Establishments, enterprises and accounts

Accounting statistics for non-financial limited companies2012, preliminary figures


Selected accounting figures. Balance sheet. NOK million
Fixed assets6 328 6606 604 0596 915 223
Intangible fixed assets223 625250 439244 120
Tangible fixed assets2 073 0832 153 6612 301 185
Financial fixed assets4 031 9534 199 9594 369 917
Current assets2 649 9442 772 7002 694 058
Inventories282 466308 788289 894
Debitors1 482 7441 581 5301 633 374
Investments279 499246 235167 410
Cash and bank deposits etc605 235636 148603 380
Total assets8 978 6059 376 7599 609 281
Equity3 752 3003 883 3983 981 606
Invested equity2 127 1962 234 8902 232 469
Retained earnings1 625 1041 648 5081 749 138
Liabilities5 226 3055 493 3615 627 675
Provisions402 576444 859469 845
Other long-term liabilities2 562 7522 659 9002 685 847
Short-term liabilities2 260 9772 388 6022 471 984
Total equity and liabilities8 978 6059 376 7599 609 281
Number of enterprises203 509205 500199 574