 57637 5885 5925 27637 399
Sogn og Fjordane8 3269268288 5069307378 613
Møre og Romsdal18 7942 1852 12418 9222 3932 30118 638
Trøndelag00031 8425 2304 00432 789
Sør-Trøndelag (-2017)22 4653 5943 3830000
Nord-Trøndelag (-2017)8 9991 1031 0190000
Nordland15 2552 0111 80315 5052 0881 95015 516
Troms - Romsa10 8861 6161 53910 9551 7911 54111 091
Finnmark - Finnmárku5 0166655935 0796885595 144
Other Norwegian territories2081874621329323233