Establishments, enterprises and accounts
Statistics show enterprises with turnover and employment in all industries, except general government. In 2013, there were 437 000 active enterprises in Norway.



Number of enterprises, person employed and turnover, by economic activity. Turnover in NOK million. 2013
 EnterprisesTurnover (NOK million)Persons employed
Corrected 8 November 2016.
All industries437 2475 418 2321 897 270
Agriculture, forestry and fishing71 621117 70374 798
Mining and quarrying1 0911 312 44570 118
Manufacturing17 281726 341235 418
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply1 125122 26715 871
Water supply1 13322 1498 058
Construction54 029430 469218 335
Wholesale and retail trade50 6321 429 501366 930
Transportation and storage21 539372 503153 363
Accommodation and food service activities10 97867 91192 745
Information and communication15 265217 08290 481
Financial and insurance activities14 371..46 054
Real estate activities46 484131 96126 969
Professional, scientific and technical activities43 251229 789128 001
Administrative and support service activities18 177171 104131 322
Public administration and defence......
Education6 341..25 330
Human health and social work activities27 109..128 745
Arts, entertainment and recreation21 70350 37934 928
Other service activities14 38416 62748 622
Activities of household as employers28..41
Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies35..294