Establishments, enterprises and accounts
Statistics show enterprises with turnover and employment in all industries, except general government. In 2013, there were 437 000 active enterprises in Norway.



Number of enterprises, by economic activity and size groups. 2013
 Total number of enterprises0 persons employed1-4 persons employed5-9 persons employed10-19 persons employed20-49 persons employed50-99 persons employed100-249 persons employed250 and more persons employed
Corrected 20 September 2016.
All industries437 247144 041237 37627 76315 4258 4402 2171 279706
Agriculture, forestry and fishing71 62120 20350 269798243841392
Mining and quarrying1 091313435886968354043
Manufacturing17 2814 3018 0951 7421 3311 053399239121
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply1 12552830156679741278
Water supply1 1334214579580521486
Construction54 02913 56131 6634 3752 6391 35928310643
Wholesale and retail trade50 63211 29925 0957 7794 0581 671356226148
Transportation and storage21 5393 83614 3121 8567854461448872
Accommodation and food service activities10 9781 5285 3541 9461 2936341405726
Information and communication15 2656 1107 0708475654071398938
Financial and insurance activities14 37112 991837167131126474329
Real estate activities46 48436 0019 561621208691572
Professional, scientific and technical activities43 25114 97824 2342 1471 1355161337533
Administrative and support service activities18 1776 8458 6571 12270347618112469
Public administration and defence..................
Education6 341105 45937522220650181
Human health and social work activities27 1091222 8871 9561 1568241478839
Arts, entertainment and recreation21 7037 81012 8465183121693099
Other service activities14 3842 9739 4601 257422181492616
Activities of household as employers28127............
Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies3501810511....