Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Victimisation and fear of crime, survey on living conditions

The statistic contains information about the victims and the incidents of theft, damage to property, violence and threats of violence in a twelve-month period. The population is residents aged 16 years and older. The statistics are based on data from the Norwegian Survey of living conditions, since 2004 as a national module in addition to the EU Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC), and various attached registry information.

Updated: 10 May 2024
Next update: Not yet determined

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Victimisation and fear of crime, by type of offence (per cent)
    Victimisation and fear of crime, by type of offence (per cent)
    Exposed to violence or threats of violence last 12 months, total5.
    Exposed to theft or criminal damage last 12 months10.
    Feared violence or threats in their home area recently6.
    Feared thefts or criminal damage recently10.510.39.49.510.0
    Number of respondents3 2126 1866 3935 9815 531
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 2 May 2024.

Exposed to violence: we ask the respondents whether they during the last 12 months have been exposed to violence with or without visible marks or injury. Accordingly, we ask how many times the respondent have been exposed to these kinds of incidents during the last 12 months.

Exposed to threats of violence: we ask respondents whether they during the last 12 months have been exposed to threats to the extent that they were scared. The question is asked as an extension of the questions about exposure to violence and is therefore referred to as "threat of violence". Thereafter we ask how many times this has occurred during this period.

Incidents of violence and threats: for up to six incidents of violence and threats in total, we ask about health consequences, police report, type of violence and threat, as well as time, place and several other characteristics of the incidents and perpetrators.

Exposed to theft or criminal damage: we ask the respondents whether they during the last 12 months have been exposed to theft or criminal damage, thereafter how many times this has occurred during this period.

Incidents of thefts or criminal damage: for up to five incidents of theft and damage in total, we ask about the value in Norwgian kroner (NOK) of the harm, police report, type of theft and criminal damage, as well as time, place and several other characteristics of the incidents.

Fear of violence or threats: the respondents are asked whether they recently have feared exposure to violence or threats of violence when walking alone in their neighbourhood.

Fear of thefts or criminal damage: we ask the respondents whether they recently have been anxious of being exposed to violence or threats when walking alone in their neighbourhood.

Definitions in tables of incidents

Relation to the offender: for all incidents of violence and threats, we ask: "Was this act carried out by an unknown person or by someone you knew?" Which of the following answer options fits best?". From and including 2023, "Boy-/girlfriend, partner, cohabitant (former incl.)" was added as one new answer option, and "Family member or relative" was simultaneously changed from two to one option. In the statistics, from and including the year 2023, these are grouped together in a new category "Family, cohabitant or partner (former incl.)". The answer options and categories in the statistics are otherwise almost identical for all years. However, after it became possible in 2023 to answer "Boy-/girlfriend, partner, cohabitant (former incl.)" it is assumed that somewhat fewer than before will choose the option "Neighbour, friend, colleague".

Descriptions of the offenders age, sex and influence of drugs or alcohol: for all incidents of violence and threats, we ask about characteristics of the perpetrator If there were several perpetrators, the characteristics of "the most active" are requested. If age is difficult to state, it is possible to estimate age within the age groups used in the statistics.

Scene of crime: for all incidents of violence and threats, the question "Where did this happen?" is asked, with a total of nine answer options. In the statistics, three of these options are grouped together "In own house or residential area", while three other options are grouped together in the category "In public area". "At work or place of study" is a grouping of two answer options where, among other things, it is specified to be "at your own workplace".

Value of the harm: for all incidents of theft and criminal damage, the question is asked: "What would you estimate the value of what was stolen/damaged? Estimate the value even if the loss was covered by insurance, and even if you got the stolen thing back." Up to and including 2018, amounts were given to the nearest 1,000 NOK. From and including 2023, the value can be given in a more precise amount of NOK.

Definition of background variables

Age: persons are grouped by age at the beginning of the year for the completion of the main part of the interview.

Sex: people are grouped by gender. The information is taken from the population register. Follows the standard of Classification of sex (KLASS2).

Area of residence: persons are grouped according to sparsely populated areas or densely populated areas of different size. Sparsely populated areas include clusters of houses with less than 200 inhabitants. Densely populated areas include areas with 200 inhabitants or more, and a distance between houses - as a main rule - not more than 50 meters. The statistic uses Classification of Residential areas (KLASS567) level 1 and 2 of the version Residential areas 2023.

Region: is a level between county and the entire country. The regions consist of a certain number of counties, and the statistics on victimisation and fear of crime use Classification of region (KLASS106), version Region 2002. The region Eastern Norway n.e.c. consist of Innlandet (former counties Hedmark and Oppland) and South Eastern Norway (the counties Østfold, Buskerud, Vestfold and Telemark). The region Western Norway consist of the counties Vestland (former Hordaland and Sogn og Fjordane) and Møre og Romsdal. Northern Norway consist of the counties Nordland, Troms and Finnmark.

Family cycle phase: persons are grouped mainly by age, marital status and whether the person has children. There is a distinction between singles and couples, where couples include both married and cohabitants. The concept single persons include persons not living in a relationship, and do not necessarily refer to persons living alone in the household. The groups with children consist of persons living with their own child(ren) (including stepchildren and adopted children) aged 0-19 years in the household.

Classification of Residential areas (KLASS567)

Classification of region (KLASS106)

Classification of families (KLASS17)

Classification of sex (KLASS2)


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