Establishments, enterprises and accounts



Enterprises, by economic activity and size groups. NACE Rev. 2
Employed, total0 persons employed1-4 persons employed5-9 persons employed10-19 persons employed20-49 persons employed50-99 persons employed100-249 persons employed250 persons employed and more
Total435 093136 115243 60127 72315 1858 3212 1881 264696
Agriculture, forestry and fishing73 25717 07655 0128252437712102
Mining and quarrying1 072293428987174293643
Manufacturing17 5064 2298 3011 8031 3561 070392237118
Electricity, gas, steam og air conditioning supply1 09551329448749041278
Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remedioation activities1 0853734609382471785
Construction52 73112 61731 6604 2632 5271 25026710344
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles51 04710 82325 9637 7324 0681 733363222143
Transportation and storage21 5883 59214 6281 8537864421278674
Accomodation and food service activities10 8991 4715 4711 9001 2506001285524
Information and communication14 8985 8366 9958645473931418141
Financial and insurance activities13 62112 199851187135132493929
Real estate activities45 83534 9989 895643208641692
Profesional, scientific and technical activities42 21914 18624 0712 1601 0694991297035
Admiminstrative and support service activities17 6806 5138 5651 10366146918512163
Public administration and defence, compulsory social security000000000
Education6 20945 33839020520548181
Human health and social work activities27 487523 2262 0171 1647971489040
Arts, entertainment and recreation21 8197 97012 73150932720545239
Other service activities14 0222 8629 2741 215406172502815
Activities of household as employers, undifferentiated goods- og services-producing activities of households for own account30127200000
Activities of household as employers, undifferentiated goods- og services-producing activities of households for own account34018951100