Establishments, enterprises and accounts
Accounting statistics for non-financial foundations give us an overview of the foundations’ income, expenses, assets, equity and liabilities.

Accounting statistics for non-financial foundations2014


Accounting figures for non-financial foundations. Non-profit foundations. NOK million1
1Figures for 2012 and 2013 are revised. Updated figures can be found in the StatBank source table.
Income statement
Operating income28 18825 91227 270
Operating expences27 11424 89225 973
Payroll expences13 74712 18912 234
Operating profit1 0751 0211 293
Financial items, net129116151
Operating profit before tax1 2271 1401 447
Net profit1 1991 0831 394
Balance sheet
Fixed assets19 60218 73319 438
Intangible fixed assets510579583
Tangible fixed assets14 95513 99814 201
Financial fixed assets4 1384 1564 653
Current assets16 00915 87215 488
Debts2 5232 5242 786
Securities and other financial current assets4 8164 9814 499
Cash and bank deposits8 2987 9427 663
Total assets35 61134 60434 926
Equity19 22719 21018 997
Liabilities16 05915 27315 911
Provisions1 7502 0731 987
Long-term liabilities7 6896 8877 475
Short-term liabilities6 6206 3126 449
Equities and liabilities35 61134 60434 926
Key figures
Equity ratio54.055.554.4
Current ratio2.402.512.40
Number of enterprises2 8802 6622 465