Production of commodities in manufacturing, mining and quarrying

Updated: 27 June 2024

Modified: 18 September 2024

Next update: 25 June 2025

Sold production
Sold production
937 690 219
NOK 1 000
Sold production of goods in the manufacturing industry. NOK 1 000
Sold production of goods in the manufacturing industry. NOK 1 000
Sold own production, value (NOK 1000)Change in per centProduction under sub-contracted operations, value (NOK 1000)Change in per cent
202220232022 - 2023202220232022 - 2023
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying896 254 484937 690 2194.67 700 78912 473 53962.0
Mining and quarrying11 806 44114 363 82921.7..::
Manufacturing884 448 043923 326 3904.47 700 789::
Codes with previous missing data were updated at 09.45 am on 12 August 2024.
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Sales of manufactured goods for large companies, manufacturing, mining and quarrying. NOK 1 000
    Sales of manufactured goods for large companies, manufacturing, mining and quarrying. NOK 1 000
    ValueProduction under sub-contracted operations, value (NOK 1000)
    Manufacturing, mining and quarrying896 254 484937 690 2197 700 78912 473 539
    Mining and quarrying11 806 44114 363 829..:
    Manufacturing884 448 043923 326 3907 700 789:
    Food, beverages and tobacco253 511 656285 258 00815 763519 618
    Textiles, wearing apparel, leather5 989 7165 675 93013 48695 029
    Wood and wood products31 963 03426 915 69310 518:
    Paper and paper products19 152 95619 125 138....
    Printing, reproduction4 904 2754 911 25250 397:
    Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac.162 199 949153 551 2692 793 9663 909 964
    Rubber and plastic products14 651 99414 752 41416 67699 289
    Non-metallic mineral products29 200 25531 988 76742 20067 292
    Basic metals93 662 97682 659 3933 698 582:
    Fabricated metal products45 844 61853 953 205494 099140 146
    Computer and electrical equipment54 016 39960 038 69249 946625 116
    Machinery and equipment38 111 45244 781 410154 7641 133 067
    Transport equipment n.e.c (Does not include 30.1)11 645 72211 302 612249 000:
    Ships, boats and oil plattforms69 891 36477 738 90897 940:
    Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.11 756 01410 827 03770:
    Repair, installation of machinery37 945 66339 846 66213 382222 619
    Codes with previous missing data were updated at 09.45 am on 12 August 2024.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

A detailed distribution of sold production and quantity, in accordance with the EU production statistics PRODCOM. Sold production is divided into 8-9-digit production codes and aggregated up to industries to make them comparable with other types of manufacturing statistics.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 13 March 2025.

A local kind-of-activity unit

A local kind-of-activity unit (KAU) is a functional unit which at a single physical location is engaged mainly in activities within a specific activity group. This definition conforms to the definition by ISIC Rev. 3.

An enterprise

An enterprise is an organisational unit comprising all economic activities which one owner is involved inside. Hence an enterprise is a legal unit covering one or more production units (local KAUs).

The following guidelines are used in order to divide the activity of an enterprise into separate local KAUs:

  • Activities engaged in by an enterprise in different municipalities are treated as separate local KAUs.
  • Activities in different industry groups (4-digit) can be classified as separate local KAUs when this is necessary for statistical purposes, even if the activities are located at the same site. To divide a local unit into several local KAUs, each activity has to be of a certain size and normally has to employ at least five people. Exceptions to this rule can be made, particularly if it causes great problems for the respondents.

Sold production

Sold production is defined as manufactured and sold goods in the reference period.

Sold production under sub-contracted operations

Sold production under sub-contracted operations is the value of the production under sub-contracted operations.

The current Standard for Industrial Classification in Statistics Norway is Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (SIC 2007) , based on the EU standard NACE Rev. 2. The standard is published in the NOS series (Official Statistics of Norway) C 182.

Previously published articles follow the SIC2002.

Name: Production of commodities in manufacturing, mining and quarrying
Topic: Energy and manufacturing

25 June 2025

Division for Structural Business Statistics

National level.

Annual statistics. Published 6 months after the end of the reference year. (These figures are seen as preliminary and final figures are checked against structural business statistics 18 months after the referance year).

Reported to Eurostat

Collected and revised data are stored securely by Statistics Norway in compliance with applicable legislation on data processing.

Statistics Norway can grant access to the source data (de-identified or anonymised microdata) on which the statistics are based, for researchers and public authorities for the purposes of preparing statistical results and analyses. Access can be granted upon application and subject to conditions. Refer to the details about this at Access to data from Statistics Norway.

The purpose of the statistics is to produce and publish reliable information on the production and sale of goods and services in manufacturing, mining and quarrying. The production statistics has been based on the Prodcom system, which is based on NACE Rev 2. since 1995.

Statistics Norway have prepared a manufacturing production statistics since 1927. The data is easily accessible in electronic form dating back to 1976.

Key users are the national accounts and strctural business statistics, both of which produced by Statistics Norway, publis authorities, research institutions and Eurostat.

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on at 8 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given inthe Statistics Release Calendar. This is one of Statistics Norway’s key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally.

The production statistics is coherent with the structural business statistics for the manufacturing industry.

The statistics are developed, produced and disseminated pursuant to Act no. 32 of 21 June 2019 relating to official statistics and Statistics Norway (the Statistics Act).

The statistics is part of the national program for official statistics 2021-2023, section energy and manufacturing, subsection manufacturing, mining and quarrying.

Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on European business statistics (EBS)

The production statistics covers large enterprises with local KAUs in manufacturing, mining and quarrying. These enterprises represent 90 per cent of the total production in manufacturing, mining and quarrying.

The production statistics is based on information collected in questionnaires sent to the respondents.

The sample consists of all enterprises with at least one local KAU with 20 or more employees, or with a turnover of more than NOK 50 million and 5 or more employees in mining, quarrying and manufacturing.

The cut-off limit has been set to 10 employees in these divisions:

08.111 Quarrying of ornamental and building stone

08.113 Quarrying of slate

10.850 Manufacture of prepared meals and dishes

10.920 Manufacture of prepared pet foods

13.300 Finishing of textiles

13.910 Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics

13.921 Manufacture of house-hold linen

13.929 Manufacture of other made-up textile articles, except apparel

13.960 Manufacture of other technical and industrial textiles

13.990 Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c.

14.110 Manufacture of leather clothes

14.130 Manufacture of other outerwear

15.200 Manufacture of footwear

16.220 Manufacture of assembled parquet floors

16.240 Manufacture of wooden containers

16.290 Manufacture of other products of wood; manufacture of articles of cork, straw and plaiting materials

18.130 Pre-press and pre-media services

18.200 Reproduction of recorded media

20.510 Manufacture of explosives

20.520 Manufacture of glues

22.110 Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres

22.290 Manufacture of other plastic products

23.110 Manufacture of flat glass

23.190 Manufacture and processing of other glass, including technical glassware

23.200 Manufacture of refractory products

23.690 Manufacture of other articles of concrete, plaster and cement

23.700 Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone

24.530 Casting of light metals

25.290 Manufacture of other tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal

25.500 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy

25.610 Treatment and coating of metals

25.730 Manufacture of tools

26.520 Manufacture of watches and clocks

26.700 Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment

27.900 Manufacture of other electrical equipment

28.230 Manufacture of office machinery and equipment (except computers and peripheral equipment)

28.290 Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery n.e.c.

28.300 Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery

28.490 Manufacture of other machine tools

29.310 Manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment for motor vehicles

32.120 Manufacture of jewellery and related articles

32.200 Manufacture of musical instruments

32.400 Manufacture of games and toys

32.500 Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies

32.990 Other manufacturing n.e.c.

33.190 Repair of other equipment

The cut-off limit has been set to 15 employees in these divisions:

10.840 Manufacture of condiments and seasonings

10.860 Manufacture of homogenised food preparations and dietetic food

13.930 Manufacture of carpets and rugs

14.120 Manufacture of workwear

14.140 Manufacture of underwear

15.110 Tanning and dressing of leather; dressing and dyeing of fur

19.200 Manufacture of refined petroleum products

23.410 Manufacture of ceramic household and ornamental articles

25.710 Manufacture of cutlery

25.940 Manufacture of fasteners and screw machine products

26.800 Manufacture of magnetic and optical media

27.200 Manufacture of batteries and accumulators

28.250 Manufacture of non-domestic cooling and ventilation equipment

28.410 Manufacture of metal forming machinery

30.120 Building of pleasure and sporting boats

30.990 Manufacture of other transport equipment n.e.c.

31.020 Manufacture of kitchen furniture

32.910 Manufacture of brooms and brushes

The net selection consists of establishments in the population that Statistics Norway have collected data from directly. This selection amounts to approximately 2300 establishments About 90 percent of the total gross production value in manufacturing, mining and quarrying came from these establishments.

The survey is based on questionnaires that are sent out in March in the year following the reference year. The Prodcom codes are printed on the questionnaires. The data are reported to Statistics Norway through Altinn.

The average time spent on reporting data is 30 minutes per year per respondent.

From 2002 the focus in the production statistics has been on local KAUs. Forms are sent to approximately 100 enterprises on establishment level and to about 25 units on industry level.

From 2009 all forms are sent to the establishment, but all local KAUs, that are part of the survay, are printed on the letter to the establishment. Only the one survey for the sum om all local KAUs are used.


Editing is defined here as checking, examining and amending data.

For the single units in the sample there are quality controls. The figures are compared with the figures from the previous year and other sources. If errors are suspected or if figures are missing, the respondent in question is contacted via telephone or e-mail.

Imputation occurs only on the volume data, ie the value figures are not calculated.

Importantly, estimates of volume figures where possible. For each PRODCOM code there will be obtained volume (where applicable) and estimated volumes for the units that have not submitted this. The criterion for imputed volume figures is that the difference in the "price" (ie value / quantity) is not too large for the units used in the calculation of imputation. There must be at least three units providing value and quantity data for any given PRODCOM code to create a valide imputation for the missing volumes. Imputation will not be made if the size of the value of those that can be used for the calculation is smaller than those that will get the imputation.

Not relevant

Employees of Statistics Norway have a duty of confidentiality.

Statistics Norway does not publish figures if there is a risk of the respondent’s contribution being identified. This means that, as a general rule, figures are not published if fewer than three units form the basis of a cell in a table or if the contribution of one or two respondents constitutes a very large part of the cell total.

Statistics Norway can make exceptions to the general rule if deemed necessary to meet the requirements of the EEA agreement, if the respondent is a public authority, if the respondent has consented to this, or when the information disclosed is openly accessible to the public.

More information can be found on Statistics Norway’s website under Methods in official statistics, in the ‘Confidentiality’ section.

As from 1976, are the main files of the production statistics stored electronically (and some times even further back, but mainly for larger enterprises). The data are chiefly comparable with regard to coverage and continous with respect of terms ut to 1993.

Measurement errors

Measurement errors are errors that occur during data collection and are caused by the survey instrument: the form, questionnaire or measuring device used or data collection may lead to the recording of wrong values. A typical error may be use of wrong scale, such as sums given in crowns (kroner) instead of thousand crowns.

Processing errors

Processing errors are errors introduced during data processing in Statistics Norway, such as coding, data entry, data editing, imputation etc. A typical example is wrong interpretation of digits and letters written on paper forms during optical scanning.

Non-response errors

Non-response errors are errors caused by unit non-response , i.e. that the unit (here an enterprise or an establishment) has failed to respond, or item non-response , i.e. that the unit has failed to respond to some of the questions in the survey.

Sampling errors

Sampling errors arise from the fact that the estimates are based on a sample and not a census of the entire population. The sampling error is measures by the standard error .

When publishing figures in late June for T-1. Becomes audit done on the figures of T-2 after the publication of structural business statistics (sti) for mining and industry, these changes are loaded in our statistikkbank and used in the publication.
