Artikkel 51 til 100 (Totalt antall artikler 688)

Petroleum revenues and surplus down
Cultural use by people with an immigrant background 2023
Norwegian cultural barometer 2023
Domestic migrations
The SNOW Model for Norway
Measurement of child poverty: An investigation of supplementary poverty measures
Postponement of the release of financial accounts statistics for the 2nd quarter 2024
Documentation of ModelSolver
What characterizes private schools?
Pension entitlements are four times higher than GDP
Immigrant women and their Norwegian-born daughters
Assessing fire hazard in coastal heathlands
Lower electricity prices for households in 2023
Oil investment estimate for 2024 upward adjusted
Strong increase in investments in 2023
Weak development in the Norwegian economy in 2023
CPI up 4.7 per cent last 12 months
A cool start for energy goods in 2024
Is it necessary and feasible to estimate the asset value of petroleum resources from oilfield level?
Pesticide use in agriculture in 2022
Compiling physical asset accounts for petroleum resources in Norway
Increase in foreign guest nights contributed to growth in 2023
Micro and macro evidence of the relationship between income mobility and taxation
Acquisition of Norwegian citizenship 1977-2021
Municipal elections 2023 and 2019
Pessimistic expectations for the 1st quarter in Manufacturing
NORA — A Microfounded Model for Fiscal Policy Analysis in Norway
Downturn in Electricity and Fishing Caused Decline in Norwegian Economy
CPI up 4.8 per cent last 12 months
Dampened price increase in manufacturing in 2023
Environmental goods and services
Increase in foreign guest nights and decrease in Norwegian guest nights at hotels
Facts about education in Norway 2024
Quality of life. Suggestions for a measurement framework
Economic Survey 4/2023
Municipal wastewater – Expenditures, investments, wastewater fees, discharges, treatment and disposal of sewage sludge 2022
Wage and price formation as a stabilizing mechanism in a model with pattern wage baraining
Challenges for wage formation and the Norwegian economy
Methods for analysing short-run emissions and cost impacts of climate policies
Child care references 2023
Resettlement refugees in Norway 2023
The Norwegian Economy Increased in October
Free part-time child care in Oslo
Third month in a row with rising manufacturing prices
CPI up 4.8 per cent last 12 months
Increased interest rates and implications for household income
People aged 16 -39 years with immigrant background in employment and education 2022
Contractual pension in the private sector (AFP) - reform alternatives
Interest rate cuts next year due to abrupt halt in house building
Main revisions in the statistics published on 3. quarter 2023

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