Nasjonalregnskap og konjunkturer
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- Statistikker (17)
- Publikasjoner og artikler (2528)
Modeling binary panel data with nonresponse
Discussion Papers no. 297
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Modeling binary panel data with nonresponse
Discussion Papers no. 297
This paper studies modeling of nonignorable nonresponse in panel surveys. A class of sequential conditional logistic models for nonresponse is considered. Model-based maximum likelihood estimation and imputation are used for estimating po...
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Tout est au mieux dans ce meilleur des ménages possibles
Discussion Papers no. 296
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Tout est au mieux dans ce meilleur des ménages possibles
Discussion Papers no. 296
A common approach to defining equivalence scales is to consider a household modelled as if it maximizes a single utility function. This may be founded on an assumption of the household maximizing a welfare function of individual utilities...
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Explaining the change in skill structure of labour demand in Norwegian manufacturing
Discussion Papers no. 293
In most OECD-countries, labour demand has shifted from unskilled to skilled over time. Many analyses of this phenomenon focus on either the effect of technical change, capital-skill complementarity or labour-labour substitution. We presen...
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"Vi må lytte til tala si tale"
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A state space approach for estimating VAR models for panel data with latent dynamic components
Discussion Papers no. 295
The econometric literature offers various modeling approaches for analyzing micro data in combination with time series of aggregate data. This paper discusses the estimation of a VAR model that allows unobserved heterogeneity across obser...
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A state space approach for estimating VAR models for panel data with latent dynamic components
Discussion Papers no. 295
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Individual heterogeneity and price responses in tobacco consumption
Discussion Papers no. 294
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Individual heterogeneity and price responses in tobacco consumption
Discussion Papers no. 294
The paper presents a panel data analysis of tobacco demand. The purpose is threefold: (i) to measure income, own-price, and cross-price responses for two tobacco commodities: cigarettes and handrolling tobacco, (ii) to investigate sociode...
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Explaining the change in skill structure of labour demand in Norwegian manufacturing
Discussion Papers no. 293
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Høykonjunkturen over
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Norsk økonomi : Lønns- og prisutviklingen
Økonomiske analyser 1/2001
Den gjennomsnittlige lønnsveksten har falt markert i de to siste årene. Ifølge foreløpige nasjonalregnskapstall økte lønn per normalårsverk med 4,3 prosent i 2000 mot 5,2 prosent i 1999 og 6,5 prosent året før.
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Norsk økonomi : Offentlig forvaltning og økonomisk politikk
Økonomiske analyser 1/2001
Styringen av statens utgifter og inntekter har stor betydning for samlet innenlandsk etterspørsel og aktiviteten i fastlandsøkonomien.
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Økonomiske analyser 1/2001
2000 ble et konsolideringsår for norsk økonomi. Veksten i produksjon og sysselsetting ble svært moderat, og høykonjunkturen fra siste halvdel av 1990-tallet ble lagt bak oss.