Digitized publications from Statistics Norway published 1977-96 - by subject
- General statistics and surveys
- Politics
- Living conditions and time use
- Methodology and documentation
- Area and topography
- Natural resources
- Pollution
- Waste and waste disposal
- Environment, economy and indicators
- Methodology and documentation
Health, social conditions and services
- Health general
- Health conditions
- Health services
- Social care
- Social services and social security
- Crime and justice
- Methodology and documentation
Personal economy and housing conditions
- Income, property and taxes
- Private consumption, consumer surveys
- Dwelling and housing conditions
- Methodology and documentation
Recreational, cultural and sporting activities
Prices, price indices and economic trends
National economy and valuation
- Agriculture and forestry
- Fishing and fish farms
- Mining and quarrying
- Manufacture
- Electricity, gas, steam and water supply
- Building and construction
- Retail and wholesale trade and repair of motor vehicles and household goods
- Hotels and restaurants
- Transport and communication
- Financial intermediation
- Real estate activities, renting and business activities
- Other service activities
- General government fiscal accounts including National Insurance, tax revenue
- Methodology and documentation
00 General
Central Bureau of Statistics: Perspectives for the 1980s (RAPP 82/28
Three Decades of the Conference of European Statisticians (ART 137)
00.00 General statistics and surveys
Economic Research and Debate: Selected Works 1942-1989 by Odd Aukrust (SÃS 75)
Economy, Population Issues and Statistics: Selected Works by Petter Jakob Bjerve (SÃS 59)
Historical Statistics 1978 (NOS XII 291)
Historical Statistics 1994 (NOS C 188)
Monthly Bulletin of Statistics (KST)
Statistical Yearbook of Norway 1977 (NOS XII 287)
Statistical Yearbook of Norway 1978 (NOS XII 290)
Statistical Yearbook of Norway 1979 (NOS XII 295)
Statistical Yearbook of Norway 1980 (NOS B 142)
Statistical Yearbook of Norway 1981 (NOS B 195)
Statistical Yearbook of Norway 1982 (NOS B 298)
Statistical Yearbook of Norway 1983 (NOS B 388)
Statistical Yearbook of Norway 1984 (NOS B 458)
Statistical Yearbook of Norway 1985 (NOS B 530)
Statistical Yearbook of Norway 1986 (NOS B 612)
Statistical Yearbook of Norway 1987 (NOS B 690)
Statistical Yearbook of Norway 1988 (NOS B 774)
Statistical Yearbook of Norway 1989 (NOS B 835)
Statistical Yearbook of Norway 1990 (NOS B 921)
Statistical Yearbook of Norway 1991 (NOS B 980)
Statistical Yearbook of Norway 1992 (NOS C 32)
Statistical Yearbook 1993 (NOS C 85)
00.02 Living conditions and time use
Holiday Survey 1978/79: Volume II (NOS B 165)
Holiday Survey 1982 (NOS B 408)
Holiday Survey 1986 (NOS B 742)
Holiday Trips by Norwegians (SÃS 41)
Income Distribution and Level of Living (SÃS 46)
Living Conditions among Foreign Citizens 1983 (SÃS 63)
Living Conditions of Urban Chinese Households around 1990 (DP 87)
Neighbourhood Activity and the Use of Time (SÃS 64)
Number of Children and Female Employment (ART 132)
Social Indicators and Environmental Dimensions (RAPP 84/7)
Social Survey 1993: Summary with Tables and Graphs (SA 4)
Staggering of Holidays (SA 40)
Standard of Living for Private Households (ART 102)
Survey of Level of Living 1980 (NOS B 320)
Survey of Level of Living 1983 (NOS B 511)
Survey of Level of Living 1987 (NOS B 772)
Survey of Level of Living 1991 (NOS C 43)
Survey of Level of Living 1995 (NOS C 301)
The Time Budget Survey 1980-81 (NOS B 378)
The Time Budget Surveys 1970-90 (NOS C 10)
Who Spends their Holiday at Home? (RAPP 88/8)
Work, Children and Equality: On the Adaption of Women to Work and Family (ART 129)
Work, Leisure and Time Spent with others: Changes in Time Use in the 70s (SA 49)
00.90 Methodology and documentation
Aggregation in Matching Markets (DP 173)
Household Production, Consumption and Time Allocation in Peru (DP 58)
Inequality in Distribution of Hours of Work and Consumption in Peru (DP 59)

Philosophy of Science and Economic Theory (SÃS 73)
Sampling Methods Applied by the Central Bureau of Statistics of Norway (SÃS 33)

Standard Classification of Municipalities (SNS 4)
Standard Classification of Municipalities 1994 (NOS C 192)
Standard Classification of Socioeconomic Status (SNS 5)
Standard Industrial Classification (SNS 2)
Standard Industrial Classification (NOS C 182)
01 Environment
Environmental Statistics 1978: Natural Resources and Pollution (SA 37)
Environmental Statistics 1983: Natural Resources and Pollution (SA 50)
Environmental Statistics 1988: Natural Resources and the Environment (SÃS 68)
Natural Resource Accounting and Analysis: The Norwegian Experience 1978-1986 (SÃS 65)
Natural Resources and the Environment 1989 (RAPP 90/1A)
Natural Resources and the Environment 1990 (RAPP 91/1A)
Natural Resources and the Environment 1991 (RAPP 92/1A)
Natural Resources and the Environment 1992 (RAPP 93/1A)
Natural Resources and the Environment 1993 (SA 3)
Natural Resources and the Environment 1995 (SA 7)
Natural Resources and the Environment 1996 (SA 10)
01.01 Area and topography
Land Use and Environmental Statistics Obtained by Point Sampling (ART 144)
Land-Use Statistics for Urban Settlements (NOS B 333)
Two Notes on Land Use Statistics (RAPP 80/31)
01.03 Natural resources
The Demand for Electricity by Households 1966-1975 (ART 105)
The Demand for Energy: A Survey (ART 111)
The Demand for Energy by Trade and Service Industries (ART 110)
The Evolution of Norwegian Energy Use from 1950 to 1991 (RAPP 93/21)
01.04 Pollution
Anthropogenic Emissions of SO2, Nox, NMVOC and NH3 in Norway (RAPP 95/12)
Anthropogenic Emissions of the Greenhouse Gases CO2, CH4 and N2O in Norway (RAPP 93/24)

Noise and Health: Study of Noise Annoyance in Norway (SÃS 66)
Water Quality and Health (SÃS 61)
01.05 Waste and waste disposal
Future Waste Generation: Forecasts Based on a Macroeconomic Model (DP 175)
Waste Statistics: Municipal Waste 1992 (NOS C 145)
01.06 Environment, economy and indicators
Environmental Indicators (DP 71)

ÂGreen National ProductÂ: Good Intentions, Poor Device? (DP 103)
01.90 Methodology and documentation
An Application of Reflected Diffusions to the Problem of Choosing between Hydro and Thermal Power Generation (REPR 63)
Benefits of Climate Policies: Some Tentative Calculations (DP 69)
Carbon Taxes and the Petroleum Wealth (DP 128)
Carbon/Energy Taxes and the Energy Market in Western Europe (DP 81)

The Choice of Space Heating System and Energy Consumption in Norwegian Household (DP 102)
Coalitions and Side Payments in International CO2 Treaties (DP 97)

Consumer Demand in a General Equilibrium Model for Environmental Analysis (DP 105)

Depletion of Fossil Fuels and the Impacts of Global Warming (DP 107)
Do Cost-Benefit Analyses Favour Environmentalists? (DP 84)
The Environmental Drag on Long-Term Economic Performance: Evidence from Norway (DP 143)

Energy in a Multi-Sectoral Growth Model (RAPP 80/1)

Fuel Choice and the Demand for Natural Gas in Western European Households (DP 23)

Gains from Cartelisation in the Oil Market (DP 181)
A Growth Model of Norway with a Two-Way Link to the Environment (RAPP 94/5)

Market Power, International CO2 Taxation and Petroleum Wealth (DP 170)
Modelling Demand for Natural Gas: A Review of Various Approaches (SÃS 67)
Modelling Consumers Energy Demand (DP 68)
MSG-EE: An Applied General Equilibrium Model for Energy and Environmental Analyses (SÃS 96)

Potential Demand for Alternative Fuel Vehicles (DP 165)
Poverty, Land Degradation and Climatic Uncertainty (DP 162)
Presentation of Environment Statistics: Environmental Data Maps (ART 151)
Price Sensitivity of Energy Demand in Norwegian Industries (ART 143)
Prospects for a Common, Deregulated Nordic Electricity Market (DP 144)

Secondary Benefits of the EC Carbon/Energy Tax (DP 104)
SEEM - An Energy Demand Model for Western Europe (RAPP 95/24)
SIMEN: Studies of Industry, Environment and Energy towards 2000 (DP 44)
Soil Conservation as an Investment in Land (DP 163)
Soil Wealth in Tanzania (DP 164)
Stabilization of Emissions of CO2: A Computable General Equilibrium Assessment (DP 48)
Sustainability when Resource Management has Stochastic Consequences (DP 86)

A System of Natural Resource Accounts (RAPP 81/9)

02 Population
Family and Occupation Survey 1988 (NOS B 959)
The First Population Census in Norway 1769 (NOS B 106)
Historical Tables on Population, Marriages and Deaths 1911-1976 (NOS A 986)
The Lappish Population in Northern Norway (ART 107)
Population and Housing Census 1980. Volume I: Housing Statistics (NOS B 249)
Population and Housing Census 1980. Volume II: Employment Statistics (NOS B 299)
Population and Housing Census 1980. Volume III: Families and Households (NOS B 546)
Population Census 1801 (NOS B 134)
Population Statistics: Survey 1981-1985 (NOS B 791)
Population Statistics 1986. Volume III: Survey (NOS B 714)
Population Statistics 1987. Volume III: Survey (NOS B 764)
Population Statistics 1988. Volume III: Survey (NOS B 809)
Population Statistics 1989. Volume III: Survey (NOS B 875)
Population Statistics 1990. Volume III: Survey (NOS B 950)
Population Statistics 1991. Volume III: Survey (NOS B 988)
Population Statistics 1992. Volume III: Survey (NOS C 58)
Population Statistics 1993. Volume III: Survey (NOS C 111)
Population Statistics 1994. Volume III: Survey (NOS C 244)
Population Statistics 1995. Volume III: Survey (NOS C 319)
02.01 Structure
Family Statistics 1977 (NOS A 951)
Family Statistics 1980 (NOS B 167)
Family Statistics 1982 (NOS B 394)
Population and Settlement Change in Norway 1960-1970 (ART 115)
Population by Age and Marital Status 31 December 1976 (NOS A 899)
Population by Age and Marital Status 31 December 1977 (NOS A 966)
Population by Age and Marital Status 31 December 1978 (NOS B 22)
Population by Age and Marital Status 31 December 1979 (NOS B 122)
Population by Age and Marital Status 31 December 1980 (NOS B 209)
Population by Age and Marital Status 31 December 1981 (NOS B 293)
Population by Age and Marital Status 31 December 1982 (NOS B 407)
Population by Age and Marital Status 31 December 1983 (NOS B 473)
Population by Age and Marital Status 31 December 1984 (NOS B 547)
Population in Municipalities 1951-1980. Volume I (NOS B 286)
Population in Municipalities 1951-1980. Volume II (NOS B 287)
Population in Municipalities 1951-1980. Volume III (NOS B 288)
Population in Municipalities 1976-1977 (NOS A 872)
Population in Municipalities 1977-1978 (NOS A 946)
Population in Municipalities 1978-1979 (NOS B 16)
Population in Municipalities 1979-1980 (NOS B 104)
Population in Municipalities 1980-1981 (NOS B 182)
Population in Municipalities 1980-1982 (NOS B 263)
Population in Municipalities 1981-1983 (NOS B 386)
Population in Municipalities 1982-1984 (NOS B 451)
Population in Municipalities 1983-1985 (NOS B 523)
Population in Municipalities 1984-1986 (NOS B 622)
Population Statistics 1986. Volume II: Population 1 January (NOS B 669)
Population Statistics 1987. Volume II: Population 1 January (NOS B 713)
Population Statistics 1988. Volume II: Population 1 January (NOS B 789)
Population Statistics 1989. Volume II: Population 1 January (NOS B 853)
Population Statistics 1990. Volume II: Population 1 January (NOS B 930)
Population Statistics 1991. Volume II: Population 1 January (NOS B 978)
Population Statistics 1992. Volume II: Population 1 January (NOS C 40)
Population Statistics 1993. Volume II: Population 1 January (NOS C 90)
Population Statistics 1994. Volume II: Population 1 January (NOS C 184)
Population Statistics 1995.Volume II: Population 1 January (NOS C 248)
Population Statistics 1996. Volume II: Population 1 January (NOS C 320)
02.02 Migration and vital statistics
Births in Norway 1950-1975 (ART 135)
Childless or Childfree? About Infecundity and Intentional Childlessness (ART 140)
Cohabitation without Marriage - Marriage and Births (ART 146)
Cohabitation without Marriage in Norway (ART 116)
Cohort and Period Fertility for Norway 1845-1985 (RAPP 88/4)
Cohort and Period Fertility for Norway 1820-1993 (RAPP 94/27)
Cohort and Period Mortality in Norway 1846-1994 (RAPP 96/9)
Cohort Mortality in Norway 1846-1980 (RAPP 83/28)
The Development in Marriages and Deaths 1911-1976 (SA 35)
Fertility Among Norwegian Women: Results from a Fertility Survey 1977 (SÃS 49)
Fertility by Birth Order in Norway (RAPP 86/27)
Fertility Survey 1977 (NOS B 197)
Formation and Dissolution of Marriage by Age and Duration (RAPP 82/2)
Immigration to and Emigration from Norway 1958-1975 (SA 33)
Marital and Nonmarital Fertility in Norway 1946-1975 (ART 120)
Migration Statistics 1976 (NOS A 898)
Migration Statistics 1977 (NOS A 975)
Migration Statistics 1978 (NOS B 35)
Migration Statistics 1979 (NOS B 131)
Migration Statistics 1980 (NOS B 223)
Migration Statistics 1981 (NOS B 308)
Migration Statistics 1982 (NOS B 413)
Migration Statistics 1983 (NOS B 490)
Migration Statistics 1984 (NOS B 566)
Norwegian Fertility Survey 1977 (ART 134)
Patterns of Migration: Norway 1971-1974 (SÃS 50)
Vital Statistics and Migration Statistics 1979 (NOS B 143)
Vital Statistics and Migration Statistics 1980 (NOS B 224)
Vital Statistics and Migration Statistics 1981 (NOS B 309)
Vital Statistics and Migration Statistics 1982 (NOS B 429)
Vital Statistics and Migration Statistics 1983 (NOS B 501)
Vital Statistics and Migration Statistics 1984 (NOS B 573)
02.03 Population projections
The Changes of Population in Norway to 2025 (ART 138)
Population Projections 1977-2010 (NOS A 927)
Population Projections 1979-2025 (NOS B 82)
Population Projections 1982-2025 (NOS B 317)
Population Projections 1985-2050 (NOS B 583)
Population Projections 1990-2050 (NOS B 983)
Population Projections 1993-2050 (NOS C 176)
Projections of the Population by Marital Status 1979-2025 (RAPP 81/12)
Trends in Demographic Structure in Norway 1960-2000 (ART 130)
02.90 Methodology and documentation
Analytic Graduation of First Time Nuptiality Rates (ART 119)
Bibliography of Population Studies in Norway (RAPP 84/5)

Demographic Forecasting with a Dynamic Stochastic Microsimulation Model (DP 85)
An Economic Model of Fertility, Sex and Contraception (SÃS 56)
Population Statistics 1987. Volume I: Population Changes in Municipalities 1985-1987 (NOS B 701)
Population Statistics 1988. Volume I: Population Changes in Municipalities 1986-1988 (NOS B 766)
Population Statistics 1989. Volume I: Population Changes in Municipalities 1987-1989 (NOS B 830)
Population Statistics 1990. Volume I: Population Changes in Municipalities 1988-1990 (NOS B 904)
Population Statistics 1991. Volume I: Population Changes in Municipalities 1989-1991 (NOS B 963)
Population Statistics 1992. Volume I: Population Changes in Municipalities 1990-1992 (NOS C 26)
Population Statistics 1993. Volume I: Population Changes in Municipalities 1991-1993 (NOS C 77)
Population Statistics 1994. Volume I: Population Changes in Municipalities 1992-1994 (NOS C 151)
Population Statistics 1995. Volume I: Population Changes in Municipalities 1993-1995 (NOS C 241)
Population Statistics 1996. Volume I: Population Changes in Municipalities 1994-1996 (NOS C 397)
Survey of Migration Motives 1972 (SÃS 35)
Trends and Theories in Fertility: Norway in an International Context (SÃS 47)
Trends in the Norwegian Population in 1976 (ART 106)
Vital Statistics and Migration Statistics: Survey 1971-1975 (SA 36)
Vital Statistics and Migration Statistics: Survey 1976-1980 (SA 54)
Vital Statistics and Migration Statistics 1976 (NOS A 904)
Vital Statistics and Migration Statistics 1977 (NOS A 982)
Vital Statistics and Migration Statistics 1978 (NOS B 42)
Empirical EDA Models to Fit and Project Time Series of Age-Specific Mortality Rates (DP 50)
The Engine of Fertility - Influenced by Interbirth Employment? (DP 15)
Household Projections for Norway, 1990-2020. Part I: Macrosimulations (RAPP 95/21)

Migration Analysis and Regional Population Projections (DP 46)

Unobserved Heterogeneity in Models of Marriage Dissolution (DP 42)
03 Health, social conditions and services
Alcohol and Drugs 1976 (NOS A 902)
Alcohol and Drugs 1977 (NOS A 985)
Alcohol and Drugs 1978 (NOS B 73)
Alcohol and Drugs 1979 (NOS B 157)
Alcohol and Drugs 1980 (NOS B 233)
Alcohol and Drugs 1981 (NOS B 322)
Alcohol and Drugs 1982 (NOS B 423)
Alcohol and Drugs 1983 (NOS B 507)
03.00 Health general
Health Statistics 1975 (NOS A 874)
Health Statistics 1976 (NOS A 953)
Health Statistics 1977 (NOS B 21)
Health Statistics 1978 (NOS B 111)
Health Statistics 1979 (NOS B 193)
Health Statistics 1980 (NOS B 277)
Health Statistics 1981 (NOS B 379)
Health Statistics 1982 (NOS B 465)
Health Statistics 1983 (NOS B 532)
Health Statistics 1984 (NOS B 608)
Health Statistics 1985 (NOS B 681)
Health Statistics 1986 (NOS B 767)
Health Statistics 1987 (NOS B 832)
Health Statistics 1988 (NOS B 918)
Health Statistics 1989 (NOS B 966)
Health Statistics 1990 (NOS C 25)
Health Statistics 1991 (NOS C 74)
Health Survey 1975 (NOS A 894)
Health Survey 1985 (NOS B 692)
03.01 Health conditions
Causes of Death 1976 (NOS A 926)
Causes of Death 1977 (NOS B 4)
Causes of Death 1978 (NOS B 92)
Causes of Death 1979 (NOS B 168)
Causes of Death 1980 (NOS B 244)
Causes of Death 1981 (NOS B 340)
Causes of Death 1982 (NOS B 434)
Causes of Death 1983 (NOS B 509)
Causes of Death 1984 (NOS B 579)
Causes of Death 1985 (NOS B 660)
Causes of Death 1986 (NOS B 731)
Causes of Death 1987 (NOS B 813)
Causes of Death 1988 (NOS B 887)
Causes of Death 1989 (NOS B 955)
Causes of Death 1990 (NOS C 15)
Causes of Death 1991 (NOS C 79)
Causes of Death 1992 (NOS C 155)
Causes of Death 1993 (NOS C 246)
Foetal and Infant Mortality 1971-1980 (SA 52)
Mortality by Occupation: Social Differences in the 1970Âs (SÃS 62)
Mortality by Occupation and Socio-Economic Group in Norway 1970-1980 (SA 56)
Mortality in Counties 1971-1975 (NOS A 948)
Occupation and Outcome of Pregnancy (RAPP 80/9)
Occupational Mortality (RAPP 79/19)
Regional Mortality 1976-1980 (NOS B 334)
Regional Mortality 1981-1985 (NOS B 790)
03.02 Health services
Health Institutions 1980 (NOS B 272)
Health Institutions 1981 (NOS B 342)
Health Institutions 1982 (NOS B 430)
Health Institutions 1983 (NOS B 505)
Health Institutions 1984 (NOS B 580)
Health Institutions 1985 (NOS B 651)
Health Institutions 1986 (NOS B 725)
Health Institutions 1987 (NOS B 808)
Health Institutions 1988 (NOS B 877)
Health Institutions 1989 (NOS B 949)
Health Institutions 1990 (NOS C 13)
Health Institutions 1991 (NOS C 81)
Hospital Statistics 1976 (NOS A 943)
Hospital Statistics 1977 (NOS A 996)
Hospital Statistics 1978 (NOS B 79)
Hospital Statistics 1979 (NOS B 164)
Mental Hospitals 1976 (NOS A 929)
Mental Hospitals 1977 (NOS B 8)
Mental Hospitals 1978 (NOS B 91)
Mental Hospitals 1979 (NOS B 166)
Municipal Health Service 1991 (NOS C 66)
Patient Statistics 1992 (NOS C 116)
Patient Statistics 1993 (NOS C 231)
Patient Statistics 1994 (NOS C 259)
Statistics on Health Personnel 1979 (NOS B 214)
Statistics on Health Personnel 1981 (NOS B 329)
Statistics on Health Personnel 1983 (NOS B 502)
Statistics on Health Personnel 1985 (NOS B 621)
Statistics on Physicians 1978 (NOS B 2)
03.03 Social care
Child Welfare Statistics 1975 (NOS A 843)
Child Welfare Statistics 1976 (NOS A 978)
Informal Care of Sick and Elderly (SÃS 57)
Nursing and Care Statistics 1994 (NOS C 344)
People in Old Age Homes 1977 (SA 42)
Social Home-Help Services 1976 (NOS A 908)
Social Home-Help Services 1977 (NOS A 979)
03.04 Social services and social security
Clients in Institutions for Alcoholics 1977 (SA 43)
National Insurance: Disabled 1977 (NOS B 255)
National Insurance: Disabled 1980 (NOS B 466)
National Insurance: Disabled 1983 (NOS B 646)
National Insurance: Disabled 1987 (NOS B 932)
National Insurance: Old Age Pensioners 1983-1985 (NOS B 658)
National Insurance: Old Age Pensioners 1988-1990 (NOS C 22)
National Insurance: Single Parents 1988-1990 (NOS C 18)
Occupational Injuries Insurance 1966-1967, 1968-1970 (NOS XII 293)
Social Care Statistics 1975 (NOS A 901)
Social Statistics 1977 (NOS B 99)
Social Statistics 1978 (NOS B 130)
Social Statistics 1979 (NOS B 192)
Social Statistics 1980 (NOS B 264)
Social Statistics 1981 (NOS B 375)
Social Statistics 1982 (NOS B 447)
Social Statistics 1983 (NOS B 522)
Social Statistics 1984 (NOS B 615)
Social Statistics 1985 (NOS B 685)
Social Statistics 1987 (NOS B 848)
Social Statistics 1988 (NOS B 900)
Social Statistics 1989 (NOS B 956)
Social Statistics 1990 (NOS C 16)
Social Statistics 1991 (NOS C 64)
Social Statistics 1992 (NOS C 154)
Social Statistics 1993 (NOS C 227)
Social Statistics 1994 (NOS C 302)
03.05 Crime and justice
Charged for Crimes - What Happens During the Procedure? (RAPP 82/22)
Civil Judicial Statistics 1976 (NOS A 890)
Civil Judicial Statistics 1977 (NOS A 968)
Civil Judicial Statistics 1978 (NOS B 50)
Civil Judicial Statistics 1979 (NOS B 140)
Civil Judicial Statistics 1980 (NOS B 215)
Civil Judicial Statistics 1981 (NOS B 312)
Civil Judicial Statistics 1982 (NOS B 405)
Civil Judicial Statistics 1983 (NOS B 482)
Civil Judicial Statistics 1984 (NOS B 565)
Civil Judicial Statistics 1985 (NOS B 670)
Civil Judicial Statistics 1986 (NOS B 727)
Civil Judicial Statistics 1987 (NOS B 818)
Civil Judicial Statistics 1988 (NOS B 881)
Criminal Statistics: Crimes Investigated by the Police 1976 (NOS A 893)
Criminal Statistics: Crimes Investigated by the Police 1977 (NOS A 972)
Criminal Statistics: Crimes Investigated by the Police 1978 (NOS B 81)
Criminal Statistics: Crimes Investigated by the Police 1979 (NOS B 153)
Criminal Statistics: Prisoners 1977 (NOS B 6)
Criminal Statistics: Sanctions 1976 (NOS A 915)
Criminal Statistics: Sanctions 1977 (NOS B 3)
Criminal Statistics: Sanctions, Imprisonments 1978 (NOS B 201)
Criminal Statistics: Sanctions, Imprisonments 1979 (NOS B 234)
Criminal Statistics 1980 (NOS B 246)
Criminal Statistics 1981 (NOS B 361)
Criminal Statistics 1982 (NOS B 464)
Criminal Statistics 1983 (NOS B 518)
Criminal Statistics 1984 (NOS B 647)
Criminal Statistics 1985 (NOS B 734)
Criminal Statistics 1986 (NOS B 737)
Criminal Statistics 1987 (NOS B 864)
Criminal Statistics 1988 (NOS B 886)
Criminal Statistics 1989 (NOS B 943)
Criminal Statistics 1990 (NOS C 2)
Criminal Statistics 1991 (NOS C 73)
Criminal Statistics 1992 (NOS C 160)
Crime Statistics 1993 (NOS C 232)
Crime Statistics 1994: Offences Reported to the Police and Offences Investigated (NOS C 329)
Crime Statistics 1994: Sanctions and Imprisonments (NOS C 315)
03.90 Methodology and documentation
A Criminometric Study Using Panel Data and Latent Variables (DP 74)

Criminometrics, Latent Variables, Panel Data, and Different Types of Crime (DP 124)
Distributional and Behavioural Effects of Child Care Subsidies (DP 135)
Evaluation of the Cause-of-Death-Statistics (RAPP 80/13)
Unemployment and the Growth in the Number of Recipients of Disability Benefits in Norway (DP 82)
04 Education
Education and Social Background (SÃS 51)
General Teacher Training and Occupation (ART 97)
04.01 Educational level
Projections of the Educational Characteristics of the Population to the Year 2000 (SÃS 40)
04.02 Pupils/students
Child Care Institutions and Educational Programmes for 6 Year Olds 1991 (NOS C 53)
Child Care Institutions and Educational Programmes for 6 Year Olds 1992 (NOS C 115)
Child Care Institutions and Educational Programmes for 6 Year Olds 1993 (NOS C 187)
Child Care Institutions and Educational Programmes for 6 Year Olds 1994 (NOS C 258)
Child Care Institutions and Educational Programmes for 6 Year Olds 1995 (NOS C 330)
Educational Statistics: Adult Education 1975-76 (NOS A 905)
Educational Statistics: Adult Education 1976-77 (NOS A 973)
Educational Statistics: Adult Education 1977-78 (NOS B 49)
Educational Statistics: Adult Education 1978-79 (NOS B 132)
Educational Statistics: Adult Education 1979-80 (NOS B 206)
Educational Statistics: Adult Education 1980-81 (NOS B 307)
Educational Statistics: Adult Education 1981-82 (NOS B 401)
Educational Statistics: Adult Education 1982-83 (NOS B 460)
Educational Statistics: Adult Education 1983-84 (NOS B 560)
Educational Statistics: Adult Education 1984-85 (NOS B 711)
Educational Statistics: Basic Schools 1 October 1977 (NOS B 1)
Educational Statistics: Basic Schools 1 October 1978 (NOS B 31)
Educational Statistics: Basic Schools 1 October 1979 (NOS B 115)
Educational Statistics: Basic Schools 1 October 1980 (NOS B 202)
Educational Statistics: Basic Schools 1 October 1981 (NOS B 295)
Educational Statistics: Basic Schools 1 October 1982 (NOS B 374)
Educational Statistics: Basic Schools 1 October 1983 (NOS B 459)
Educational Statistics: Basic Schools 1 October 1984 (NOS B 543)
Educational Statistics: Education of Persons 16 Years and over 1 October 1975 (NOS A 935)
Educational Statistics: Primary Schools 1 October 1976 (NOS A 878)
Educational Statistics: Primary and Lower Secondary Schools 1 October 1985 (NOS B 599)
Educational Statistics: Primary and Lower Secondary Schools 1 October 1986 (NOS B 699)
Educational Statistics: Primary and Lower Secondary Schools 1 October 1987 (NOS B 768)
Educational Statistics: Primary and Lower Secondary Schools 1 September 1988 (NOS B 810)
Educational Statistics: Primary and Lower Secondary Schools 1 September 1989 (NOS B 909)
Educational Statistics: Primary and Lower Secondary Schools 1 September 1990 (NOS B 972)
Educational Statistics: Primary and Lower Secondary Schools 1 September 1991 (NOS C 29)
Education Statistics: Primary and Lower Secondary Schools 1 September 1992 (NOS C 150)
Education Statistics: Primary and Lower Secondary Schools 1 September 1993 (NOS C 186)
Education Statistics: Primary and Lower Secondary Schools 1 September 1994 (NOS C 263)
Educational Statistics: Survey 1 October 1975 (NOS A 912)
Educational Statistics: Survey 1 October 1977 (NOS B 24)
Educational Statistics: Survey 1 October 1978 (NOS B 172)
Educational Statistics: Survey 1 October 1979 (NOS B 211)
Educational Statistics: Survey 1 October 1980 (NOS B 364)
Educational Statistics: Survey 1 October 1981 (NOS B 416)
Educational Statistics: Universities and Colleges 1 October 1975 (NOS A 881)
Educational Statistics: Universities and Colleges 1 October 1976 (NOS A 934)
Educational Statistics: Universities and Colleges 1 October 1977 (NOS A 994)
Educational Statistics: Universities and Colleges 1 October 1978 (NOS B 74)
Educational Statistics: Universities and Colleges 1 October 1979 (NOS B 159)
Educational Statistics: Universities and Colleges 1 October 1980 (NOS B 240)
Educational Statistics: Universities and Colleges 1 October 1981 (NOS B 390)
Educational Statistics: Universities and Colleges 1 October 1982 (NOS B 497)
Educational Statistics: Universities and Colleges 1 October 1983 (NOS B 604)
Educational Statistics: Universities and Colleges 1 October 1984 (NOS B 661)
Educational Statistics: Universities and Colleges 1 October 1985 (NOS B 753)
Educational Statistics: Universities and Colleges 1 October 1987 (NOS B 868)
Educational Statistics: Universities and Colleges 1 October 1988 (NOS B 939)
Educational Statistics: Universities and Colleges 1 October 1989 (NOS B 994)
Educational Statistics: Universities and Colleges 1 October 1990 (NOS C 42)
Educational Statistics: Universities and Colleges 1 October 1992 (NOS C 138)
Education Statistics: Universities and Colleges 1 October 1993 (NOS C 240)
Education Statistics: Universities and Colleges 1 October 1994 (NOS C 318)
Educational Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1 October 1975 (NOS A 875)
Educational Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1 October 1976 (NOS A 956)
Educational Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1 October 1977 (NOS A 999)
Educational Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1 October 1978 (NOS B 95)
Educational Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1 October 1979 (NOS B 161)
Educational Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1 October 1980 (NOS B 292)
Educational Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1 October 1981 (NOS B 396)
Educational Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1 October 1982 (NOS B 494)
Educational Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1 October 1983 (NOS B 598)
Educational Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1 October 1984 (NOS B 659)
Educational Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1. October 1985 (NOS B 728)
Educational Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1 October 1986 (NOS B 801)
Educational Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1 October 1987 (NOS B 861)
Educational Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1 October 1988 (NOS B 912)
Educational Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1 October 1989 (NOS B 984)
Educational Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1 October 1990 (NOS C 47)
Educational Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1 October 1991 (NOS C 72)
Educational Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1 October 1992 (NOS C 139)
Education Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1 October 1993 (NOS C 245)
Education Statistics: Upper Secondary Schools 1 October 1994 (NOS C 328)
Kindergartens 1990 (NOS B 975)
Kindergartens and Leisure Time Centres 1985 (NOS B 656)
Kindergartens and Leisure Time Centres 1986 (NOS B 722)
Kindergartens and Leisure Time Centres 1987 (NOS B 804)
Kindergartens and Leisure Time Centres 1988 (NOS B 854)
Kindergartens and Leisure Time Centres 1989 (NOS B 937)
04.90 Methodology and documentation
Norwegian Standard Classification of Education (SNS 7)
Projections of the Educational Characteristics of the Population: A Revised Model (SÃS 60)
05 Personal economy and housing conditions
Income and Consumer Expenditure of Disabled Persons (SÃS 32)
05.01 Income, property and taxes
The Holders Income and Property 1975 (NOS A 900)
Income and Property Statistics 1986 (NOS B 867)
Income and Property Statistics 1987 (NOS B 885)
Income and Property Statistics 1988 (NOS B 948)
Income and Property Statistics 1982, 1984-1990 (NOS C 70)
Income Inequality and Income Mobility in Norway 1986-1990 (SÃS 82)
Income of Aged People: Level and Inequality (RAPP 89/12)
Income of Whole-Year and Full-Time Employed Persons 1970 (NOS A 886)
Income Statistics 1973 (NOS A 892)
Income Statistics 1976 (NOS B 94)
Income Statistics 1979 (NOS B 267)
Income Statistics 1982 (NOS B 569)
Income Statistics 1984 (NOS B 678)
Income Statistics 1985 (NOS B 784)
Individuals, Jobs and Earnings: A Study of Distribution (SÃS 72)
Low Income Groups 1979 (NOS B 294)
Property Statistics 1973 (NOS A 922)
Property Statistics 1976 (NOS B 123)
Property Statistics 1979 (NOS B 275)
Property Statistics 1982 (NOS B 624)
Property Statistics 1985 (NOS B 793)
Statistics on Low Income Groups 1973 (NOS A 963)
Statistics on Low Income Groups 1976 (NOS B 155)
Tax Statistics 1975 (NOS A 906)
Tax Statistics 1976 (NOS A 984)
Tax Statistics 1977 (NOS B 41)
Tax Statistics 1978 (NOS B 126)
Tax Statistics 1979 (NOS B 227)
Tax Statistics 1980 (NOS B 339)
Tax Statistics 1981 (NOS B 421)
Tax Statistics 1982 (NOS B 499)
Tax Statistics 1983 (NOS B 578)
Tax Statistics 1984 (NOS B 638)
Tax Statistics 1985 (NOS B 723)
Tax Statistics 1986 (NOS B 800)
Tax Statistics 1987 (NOS B 865)
Tax Statistics 1988 (NOS B 940)
05.02 Private consumption, consumer surveys
Consumption of Private Households in the 1970s (SA 47)
Survey of Consumer Expenditure 1974-1976 (NOS B 9)
Survey of Consumer Expenditure 1977-1979 (NOS B 245)
Survey of Consumer Expenditure 1980-1982 (NOS B 449)
Survey of Consumer Expenditure 1983-1985 (NOS B 674)
Survey of Consumer Expenditure 1986-1988 (NOS B 919)
Survey of Consumer Expenditure 1989-1991 (NOS C 65)
Survey of Consumer Expenditure 1992-1994 (NOS C 317)
Comparing Consumer Expenditure Functions (ART 108)
Consumer Demand in MODAG and KVARTS (RAPP 92/22)
Consumer Demand in Norwegian Households 1973-1977 (RAPP 80/4)
Consumer Demand with Unobservable Product Attributes. Part I: Theory (DP 166)
Consumer Demand with Unobservable Product Attributes. Part II: Inference (DP 167)
05.03 Dwelling and housing conditions
Holiday House Survey 1978 (NOS B 88)
Housing Conditions and Housing Expenditures (SA 48)
Survey of Housing Conditions 1981 (NOS B 404)
Survey of Housing Conditions 1988 (NOS B 892)
05.90 Methodology and documentation
Analysing the Relationship between Consumption, Income and Wealth in Norwegian Households (SÃS 42)
Choosing Measures of Inequality for Empirical Applications (DP 158)
Distribution of Preferences and Measurement Errors in a Disaggregated Expenditure System (DP 149)
The Distributional Impact of the Norwegian Tax Reform Measured by Disproportionality (DP 146)
The Effect on Consumption of Household Size and Composition (ART 101)
Empirical Life Cycle Models of Labour Supply and Consumption (SÃS 91)
Financial Deregulation and Consumer Behavior: The Norwegian Experience (DP 156)
A Generalization of HallÂs Specification of the Consumption Function (DP 121)
Income Distribution and Consumption 1962-1978 (ART 123)
Labor Supply, Income Distribution and Excess Burden of Personal Income Taxation in Norway (DP 54)
Labor Supply, Income Distribution and Excess Burden of Personal Income Taxation in Sweden (DP 53)

A Model for Analysis of Taxes and Alternative Definitions of Income (ART 94)
Old-Age Pensions, Retirement Behaviour and Personal Saving: A Discussion of the Literature (SÃS 87)
On the Problem of Measuring Inequality (DP 14)
Precautionary Saving and Old-Age Pensions (DP 108)
Specification of Consumer Demand Models (DP 10)

The Trend in Income Inequality in Urban Sichuan and Liaoning, 1986-1990 (DP 75)
Welfare Effects of Proportional Taxation: Empirical Evidence from Italy, Norway and Sweden (DP 171)
06 Labour market
Attitudes and Behaviour in the Labour Market (SÃS 44)
Labour Market Statistics 1976 (NOS A 884)
Labour Market Statistics 1977 (NOS A 958)
Labour Market Statistics 1978 (NOS B 26)
Labour Market Statistics 1979 (NOS B 128)
Labour Market Statistics 1980 (NOS B 210)
Labour Market Statistics 1981 (NOS B 302)
Labour Market Statistics 1982 (NOS B 393)
Labour Market Statistics 1983 (NOS B 477)
Labour Market Statistics 1984 (NOS B 545)
Labour Market Statistics 1985 (NOS B 625)
Labour Market Statistics 1986 (NOS B 703)
Labour Market Statistics 1987-1988 (NOS B 843)
Labour Market Statistics 1989 (NOS B 926)
Labour Market Statistics 1990 (NOS B 965)
Labour Market Statistics 1991 (NOS C 20)
Labour Market Statistics 1992 (NOS C 87)
Labour Market Statistics 1993. Volume I: Main Results (NOS C 148)
Labour Market Statistics 1994. Volume I: Main Results (NOS C 256)
Labour Market Statistics 1995. Volume I: Main Results (NOS C 325)
06.01 Labour force
Changes in WomenÂs Employment Patterns (SÃS 55)
Commuting in Norway 1970 (ART 98)
Female Labour Activity in Norway (SÃS 39)
Individual Labour Supply in Norway (SÃS 58)
Labour Force Projections 1979-2000 (SÃS 48)
Employment and Working Time Patterns in the 1980s (SÃS 71)
WomenÂs Work 1980 (NOS B 242)
06.02 Working conditions, absence
Working Conditions 1989 (NOS C 9)
Working Environment 1993 (NOS C 228)
06.05 Wages and labour cost
Indirect Labour Cost in Some Service Industries 1988 (NOS B 922)
Indirect Labour Costs in Wholesale and Retail Trade, Banking and Insurance Activity 1977 (NOS B 12)
Wage and Employment Statistics for Central Government Employees 1 October 1976 (NOS A 880)
Wage and Employment Statistics for Central Government Employees 1 October 1977 (NOS A 947)
Wage and Employment Statistics for Central Government Employees 1 October 1978 (NOS B 32)
Wage and Employment Statistics for Central Government Employees 1 October 1979 (NOS B 125)
Wage Statistics 1978 (NOS B 34)
Wage Statistics 1979 (NOS B 139)
Wage Statistics 1980 (NOS B 213)
Wage Statistics 1981 (NOS B 306)
Wage Statistics 1982 (NOS B 410)
Wage Statistics 1983 (NOS B 484)
Wage Statistics 1984 (NOS B 555)
Wage Statistics 1985 (NOS B 627)
Wage Statistics 1986 (NOS B 710)
Wage Statistics 1987 (NOS B 786)
Wage Statistics 1988 (NOS B 852)
Wage Statistics 1989 (NOS B 931)
Wage Statistics 1990 (NOS B 999)
Wage Statistics 1991 (NOS C 46)
Wage Statistics 1992 (NOS C 100)
Wage Statistics 1993 (NOS C 181)
Wage Statistics 1994 (NOS C 250)
Wage Statistics 1995 (NOS C 345)
Wage Statistics for Bank Employees 1 September 1976 (NOS A 848)
Wage Statistics for Bank Employees 1 September 1977 (NOS A 938)
Wage Statistics for Bank Employees 1 September 1978 (NOS B 10)
Wage Statistics for Bank Employees 1 September 1979 (NOS B 102)
Wage Statistics for Bank Employees 1 September 1980 (NOS B 178)
Wage Statistics for Bank Employees 1 September 1981 (NOS B 253)
Wage Statistics for Bank Employees 1 September 1982 (NOS B 369)
Wage Statistics for Bank Employees 1 September 1983 (NOS B 442)
Wage and Employment Statistics for Central Government Employees 1 October 1980 (NOS B 198)
Wage and Employment Statistics for Central Government Employees 1 October 1981 (NOS B 291)
Wage and Employment Statistics for Central Government Employees 1 October 1982 (NOS B 406)
Wage and Employment Statistics for Central Government Employees 1 October 1983 (NOS B 474)
Wage Census for Workers in Mining and Manufacturing 3rd Quarter 1977 (NOS A 959)
Wage Census for Workers in Mining and Manufacturing 3rd Quarter 1984 (NOS B 557)
Wage Census for Workers in Oil Extraction, Mining and Manufacturing 3rd Quarter 1990 (NOS C 6)
Wage Conditions of Employees in Bank, Insurance and Central Government (ART 104)
Wage Statistics 1976 (NOS A 885)
Wage Statistics 1977 (NOS A 964)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Hotels and Restaurants April and October 1976 (NOS A 883)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Hotels and Restaurants April and October 1977 (NOS A 954)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Hotels and Restaurants April and October 1978 (NOS B 23)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Hotels and Restaurants April and October 1979 (NOS B 114)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Hotels and Restaurants April and October 1980 (NOS B 205)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Hotels and Restaurants April and October 1981 (NOS B 276)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Hotels and Restaurants April and October 1982 (NOS B 397)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Hotels and Restaurants April and October 1983 (NOS B 468)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Hotels and Restaurants April and October 1984 (NOS B 541)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Hotels and Restaurants April and October 1985 (NOS B 623)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Hotels and Restaurants April and October 1986 (NOS B 698)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Hotels and Restaurants April and October 1987 (NOS B 776)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Hotels and Restaurants April and October 1988 (NOS B 841)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Hotels and Restaurants October 1989 (NOS B 911)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Insurance Activity 1 September 1976 (NOS A 846)
Wage Statistics for Bank Employees 1 September 1984 (NOS B 514)
Wage Statistics for Bank Employees 1 September 1985 (NOS B 586)
Wage Statistics for Bank Employees 1 September 1986 (NOS B 665)
Wage Statistics for Bank Employees 1 September 1987 (NOS B 738)
Wage Statistics for Bank Employees 1 September 1988 (NOS B 815)
Wage Statistics for Bank Employees 1 September 1989 (NOS B 888)
Wage Statistics for Central Government Employees 1 October 1984 (NOS B 542)
Wage Statistics for Central Government Employees 1 October 1985 (NOS B 616)
Wage Statistics for Central Government Employees 1 October 1986 (NOS B 694)
Wage Statistics for Central Government Employees 1 October 1987 (NOS B 777)
Wage Statistics for Central Government Employees 1 October 1988 (NOS B 839)
Wage Statistics for Central Government Employees 1 October 1989 (NOS B 913)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Insurance Activity 1 September 1977 (NOS A 937)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Insurance Activity 1 September 1978 (NOS B 5)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Insurance Activity 1 September 1979 (NOS B 97)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Insurance Activity 1 September 1980 (NOS B 175)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Insurance Activity 1 September 1981 (NOS B 250)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Insurance Activity 1 September 1982 (NOS B 367)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Insurance Activity 1 September 1983 (NOS B 438)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Insurance Activity 1 September 1984 (NOS B 516)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Insurance Activity 1 September 1985 (NOS B 585)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Insurance Activity 1 September 1986 (NOS B 666)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Insurance Activity 1 September 1987 (NOS B 746)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Insurance Activity 1 September 1988 (NOS B 821)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Insurance Activity 1 September 1989 (NOS B 894)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Publicly Maintained Schools 1 October 1984 (NOS B 539)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Publicly Maintained Schools 1 October 1985 (NOS B 613)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Publicly Maintained Schools 1 October 1986 (NOS B 696)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Publicly Maintained Schools 1 October 1987 (NOS B 740)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Publicly Maintained Schools 1 October 1988 (NOS B 846)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Publicly Maintained Schools 1 October 1989 (NOS B 923)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Wholesale and Retail Trade 1 March 1977 (NOS A 903)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Wholesale and Retail Trade 1 March 1978 (NOS A 983)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Wholesale and Retail Trade 1 September 1979 (NOS B 124)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Wholesale and Retail Trade 1 September 1980 (NOS B 199)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Wholesale and Retail Trade 1 September 1981 (NOS B 269)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Wholesale and Retail Trade 1 September 1982 (NOS B 371)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Wholesale and Retail Trade 1 September 1983 (NOS B 453)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Wholesale and Retail Trade 1 September 1984 (NOS B 529)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Wholesale and Retail Trade 1 September 1985 (NOS B 596)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Wholesale and Retail Trade 1 September 1986 (NOS B 683)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Wholesale and Retail Trade 1 September 1987 (NOS B 761)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Wholesale and Retail Trade 1 September 1988 (NOS B 826)
Wage Statistics for Employees in Wholesale Trade and Retail Trade 1 September 1989 (NOS B 907)
Wage Statistics for Local Government Employees 1 October 1976 (NOS A 916)
Wage Statistics for Local Government Employees 1 October 1978 (NOS B 80)
Wage Statistics for Local Government Employees 1 October 1979 (NOS B 152)
Wage Statistics for Local Government Employees 1 October 1980 (NOS B 220)
Wage Statistics for Local Government Employees 1 October 1981 (NOS B 310)
Wage Statistics for Local Government Employees 1 October 1982 (NOS B 426)
Wage Statistics for Local Government Employees 1 October 1983 (NOS B 472)
Wage Statistics for Local Government Employees 1 October 1984 (NOS B 540)
Wage Statistics for Local Government Employees 1 October 1985 (NOS B 632)
Wage Statistics for Local Government Employees 1 October 1987 (NOS B 792)
Wage Statistics for Local Government Employees 1 October 1988 (NOS B 855)
Wage Statistics for Local Government Employees 1 October 1989 (NOS B 935)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Ocean Transport March 1977 (NOS A 909)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Ocean Transport March 1978 (NOS A 980)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Ocean Transport March 1979 (NOS B 75)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Ocean Transport March 1980 (NOS B 158)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Ocean Transport March 1981 (NOS B 232)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Ocean Transport March 1982 (NOS B 321)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Ocean Transport March 1983 (NOS B 424)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Ocean Transport March 1984 (NOS B 492)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Ocean Transport March 1985 (NOS B 570)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Ocean Transport March 1986 (NOS B 643)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Scheduled Coasting Trade November 1976 (NOS A 876)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Scheduled Coasting Trade November 1977 (NOS A 952)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Scheduled Coasting Trade November 1978 (NOS B 19)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Scheduled Coasting Trade November 1979 (NOS B 107)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Scheduled Coasting Trade November 1980 (NOS B 189)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Scheduled Coasting Trade November 1981 (NOS B 270)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Scheduled Coasting Trade November 1982 (NOS B 380)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Scheduled Coasting Trade November 1983 (NOS B 467)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Scheduled Coasting Trade November 1984 (NOS B 524)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Scheduled Coasting Trade November 1985 (NOS B 603)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Scheduled Coasting Trade November 1986 (NOS B 680)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Scheduled Coasting Trade November 1987 (NOS B 760)
Wage Statistics for Seamen on Ships in Scheduled Coasting Trade November 1988 (NOS B 829)
Wage Statistics for Workers and Salaried Employees in Agriculture and Horticulture September 1977 (NOS A 944)
Wage Statistics for Workers in Mining and Manufacturing 3rd Quarter 1976 (NOS A 868)
Wage Statistics for Workers in Mining and Manufacturing 3rd Quarter 1978 (NOS B 18)
Wage Statistics for Workers in Mining and Manufacturing 3rd Quarter 1979 (NOS B 103)
Wage Statistics for Workers in Mining and Manufacturing 3rd Quarter 1980 (NOS B 184)
Wage Statistics for Workers in Mining and Manufacturing 3rd Quarter 1981 (NOS C 260)
Wage Statistics for Workers in Mining and Manufacturing 3rd Quarter 1982 (NOS B 372)
Wage Statistics for Workers in Mining and Manufacturing 3rd Quarter 1983 (NOS B 446)
Wage Statistics for Workers in Mining and Manufacturing 3rd Quarter 1985 (NOS B 602)
Wage Statistics for Workers in Mining and Manufacturing 3rd Quarter 1986 (NOS B 679)
Wage Statistics for Workers in Mining and Manufacturing 3rd Quarter 1987 (NOS B 759)
Wage Statistics for Workers in Mining and Manufacturing 3rd Quarter 1988 (NOS B 828)
Wage Statistics for Workers in Mining and Manufacturing 3rd Quarter 1989 (NOS B 903)
Wage Statistics of Employees in Health Services and Social Welfare 1 October 1982 (NOS B 452)
Wage Statistics of Employees in Health Services and Social Welfare 1 October 1983 (NOS B 479)
Wage Statistics of Employees in Health Services and Social Welfare 1 October 1984 (NOS B 544)
Wage Statistics of Employees in Health Services and Social Welfare 1 October 1985 (NOS B 631)
Wage Statistics of Employees in Health Services and Social Welfare 1 October 1987 (NOS B 795)
Wage Statistics of Employees in Health Services and Social Welfare 1 October 1988 (NOS B 858)
Wage Statistics of Employees in Health Services and Social Welfare 1 October 1989 (NOS B 938)
Wage Structure and Wage Development 1971-1977 (SA 44)
Wages, Salaries and Income 1980 (NOS B 323)
Wages, Salaries and Income 1982 (NOS B 536)
Wages, Salaries and Income 1984 (NOS B 741)
Wages, Salaries and Income 1986 (NOS B 838)
06.90 Methodology and documentation
Aggregation when Markets do not Clear (DP 139)
Field Work Experiences with the Labour Force Sample Survey (RAPP 81/4)

Four Papers on the Theory of Unemployment (RAPP 87/11)

Is there a NAIRU in Norway? (DP 56)
Job Creation, Job Destruction and Plant Turnover in Norwegian Manufacturing (DP 136)
A Labor Supply Model for Marr ed Couples with Non-Convex Budget Sets and Latent Rationing (DP 36)
Labor Supply with Non-Convex Budget Sets, Hours Restriction and Non-Pecuniary Job-Attributes (DP 76)
Non-Stationary Inflow and Duration of Unemployment (DP 52)
Two Notes on Labour Market Statistics (RAPP 79/21)
Wage Equations in Macro Models (DP 98)
Wage Formation and the Macroeconomic Function of the Norwegian Labour Market (SÃS 89)
07 Recreational, cultural and sporting activities
Cultural Statistics 1977 (NOS A 987)
Cultural Statistics 1982 (NOS B 314)
Cultural Statistics 1985 (NOS B 589)
Cultural Statistics 1988 (NOS B 871)
Cultural Statistics 1992 (NOS C 144)
07.02 Cultural participation
Radio Listening and Television Viewing in Norway (SÃS 37)
The Use of Mass Media as a Leisure Activity (ART 100)
08 Prices, price indices and economic trends
08.90 Methodology and documentation
Forward- and Backward Looking Models for Norwegian Export Prices (DP 152)
Import Price Formation and Pricing to Market: A Test on Norwegian Data (DP 157)

Testing for Purchasing Power Parity and Interest Rate Parities on Norwegian Data (DP 101)
09 National economy and valuation
Economic Survey 1976 (NOS XII 286)
Economic Survey 1977 (NOS XII 289)
Economic Survey 1978 (NOS XII 292)
Economic Survey 1979 (NOS B 90)
Economic Survey 1980 (NOS B 174)
Economic Survey 1981 (NOS B 248)
Economic Survey 1982 (NOS B 341)
Economic Survey 1983 (NOS B 433)
Economic Survey 1984 (NOS B 527)
Effective Rates of Assistance for Norwegian Industries (DP 122)
Effective Rates of Assistance for Norwegian Industries (DP 147)
International Cycles in the Norwegian Economy (SÃS 36)

Using the Oil and Gas Revenues: The Norwegian Case (ART 133)
Impacts on the Norwegian Economy of a Temporary Halt in the Growth of Electricity Supply (ART 118)
National Accounts 1949-1962 (NOS B 180)
National Accounts 1949-1962: Revised Edition (NOS B 239)
National Accounts 1967-1977 (NOS A 969)
National Accounts 1962-1978 (NOS B 48)
National Accounts 1968-1979 (NOS B 141)
National Accounts 1969-1980 (NOS B 222)
National Accounts 1970-1981 (NOS B 313)
National Accounts 1971-1982 (NOS B 419)
National Accounts 1972-1983 (NOS B 485)
National Accounts 1975-1984 (NOS B 552)
National Accounts 1975-1985 (NOS B 629)
National Accounts 1976-1986 (NOS B 715)
National Accounts 1988-1993: Production, Uses and Employment (NOS C 339)
National Accounts Statistics 1987 (NOS B 878)
National Accounts Statistics 1988 (NOS B 934)
National Accounts Statistics 1989 (NOS B 981)
National Accounts Statistics 1991 (NOS C 83)
National Accounts by County 1973 (NOS A 925)
National Accounts by County 1976 (NOS B 116)
National Accounts by County 1980 (NOS B 486)
National Accounts by County 1983 (NOS B 687)
National Accounts Statistics by County 1986 (NOS B 920)
National Accounts Statistics by County 1992 (NOS C 323)
Quarterly National Accounts 1966-1977 (NOS B 385)
Quarterly National Accounts 1978-1983 (NOS B 510)
Quarterly National Accounts 1979-1984 (NOS B 563)
Quarterly National Accounts 1980-1985 (NOS B 637)
Quarterly National Accounts 1981-1986 (NOS B 718)
Quarterly National Accounts 1978-1990 (NOS B 997)
09.05 External trade
Commodity List: Edition in English of Statistisk varefortegnelse for utenrikshandelen 1992 (NOS C 8)
External Trade 1976: Volume I (NOS A 882)
External Trade 1976: Volume II (NOS A 897)
External Trade 1977: Volume I (NOS A 965)
External Trade 1977: Volume II (NOS A 976)
External Trade 1978: Volume I (NOS B 33)
External Trade 1978: Volume II (NOS B 43)
External Trade 1979: Volume I (NOS B 129)
External Trade 1979: Volume II (NOS B 148)
External Trade 1980: Volume I (NOS B 208)
External Trade 1980: Volume II (NOS B 225)
External Trade 1981: Volume I (NOS B 305)
External Trade 1981: Volume II (NOS B 318)
External Trade 1982: Volume I (NOS B 398)
External Trade 1982: Volume II (NOS B 411)
External Trade 1983: Volume I (NOS B 480)
External Trade 1983: Volume II (NOS B 493)
External Trade 1984: Volume I (NOS B 553)
External Trade 1984: Volume II (NOS B 564)
External Trade 1985: Volume I (NOS B 628)
External Trade 1985: Volume II (NOS B 642)
External Trade 1986: Volume I (NOS B 704)
External Trade 1986: Volume II (NOS B 717)
External Trade 1987: Volume I (NOS B 783)
External Trade 1987: Volume II (NOS B 797)
External Trade 1988: Volume I (NOS B 849)
External Trade 1988: Volume II (NOS B 872)
External Trade 1989 (NOS B 916)
External Trade 1990 (NOS B 973)
External Trade 1991 (NOS C 35)
External Trade 1992 (NOS C 97)
External Trade 1993 (NOS C 163)
External Trade 1994 (NOS C 236)
External Trade 1995 (NOS C 316)
Monthly Bulletin of External Trade (KST )
09.90 Methodology and documentation
Accounting System of the National Accounts (SNS 1)
Accumulation of R&D Capital and Dynamic Firm Performance: A Not-so-Fixed Effect Model (DP 184)
Adjusting NNP for Instrumental or Defensive Expenditures: An Analytical Approach (DP 134)
Analysing Investment Behaviour: Problems, Methods, and Results (SÃS 38)

Analysis of Supply and Demand of Electricity in the Norwegian Economy (SÃS 53)

An Applied General Equilibrium Assessment of the Marginal Cost of Public Funds in Norway (DP 62)
Business Cycles and Fiscal Policy: Norway 1973-93 (DP 178)
Business Cycles and Oil Price Fluctuations: Some Evidence for six OECD Countries (DP 43)

Certainty Equivalence Procedures in the Macroeconomic Planning of an Oil Economy (DP 1)
Choice Probabilities and Equilibrium Conditions in a Matching Market with Flexible Contracts (DP 94)

A Climate Convention and the Norwegian Economy: A CGE Assessment (DP 64)
Compilation of Input-Output Tables in Norway (ART 139)
A Computable General Equilibrium Model for Tanzania (RAPP 94/20)
The Consumption Function and the Life Cycle Hypotesis (ART 126)

Counterfactual Analyses of Oil Price Shocks Using a World Model (DP 177)

Depletion of Large Gas Fields with Thin Oil Layers and Uncertain Stocks (DP 27)
Depreciation Profiles and the User Cost of Capital (DP 6)
Engel Functions, Panel Data, and Latent Variables - with Detailed Results (DP 89)
Estimating Economic Relations from Incomplete Cross-Section/Time-Series Data (ART 127)
Estimating Price-Cost Margins and Scale Economies from a Panel of Microdata (DP 130)

Expectations, Substitution, and Scrapping in a Putty-Clay Model (DP 17)
Experiences in Using Input-Output Techniques for Price Calculations (ART 141)
Fiscal Expansion, the Budget Deficit and the Economy: Norway 1988-91 (DP 91)
A Framework for Estimating Disequilibrium Models with many Markets (DP 138)

A Generalized Single Equation Error Correction Model and its Application to Quarterly Data (DP 19)

A Directional Shadow Elasticity of Substitution (DP 7)

Discrete Dynamic Choice (ART 148)
Dynamic Choice, Multistate Duration Models and Stochastic Structure (DP 172)
The Dynamic Effects of Aggregate Demand, Supply and Oil Price Shocks (DP 174)
Dynamic Equilibrium Adjustments to a Terms of Trade Disturbance (DP 72)
A Dynamic Equilibrium Analysis of a Carbon Tax (DP 145)
A Dynamic Model for Qualitative Choice Behaviour (RAPP 80/11)
A Dynamic Supply Side Game Applied to the European Gas Market (DP 22)
Econometric Analysis of Labor Supply in a Life Cycle Context with Uncertainty (DP 21)
Econometric Methods: The Norwegian Lesson (ART 117)

Empirical Approaches for Analysing Consumption and Labour Supply in a Life Cycle Perspective (DP 95)
Empirical Modelling of Exports of Manufactures: Norway 1962-1987 (RAPP 93/18)
Empirical Modelling of Norwegian Exports: A Disaggregated Approach (DP 100)
Empirical Tests of the Formation of Expectations: A Survey of Methods and Results (SÃS 83)
Engel Functions, Panel Data and Latent Variables (DP 41)

How Large is the Class of Generalized Extreme Value Random Utility Models? (DP 80)

Import Share Functions in Input-Output Analysis (RAPP 80/14)
Individual Effects in a System of Demand Function (ART 149)
Inflation in the Open Economy: A Norwegian Model (ART 96)
Intertemporal Discrete Choice, Random Tastes and Functional Form (DP 77)

Investment Booms in an Oil Economy - The Norwegian Case (DP 29)
Is Price Equal to Marginal Costs? (DP 93)
Is there a Business Cycle Component in Norwegian Macroeconomic Quarterly Time Series? (DP 140)
KVARTS - A Quarterly Model of the Norwegian Economy (DP 13)

Linear and Log-Linear Qualitative Response Models (RAPP 80/26)
Macroeconomic Modelling: The Norwegian Experience (DP 57)
Macroeconomic Models for Medium and Long-Term Planning (ART 128)
The Marginal Cost of Funds in the Presence of External Effects (DP 99)
The Marginal Cost of Public Funds: A Comment on the Literature (DP 63)
Markov Chains Generated by Maximizing Components of Multidimensional Extremal Processes (DP 12)
MEMLI - The Indonesian Model for Environmental Analysis: Technical Documentation (RAPP 96/1)
The Method of Constant-Market-Shares Analysis Revisited (DP 9)

MODAG: A Medium Term Macroeconometric Model of the Norwegian Economy (DP 67)
MODAG A: A Medium Term Annual Macroeconomic Model of the Norwegian Economy (DP 18)

Modelling Regional Producer Behaviour: A Survey (SÃS 86)
MODEX - A Model of World Trade and the Norwegian Export of Manufactured Goods (ART 136)
MODIS IV: A Model for Economic Analysis and National Planning (SÃS 43)
MODIS IV: Impact Tables for 1978 (ART 124)
Monetarism and Structural Adjustment - The Case of Mozambique (RAPP 94/11)
MSG-4: A Complete Description of the System of Equations (RAPP 87/14)
MSG-5: A Complete Description of the System of Equations (RAPP 94/19)
The Multi-Sectoral Growth Model MSG-4: Formal Structure and Empirical Characteristics (DP 8)

National Accounts of Norway: System and Methods of Estimation (RAPP 81/1)
National Accounts of Norway: System and Methods of Estimation (SÃS 45)
Net National Product as a Welfare Indicator (DP 65)
Non-Convex Budget Set, Hours Restrictions and Labor Supply in Sweden (DP 33)
A Note on Myopic Decision Rules in the Neoclassical Theory of Producer Behaviour (DP 34)
A Note on the Short Run versus Long Run Welfare Gain from a Tax Reform (DP 47)
On Equity and Public Pricing in Developing Countries (DP 123)
On the Causes and Effects of Non-Response: Norwegian Experiences (ART 121)

On the Prediction of Population Totals from Sample Surveys Based on Rotating Panels (DP 3)
On the Use of Laspeyres and Paasche Indices in a Neoclassical Import Model (RAPP 83/10)
Optimal Taxation in Applied General Equilibrium Models Adopting the Armington Assumption (DP 55)

The Political Man and Contigent Valuation: Motives do Count (DP 180)
Probabilistic Choice Models for Uncertain Outcomes (DP 141)
Problems of Linking Single-Region and Multiregional Economic Models (DP 37)
Project Evaluations and Decision Processes (DP 137)
Properties of Demand Functions for Linear Consumption Aggregates (DP 49)
Recent Leaps towards Free Trade: The Impact on Norwegian Industry and Trade Patterns (DP 176)
REGION: A Model for Regional Input-Output Analysis (ART 122)

A Review of Models and Data in the Norwegian System of Economic Planning (ART 131)
The Scandinavian Contribution to National Accounting (DP 73)

A Short Run Dynamic Equilibrium Model of the Norwegian Production Sectors (DP 4)
Some Issues about the Norwegian Capital Income Imputation Model (DP 155)
Some Norwegian Politicians Use of Cost-Benefit Analysis (DP 169)
Stochastic Properties and Functional Forms in Life Cycle (DP 24)
Stochastic Simulation of KVARTS 91 (RAPP 93/20)

Sufficient Welfare Indicators Allowing Disagreement in Evaluations of Social Welfare (DP 119)
Taxing or Subsidising an Exporting Industry? (DP 25)
Testing Rational Expectations in Vector Autoregressive Models (DP 129)
Testing the Rational Expectations Hypothesis Using Norwegian Microeconomic Data (DP 90)
Theoretical and Econometric Modeling of Disequilibrium (DP 83)
Theoretical Foundations of Lorenz Curve Orderings (DP 88)
Trends, Cycles and Measures of Persistence in the Norwegian Economy (SÃS 92)

Utilitarism, Equivalence Scales and Logarithmic Utility (DP 118)
The Volatility of Oil Wealth under Uncertainty about Parameter Values (DP 110)
Welfare Effects of Emission Taxes in Norway (DP 148)
What are the Options for Non-OPEC Producing Countries? (DP 26)
10 Industrial activities
Census of Establishments 1974: Summary (NOS A 930)
Commodity Nomenclature: Supplement to Industrial Statistics 1978 (NOS B 30)
Commodity Nomenclature: Supplement to Industrial Statistics 1979 (NOS B 109)
Commodity Nomenclature: Supplement to Industrial Statistics 1980 (NOS B 183)
Commodity Nomenclature: Supplement to Industrial Statistics 1981 (NOS B 283)
Industrial Statistics 1975 (NOS A 847)
Industrial Statistics 1976 (NOS A 949)
Industrial Statistics 1977 (NOS B 15)
Industrial Statistics 1978 (NOS B 98)
Industrial Statistics 1979 (NOS B 194)
Industrial Statistics 1980 (NOS B 273)
Industrial Statistics 1981 (NOS B 384)
Innovation in Norwegian Manufacturing and Oil Extraction in 1992 (RAPP 95/26)
Manufacturing Statistics 1982. Volume I: Industrial Figures (NOS B 456)
Manufacturing Statistics 1982. Volume II: Commodity Figures (NOS B 475)
Manufacturing Statistics 1983. Volume I: Industrial Figures (NOS B 538)
Manufacturing Statistics 1983. Volume II: Industrial Figures (NOS B 548)
Manufacturing Statistics 1984. Volume I: Industrial Figures (NOS B 597)
Manufacturing Statistics 1984. Volume II: Commodity Figures (NOS B 617)
Manufacturing Statistics 1985. Volume I: Industrial Figures (NOS B 673)
Manufacturing Statistics 1985. Volume II: Commodity Figures (NOS B 689)
Manufacturing Statistics 1986. Volume I: Industrial Figures (NOS B 755)
Manufacturing Statistics 1986. Volume II: Commodity Figures (NOS B 781)
Manufacturing Statistics 1987. Volume I: Industrial Figures (NOS B 836)
Manufacturing Statistics 1987. Volume II: Commodity Figures (NOS B 876)
Manufacturing Statistics 1988. Volume I: Industrial Figures (NOS B 914)
Manufacturing Statistics 1988. Volume II: Commodity Figures (NOS B 941)
Manufacturing Statistics 1989. Volume I: Industrial Figures (NOS B 989)
Manufacturing Statistics 1989. Volume II: Commodity Figures (NOS B 998)
Manufacturing Statistics 1990: Industrial Figures (NOS C 36)
Manufacturing Statistics 1991: Industrial Figures (NOS C 89)
Manufacturing Statistics 1992: Industrial Figures (NOS C 162)
Manufacturing Statistics 1993: Industrial Figures (NOS C 253)
Manufacturing Statistics 1994: Industrial Figures (NOS C 327)
Statistics of Accounts 1987: Manufacturing, Wholesale and Retail Trade (NOS B 873)
Statistics of Accounts 1988: Manufacturing, Wholesale and Retail Trade (NOS B 924)
Statistics of Accounts 1989: Manufacturing, Wholesale and Retail Trade (NOS B 967)
Statistics of Accounts 1990: Manufacturing, Wholesale and Retail Trade (NOS C 21)
Statistics of Accounts 1991: Manufacturing, Wholesale and Retail Trade (NOS C 80)
Statistics of Accounts 1992: Manufacturing, Wholesale and Retail Trade (NOS C 171)
Statistics of Accounts 1993: Manufacturing, Wholesale and Retail Trade (NOS C 249)
Statistics of Accounts 1994: Manufacturing, Wholesale and Retail Trade (NOS C 322)
Statistics of Accounts 1975: Mining and Manufacturing (NOS A 844)
Statistics of Accounts 1976: Mining and Manufacturing (NOS A 941)
Statistics of Accounts 1977: Mining and Manufacturing (NOS B 72)
Statistics of Accounts 1978: Mining and Manufacturing (NOS B 121)
Statistics of Accounts 1979: Mining and Manufacturing (NOS B 177)
Statistics of Accounts 1980: Mining and Manufacturing (NOS B 256)
Statistics of Accounts 1981: Oil Extraction, Mining and Manufacturing (NOS B 381)
Statistics of Accounts 1982: Oil Extraction, Mining and Manufacturing (NOS B 440)
Statistics of Accounts 1983: Oil Extraction, Mining and Manufacturing (NOS B 520)
Statistics of Accounts 1984: Oil Extraction, Mining and Manufacturing (NOS B 600)
Statistics of Accounts 1985: Oil Extraction, Mining and Manufacturing (NOS B 676)
Statistics of Accounts 1986: Oil Extraction, Mining and Manufacturing (NOS B 757)
10.04 Agriculture and forestry
Agricultural Statistics 1976 (NOS A 913)
Agricultural Statistics 1977 (NOS A 981)
Agricultural Statistics 1978 (NOS B 69)
Agricultural Statistics 1979 (NOS B 146)
Agricultural Statistics 1980 (NOS B 300)
Agricultural Statistics 1981 (NOS B 402)
Agricultural Statistics 1982 (NOS B 431)
Agricultural Statistics 1983 (NOS B 504)
Agricultural Statistics 1984 (NOS B 609)
Agricultural Statistics 1985 (NOS B 671)
Agricultural Statistics 1986 (NOS B 775)
Agricultural Statistics 1987 (NOS B 827)
Agricultural Statistics 1988 (NOS B 884)
Agricultural Statistics 1989 (NOS B 954)
Agricultural Statistics 1990 (NOS C 1)
Agricultural Statistics 1991 (NOS C 71)
Agricultural Statistics 1992 (NOS C 110)
Agricultural Statistics 1993 (NOS C 193)
Agricultural Statistics 1994 (NOS C 299)
Census of Agriculture and Forestry 20 June 1979. Volume V: Livestock and Poultry (NOS B 328)
Census of Agriculture and Forestry 20 June 1979. Volume VI: Horticulture (NOS B 363)
Census of Agriculture and Forestry 20 June 1979. Volume VII: Forestry (NOS B 403)
Census of Agriculture and Forestry 20 June 1979. Volume VIII: General Survey (NOS B 531)
Census of Agriculture and Forestry 1 June 1989. Volume I: Properties - Area Resources (NOS C 23)
Census of Agriculture and Forestry 1 June 1989. Volume IV: Agriculture - Area Utilization (NOS C 24)
Census of Agriculture and Forestry 1 June 1989. Volume V: Livestock (NOS C 30)
Census of Agriculture and Forestry 1 June 1989. Volume VI: Horticulture (NOS C 55)
Census of Agriculture and Forestry 1 June 1989. Volume VII: Forestry - Outfield Resources (NOS C 5)
Census of Horticulture 1985 (NOS B 708)
Forestry Statistics 1976 (NOS A 911)
Forestry Statistics 1977 (NOS A 989)
Forestry Statistics 1978 (NOS B 84)
Forestry Statistics 1979 (NOS B 169)
Forestry Statistics 1980 (NOS B 241)
Forestry Statistics 1981 (NOS B 383)
Forestry Statistics 1982 (NOS B 439)
Forestry Statistics 1983 (NOS B 517)
Forestry Statistics 1984 (NOS B 591)
Forestry Statistics 1985 (NOS B 657)
Forestry Statistics 1986 (NOS B 748)
Forestry Statistics 1987 (NOS B 834)
Forestry Statistics 1988 (NOS B 898)
Forestry Statistics 1989 (NOS B 970)
Forestry Statistics 1990 (NOS C 17)
Forestry Statistics 1991 (NOS C 59)
Forestry Statistics 1992 (NOS C 113)
Forestry Statistics 1993 (NOS C 237)
Hunting Statistics 1846-1977 (NOS A 955)
Hunting Statistics 1976 (NOS A 889)
Hunting Statistics 1977 (NOS A 974)
Hunting Statistics 1978 (NOS B 44)
Hunting Statistics 1979 (NOS B 144)
Hunting Statistics 1980 (NOS B 219)
Hunting Statistics 1981 (NOS B 315)
Hunting Statistics 1982 (NOS B 417)
Hunting Statistics 1983 (NOS B 495)
Hunting Statistics 1984 (NOS B 567)
Hunting Statistics 1985 (NOS B 640)
Hunting Statistics 1986 (NOS B 721)
Hunting Statistics 1987 (NOS B 799)
Hunting Statistics 1988 (NOS B 862)
Hunting Statistics 1989 (NOS B 936)
Hunting Statistics 1990 (NOS B 993)
Hunting Statistics 1991 (NOS C 41)
Hunting Statistics 1992 (NOS C 92)
Hunting Statistics 1993 (NOS C 175)
Hunting Statistics 1994 (NOS C 254)
Hunting Statistics 1995 (NOS C 331)
Norwegian Horticulture 1969-1974 (SA 32)
Roundwood Cut for Sale and Industrial Production 1975-76 (NOS A 887)
Roundwood Cut for Sale and Industrial Production 1976-77 (NOS A 967)
Roundwood Cut for Sale and Industrial Production 1977-78 (NOS B 39)
Roundwood Cut for Sale and Industrial Production 1978-79 (NOS B 135)
Roundwood Cut for Sale and Industrial Production 1979-80 (NOS B 278)
Roundwood Cut for Sale and Industrial Production 1980-81 (NOS B 319)
Roundwood Cut for Sale and Industrial Production 1981-82 (NOS B 414)
Roundwood Cut for Sale and Industrial Production 1982-83 (NOS B 489)
Roundwood Cut for Sale and Industrial Production 1983-84 (NOS B 562)
Roundwood Cut for Sale and Industrial Production 1984-85 (NOS B 634)
Roundwood Cut for Sale and Industrial Production 1985-86 (NOS B 712)
Roundwood Cut for Sale and Industrial Production 1986-87 (NOS B 779)
Roundwood Cut for Sale and Industrial Production 1987/88 (NOS B 844)
Roundwood Cut for Sale and Industrial Production 1988/89 (NOS B 915)
Roundwood Cut for Sale and Industrial Production 1989/90 (NOS B 968)
Roundwood Cut for Sale and Industrial Production 1990/91 (NOS C 44)
Roundwood Cut for Sale and Industrial Production 1991/92 (NOS C 86)
Roundwood Cut 1992/93: For Sale and Industrial Production (NOS C 153)
Roundwood Cut 1993/94: For Sale and Industrial Production (NOS C 251)
Roundwood Cut 1994/95: For Sale and Industrial Production (NOS C 349)
Timber Floating 1871-1975 (SA 29)
Veterinary Statistics 1976 (NOS A 919)
Veterinary Statistics 1977 (NOS A 998)
Veterinary Statistics 1978 (NOS B 86)
Veterinary Statistics 1979 (NOS B 163)
Veterinary Statistics 1980 (NOS B 301)
Veterinary Statistics 1981 (NOS B 368)
Veterinary Statistics 1982 (NOS B 436)
Veterinary Statistics 1983 (NOS B 513)
Veterinary Statistics 1984 (NOS B 605)
Veterinary Statistics 1985 (NOS B 691)
Veterinary Statistics 1986 (NOS B 749)
Veterinary Statistics 1987 (NOS B 805)
Veterinary Statistics 1988 (NOS B 880)
Veterinary Statistics 1990 (NOS C 31)
10.05 Fishing and fish farms
Fishery Statistics 1973-1974 (NOS XII 288)
Fishery Statistics 1975-1976 (NOS XII 294)
Fishery Statistics 1977 (NOS B 87)
Fishery Statistics 1978 (NOS B 162)
Fishery Statistics 1979 (NOS B 216)
Fishery Statistics 1980 (NOS B 282)
Fishery Statistics 1981 (NOS B 366)
Fishery Statistics 1982 (NOS B 496)
Fishery Statistics 1983 (NOS B 550)
Fishery Statistics 1984 (NOS B 649)
Fishery Statistics 1985 (NOS B 724)
Fishery Statistics 1987 (NOS B 869)
Fishery Statistics 1988-1989 (NOS B 957)
Fishery Statistics 1989-1990 (NOS C 4)
Fishery Statistics 1990-1991 (NOS C 93)
Fishery Statistics 1991-1992 (NOS C 226)
Fishery Statistics 1992-1993 (NOS C 308)
Fishing and Rearing of Salmon etc. 1986 (NOS B 720)
Fishing and Rearing of Salmon etc. 1987 (NOS B 840)
Fishing and Rearing of Salmon etc. 1988 (NOS B 906)
Fishing and Rearing of Salmon etc. 1989 (NOS B 985)
Fishing and Rearing of Salmon etc. 1990 (NOS C 56)
Fishing and Rearing of Salmon etc. 1991 (NOS C 94)
Fishing and Rearing of Salmon etc. 1992 (NOS C 239)
Salmon and Sea Trout Fisheries 1976 (NOS A 910)
Salmon and Sea Trout Fisheries 1977 (NOS A 990)
Salmon and Sea Trout Fisheries 1978 (NOS B 77)
Salmon and Sea Trout Fisheries 1979 (NOS B 156)
Salmon and Sea Trout Fisheries 1980 (NOS B 230)
Salmon and Sea Trout Fisheries 1981 (NOS B 325)
Salmon and Sea Trout Fisheries 1982 (NOS B 418)
Salmon and Sea Trout Fisheries 1983 (NOS B 491)
Salmon and Sea Trout Fisheries 1984 (NOS B 568)
Salmon and Sea Trout Fisheries 1985 (NOS B 645)
Salmon and Sea Trout Fisheries 1993-95 (NOS C 313)
10.06 Mining and quarrying
The Oil Activities 1978 (NOS B 38)
The Oil Activities 1979 (NOS B 133)
The Oil Activities 1980 (NOS B 207)
The Oil Activities on the Norwegian Continental Shelf up to 1977 (SA 38)
Oil and Gas Activity 4th Quarter 1986 (NOS B 650)
Oil and Gas Activity 1st Quarter 1987 (NOS B 682)
Oil and Gas Activity 2nd Quarter 1987 (NOS B 702)
Oil and Gas Activity 3rd Quarter 1987 (NOS B 716)
Oil and Gas Activity 4th Quarter 1987 (NOS B 736)
Oil and Gas Activity 1st Quarter 1988 (NOS B 763)
Oil and Gas Activity 2nd Quarter 1988 (NOS B 794)
Oil and Gas Activity 3rd Quarter 1988 (NOS B 802)
Oil and Gas Activity 4th Quarter 1988 (NOS B 817)
Oil and Gas Activity 1st Quarter 1989 (NOS B 837)
Oil and Gas Activity 2nd Quarter 1989 (NOS B 850)
Oil and Gas Activity 3rd Quarter 1989 (NOS B 870)
Oil and Gas Activity 4th Quarter 1989 (NOS B 891)
Oil and Gas Activity 1st and 2nd Quarter 1990 (NOS B 928)
Oil and Gas Activity 3rd Quarter 1990 (NOS B 942)
Oil and Gas Activity 4th Quarter 1990 (NOS B 958)
Oil and Gas Activity 1st Quarter 1991 (NOS B 979)
Oil and Gas Activity 2nd Quarter 1991 (NOS B 987)
Oil and Gas Activity 3rd Quarter 1991 (NOS C 3)
Oil and Gas Activity 4th Quarter 1991 (NOS C 19)
Oil and Gas Activity 1st Quarter 1992 (NOS C 33)
Oil and Gas Activity 2nd Quarter 1992 (NOS C 49)
Oil and Gas Activity 3rd Quarter 1992 (NOS C 61)
Oil and Gas Activity 4th Quarter 1992 (NOS C 76)
Oil and Gas Activity 1st Quarter 1993 (NOS C 88)
Oil and Gas Activity 2nd Quarter 1993 (NOS C 101)
Oil and Gas Activity 3rd Quarter 1993 (NOS C 109)
Oil and Gas Activity 4th Quarter 1993 (NOS C 140)
Oil and Gas Activity 1st Quarter 1994 (NOS C 156)
Oil and Gas Activity 2nd Quarter 1994 (NOS C 172)
Oil and Gas Activity 3rd Quarter 1994 (NOS C 189)
Oil and Gas Activity 4th Quarter 1994 (NOS C 225)
Oil and Gas Activity 1st Quarter 1995 (NOS C 243)
Oil and Gas Activity 2nd Quarter 1995 (NOS C 252)
Oil and Gas Activity 3rd Quarter 1995 (NOS C 265)
Oil and Gas Activity 4th Quarter 1995 (NOS C 303)
Oil and Gas Activity 1st Quarter 1996 (NOS C 312)
Oil and Gas Activity 2nd Quarter 1996 (NOS C 326)
Oil and Gas Activity 3rd Quarter 1996 (NOS C 335)
10.07 Manufacture
10.08 Electricity, gas, steam and water supply
Electricity Statistics 1976 (NOS A 921)
Electricity Statistics 1977 (NOS B 11)
Electricity Statistics 1978 (NOS B 108)
Electricity Statistics 1979 (NOS B 200)
Electricity Statistics 1980 (NOS B 266)
Electricity Statistics 1981 (NOS B 389)
Electricity Statistics 1982 (NOS B 462)
Electricity Statistics 1983 (NOS B 559)
Electricity Statistics 1984 (NOS B 619)
Electricity Statistics 1985 (NOS B 705)
Electricity Statistics 1986 (NOS B 778)
Electricity Statistics 1987 (NOS B 833)
Electricity Statistics 1988 (NOS B 908)
Electricity Statistics 1989 (NOS B 969)
Electricity Statistics 1990 (NOS C 34)
Electricity Statistics 1991 (NOS C 82)
Electricity Statistics 1992 (NOS C 157)
Electricity Statistics 1993 (NOS C 311)
Electricity Statistics 1994 (NOS C 351)
Energy Statistics 1970-1977 (NOS A 977)
Energy Statistics 1978 (NOS B 25)
Energy Statistics 1979 (NOS B 120)
Energy Statistics 1980 (NOS B 226)
Energy Statistics 1981 (NOS B 311)
Energy Statistics 1982 (NOS B 415)
Energy Statistics 1983 (NOS B 487)
Energy Statistics 1984 (NOS B 572)
Energy Statistics 1985 (NOS B 635)
Energy Statistics 1986 (NOS B 709)
Energy Statistics 1987 (NOS B 798)
Energy Statistics 1988 (NOS B 863)
Energy Statistics 1989 (NOS B 944)
Energy Statistics 1990 (NOS B 995)
Energy Statistics 1991 (NOS C 50)
Energy Statistics 1992 (NOS C 114)
Energy Statistics 1993 (NOS C 183)
Energy Statistics 1994 (NOS C 260)
Energy Statistics 1995 (NOS C 347)
10.09 Building and construction
Building Statistics 1976 (NOS A 917)
Building Statistics 1977 (NOS A 991)
Building Statistics 1978 (NOS B 83)
Building Statistics 1979 (NOS B 170)
Building Statistics 1980 (NOS B 259)
Building Statistics 1981 (NOS B 335)
Building Statistics 1982 (NOS B 461)
Building Statistics 1983 and 1984 (NOS B 574)
Building Statistics 1985 (NOS B 607)
Building Statistics 1986 (NOS B 697)
Building Statistics 1987 (NOS B 762)
Building Statistics 1988 (NOS B 831)
Building Statistics 1989 (NOS B 902)
Building Statistics 1990 (NOS B 962)
Building Statistics 1991 (NOS C 28)
Building Statistics 1992 (NOS C 78)
Building Statistics 1993 (NOS C 158)
Building Statistics 1994 (NOS C 242)
Building Statistics 1995 (NOS C 310)
Construction etc. 1970-1977 (NOS B 28)
Construction of Detached Houses: Costs, Use of Materials, Equipment Standard etc. (SA 39)
Construction Statistics 1975 (NOS A 867)
Construction Statistics 1976 (NOS A 933)
Construction Statistics 1977 (NOS A 995)
Construction Statistics 1978 (NOS B 89)
Construction Statistics 1979 (NOS B 181)
Construction Statistics 1980 (NOS B 271)
Construction Statistics 1980: Revised Edition (NOS B 304)
Construction Statistics 1981 (NOS B 395)
Construction Statistics 1982 (NOS B 476)
Construction Statistics 1983 (NOS B 551)
Construction Statistics 1984 (NOS B 595)
Construction Statistics 1985 (NOS B 664)
Construction Statistics 1986 (NOS B 751)
Construction Statistics 1987 (NOS B 814)
Construction Statistics 1988 (NOS B 901)
Construction Statistics 1989 (NOS B 971)
Construction Statistics 1990 (NOS C 37)
Construction Statistics 1991 (NOS C 95)
Construction Statistics 1992 (NOS C 179)
Construction Statistics 1993 (NOS C 262)
Construction Statistics 1994 (NOS C 333)
10.10 Retail and wholesale trade and repair of motor vehicles and household goods
Accounting Analysis: Grocery Trade (SA 41)
Car Repair Shops etc. 1980 (NOS B 268)
Car Repair Shops etc. 1981 (NOS B 370)
Car Repair Shops etc. 1982 (NOS B 444)
Car Repair Shops etc. 1983 (NOS B 575)
Car Repair Shops etc. 1984 (NOS B 610)
Car Repair Shops etc. 1985 (NOS B 662)
Car Repair Shops etc. 1986 (NOS B 754)
Car Repair Shops etc. 1987 (NOS B 824)
Car Repair Shops etc. 1988 (NOS B 899)
Census of Establishments 1974: Wholesale and Retail Trade (NOS A 888)
Purchases and Sales in the Wholesale Trade (SA 34)
Statistics of Accounts 1981: Retail Trade (NOS B 422)
Statistics of Accounts 1982-1983: Retail Trade (NOS B 554)
Statistics of Accounts 1984: Retail Trade (NOS B 606)
Statistics of Accounts 1985: Retail Trade (NOS B 688)
Statistics of Accounts 1986: Retail Trade (NOS B 770)
Statistics of Accounts 1975: Wholesale Trade (NOS A 845)
Statistics of Accounts 1976: Wholesale Trade (NOS A 940)
Statistics of Accounts 1977: Wholesale Trade (NOS B 71)
Statistics of Accounts 1978: Wholesale Trade (NOS B 113)
Statistics of Accounts 1979: Wholesale Trade (NOS B 176)
Statistics of Accounts 1980: Wholesale Trade (NOS B 257)
Statistics of Accounts 1981: Wholesale Trade (NOS B 382)
Statistics of Accounts 1982: Wholesale Trade (NOS B 441)
Statistics of Accounts 1983: Wholesale Trade (NOS B 521)
Statistics of Accounts 1984: Wholesale Trade (NOS B 601)
Statistics of Accounts 1985: Wholesale Trade (NOS B 675)
Statistics of Accounts 1986: Wholesale Trade (NOS B 758)
Statistics on Car Repair Shops etc. 1978 (NOS B 149)
Statistics on Car Repair Shops etc. 1979 (NOS B 186)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1975 (NOS A 870)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1976 (NOS A 945)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1977 (NOS B 27)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1978 (NOS B 119)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1979 (NOS B 217)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1980 (NOS B 280)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1981 (NOS B 392)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1982 (NOS B 481)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1983 (NOS B 584)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1984 (NOS B 618)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1985 (NOS B 695)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1986 (NOS B 782)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1987 (NOS B 857)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1988 (NOS B 925)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1989 (NOS B 982)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1990 (NOS C 84)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1991 (NOS C 103)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1992 (NOS C 177)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1993 (NOS C 267)
Wholesale and Retail Trade Statistics 1994 (NOS C 336)
10.11 Hotels and restaurants
Statistics on Hotels and Boarding Houses 1975-1976 (NOS A 891)
Statistics on Travel 1977 (NOS A 993)
Statistics on Travel 1978 (NOS B 76)
Statistics on Travel 1979 (NOS B 171)
Statistics on Travel 1980 (NOS B 238)
Statistics on Travel 1981 (NOS B 324)
Statistics on Travel 1982 (NOS B 412)
Statistics on Travel 1983 (NOS B 506)
Statistics on Travel 1984-1986 (NOS B 732)
Statistics on Travel 1987 (NOS B 807)
Statistics on Travel 1988 (NOS B 866)
Statistics on Travel 1989 (NOS B 953)
Statistics on Travel 1990 (NOS B 992)
Statistics on Travel 1991 (NOS C 63)
Statistics on Travel 1992 (NOS C 147)
Statistics on Travel 1993 (NOS C 238)
Statistics on Travel 1994 (NOS C 309)
Statistics on Travel 1995 (NOS C 346)
10.12 Transport and communication
Coastwise Transport of Goods 1975 (NOS A 939)
Coastwise Transport of Goods 1980 (NOS B 330)
Coastwise Transport of Goods 1993: Transport for Hire or Reward and on Own Account (NOS C 324)
Marine Casualties 1976 (NOS A 873)
Marine Casualties 1977 (NOS A 950)
Marine Casualties 1978 (NOS B 20)
Marine Casualties 1979 (NOS B 112)
Marine Casualties 1980 (NOS B 188)
Marine Casualties 1981 (NOS B 279)
Marine Casualties 1982 (NOS B 387)
Marine Casualties 1983 (NOS B 454)
Marine Casualties 1984 (NOS B 533)
Marine Casualties 1985 (NOS B 614)
Maritime Statistics 1983 (NOS B 483)
Maritime Statistics 1984 (NOS B 556)
Maritime Statistics 1985 (NOS B 668)
Maritime Statistics 1986 (NOS B 747)
Maritime Statistics 1987 (NOS B 785)
Maritime Statistics 1988 (NOS B 856)
Maritime Statistics 1989 (NOS B 927)
Maritime Statistics 1990 (NOS B 986)
Maritime Statistics 1991 (NOS C 45)
Maritime Statistics 1992 (NOS C 104)
Maritime Statistics 1993 (NOS C 190)
Maritime Statistics 1994 (NOS C 257)
Maritime Statistics 1995 (NOS C 334)
Private Motoring: Sample Survey 1980 (NOS B 420)
Regular Coastal Trade 1979 (NOS B 251)
Road Goods Transport 1978 (NOS B 136)
Road Goods Transport: Sample Survey 1983 (NOS B 636)
Road Goods Transport: Sample Survey 1988 (NOS B 974)
Road Traffic Accidents 1976 (NOS A 879)
Road Traffic Accidents 1977 (NOS B 46)
Road Traffic Accidents 1978 (NOS B 101)
Road Traffic Accidents 1979 (NOS B 179)
Road Traffic Accidents 1980 (NOS B 237)
Road Traffic Accidents 1981 (NOS B 332)
Road Traffic Accidents 1982 (NOS B 443)
Road Traffic Accidents 1983 (NOS B 498)
Road Traffic Accidents 1984 (NOS B 561)
Road Traffic Accidents 1985 (NOS B 641)
Road Traffic Accidents 1986 (NOS B 729)
Road Traffic Accidents 1987 (NOS B 787)
Road Traffic Accidents 1988 (NOS B 851)
Road Traffic Accidents 1989 (NOS B 929)
Road Traffic Accidents 1990 (NOS B 996)
Road Traffic Accidents 1991 (NOS C 39)
Road Traffic Accidents 1992 (NOS C 91)
Road Traffic Accidents 1993 (NOS C 178)
Road Traffic Accidents 1994 (NOS C 255)
Road Traffic Accidents 1995 (NOS C 332)
Scheduled Road Transport 1975 (NOS A 923)
Scheduled Road Transport 1976 (NOS B 7)
Scheduled Road Transport 1977 (NOS B 45)
Scheduled Road Transport 1978 (NOS B 127)
Scheduled Road Transport 1979 (NOS B 196)
Scheduled Road Transport 1980 (NOS B 289)
Scheduled Road Transport 1981 (NOS B 377)
Scheduled Road Transport 1982 (NOS B 488)
Scheduled Road Transport 1983 (NOS B 549)
Scheduled Road Transport 1984 (NOS B 626)
Scheduled Road Transport 1985 (NOS B 706)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1976 (NOS A 896)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1977 (NOS A 962)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1978 (NOS B 36)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1979 (NOS B 145)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1980 (NOS B 221)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1981 (NOS B 326)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1982 (NOS B 425)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1983 (NOS B 503)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1984 (NOS B 571)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1985 (NOS B 686)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1986 (NOS B 744)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1987 (NOS B 806)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1988 (NOS B 879)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1989 (NOS B 945)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1990 (NOS B 977)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1991 (NOS C 67)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1992 (NOS C 105)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1993 (NOS C 191)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1994 (NOS C 264)
Transport and Communication Statistics 1995 (NOS C 350)
10.13 Financial intermediation
Commercial and Savings Banks 1975 and 1976 (NOS A 907)
Commercial and Savings Banks 1977 (NOS A 970)
Commercial and Savings Banks 1978 (NOS B 70)
Credit Market Statistics: Assets and Liabilities on Foreign Countries 1973-1975 (NOS A 877)
Credit Market Statistics: Financial Sector Balance Sheets 1971-1976 (NOS A 931)
Credit Market Statistics: Financial Sector Balance Sheets 1972-1977 (NOS A 960)
Credit Market Statistics: Financial Sector Balance Sheets 1973-1978 (NOS B 37)
Credit Market Statistics: Financial Sector Balance Sheets 1974-1979 (NOS B 150)
Credit Market Statistics: Financial Sector Balance Sheets 1975-1980 (NOS B 236)
Credit Market Statistics: Foreign Assets and Liabilities 1975 and 1976 (NOS A 928)
Credit Market Statistics: Foreign Assets and Liabilities 1976 and 1977 (NOS A 988)
Credit Market Statistics: Foreign Assets and Liabilities 1977 and 1978 (NOS B 47)
Credit Market Statistics: Foreign Assets and Liabilities 1978 and 1979 (NOS B 160)
Credit Market Statistics: Foreign Assets and Liabilities 1979 and 1980 (NOS B 228)
Credit Market Statistics: Foreign Assets and Liabilities 1980 and 1981 (NOS B 327)
Credit Market Statistics: Foreign Assets and Liabilities 1981 and 1982 (NOS B 427)
Credit Market Statistics: Foreign Assets and Liabilities 1982 and 1983 (NOS B 508)
Credit Market Statistics: Foreign Assets and Liabilities 1983 and 1984 (NOS B 581)
Credit Market Statistics: Foreign Assets and Liabilities 1984 and 1985 (NOS B 653)
Credit Market Statistics: Foreign Assets and Liabilities 1985 and 1986 (NOS B 730)
Credit Market Statistics: Foreign Assets and Liabilities 1986 and 1987 (NOS B 842)
Credit Market Statistics: Foreign Assets and Liabilities 1987 and 1988 (NOS B 905)
Credit Market Statistics: Foreign Assets and Liabilities 1988 and 1989 (NOS B 990)
Credit Market Statistics: Life and Non-Life Insurance Companies etc. 1974-1976 (NOS A 942)
Credit Market Statistics: Life and Non-Life Insurance Companies etc. 1977 (NOS B 13)
Credit Market Statistics: Life and Non-Life Insurance Companies etc. 1978 (NOS B 110)
Credit Market Statistics: Life and Non-Life Insurance Companies etc. 1979-1980 (NOS B 218)
Credit Market Statistics: Life and Non-Life Insurance Companies etc. 1981 (NOS B 373)
Credit Market Statistics: Life and Non-Life Insurance Companies etc. 1982 (NOS B 445)
Credit Market Statistics: Life and Non-Life Insurance Companies etc. 1983 (NOS B 526)
Credit Market Statistics: Life and Non-Life Insurance Companies etc. 1984-1985 (NOS B 648)
Credit Market Statistics: Life and Non-Life Insurance Companies etc. 1986 (NOS B 733)
Credit Market Statistics: Loans, Bonds, Shares etc. 1979 (NOS B 137)
Credit Market Statistics: Loans, Bonds, Shares etc. 1980 (NOS B 212)
Credit Market Statistics: Loans, Bonds, Shares etc. 1981 (NOS B 303)
Credit Market Statistics: Loans, Bonds, Shares etc. 1982-1983 (NOS B 500)
Credit Market Statistics: Loans, Bonds, Shares etc. 1984-1985 (NOS B 611)
Credit Market Statistics: Loans, Bonds, Shares, etc. 1986 (NOS B 726)
Credit Market Statistics: Loans, Bonds, Shares etc. 1987 (NOS B 845)
Credit Market Statistics: Loans, Bonds, Shares etc. 1988 (NOS B 897)
Credit Market Statistics: Private and Public Banks 1973-1975 (NOS A 871)
Credit Market Statistics: Private and Public Banks 1975-1976 (NOS A 932)
Credit Market Statistics: Private and Public Banks 1977 (NOS A 992)
Credit Market Statistics: Private and Public Banks 1978 (NOS B 78)
Credit Market Statistics: Private and Public Banks 1979 (NOS B 154)
Credit Market Statistics: Private and Public Banks 1980 (NOS B 231)
Credit Market Statistics: Private and Public Banks 1981 (NOS B 336)
Credit Market Statistics: Private and Public Banks 1982 (NOS B 428)
Credit Market Statistics: Private and Public Banks 1983 (NOS B 535)
Credit Market Statistics: Private and Public Banks 1984 (NOS B 593)
Credit Market Statistics: Private and Public Banks 1985 (NOS B 700)
Credit Market Statistics: Private and Public Banks 1986 (NOS B 739)
Credit Market Statistics: Private Credit Enterprises and Private Financial Companies 1978 (NOS B 85)
Statistics of Accounts 1979: Private and Public Banks (NOS B 151)
Statistics of Accounts 1980: Private and Public Banks (NOS B 229)
10.14 Real estate activities, renting and business activities
Architectural and other Technical Services Connected with Construction 1980 (NOS B 262)
Architectural and other Technical Services Connected with Construction 1981 (NOS B 331)
Architectural and other Technical Services Connected with Construction 1982 (NOS B 471)
Architectural and other Technical Services Connected with Construction 1983 (NOS B 537)
Architectural and other Technical Services Connected with Construction 1984 (NOS B 576)
Architectural and other Technical Services Connected with Construction 1985 (NOS B 639)
Architectural and other Technical Services Connected with Construction 1986 (NOS B 735)
Architectural and other Technical Services Connected with Construction 1987 (NOS B 823)
Architectural and other Technical Services Connected with Construction 1988 (NOS B 895)
Business Services 1990 (NOS C 48)
Business Services 1991 (NOS C 96)
Business Services 1992 (NOS C 174)
Business Services 1993 (NOS C 261)
Census of Establishments 1974: Service Industries etc. (NOS A 895)
Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities 1994 (NOS C 337)
10.16 Other service activities
Statistics on Services 1979 (NOS B 204)
10.90 Methodology and documentation
Car Ownership and Private Car Use: A Microeconometric Analysis Based on Norwegian Data (DP 113)
Car Ownership Decisions in Norwegian Households (DP 116)

Correlated Measurement Errors, Bounds on Parameters, and a Model of Producer Behavior (DP 112)
Do Norwegian Firms Form Extrapolative Expectations? (DP 126)
The Existence of Factor Substitution in the Primary Aluminium Industry (DP 106)

Foreign Control and Norwegian Manufacturing Performance (DP 111)
Gas Trade and Demand in Northwest Europe: Regulation, Bargaining and Competition (DP 45)

Investment and Financial Constraints: An Empirical Analysis of Norwegian Firms (DP 109)
Monopolistic Competition, Resource Allocation and the Effects of Industrial Policy (DP 161)
The Norwegian Aluminium Industry, Electricity Prices and Welfare (DP 38)
The Oil Market as an Oligopoly (DP 32)
On the Importance of R&D and Ownership for Productivity Growth (DP 60)
Production-Demand Adjustment in Norwegian Manufacturing: A Quarterly Error Correction Model (DP 35)

Technical Progress and Structural Change in the Norwegian Primary Aluminium Industry (ART 145)
Testing for Market Power in the Norwegian Primary Aluminium Industry (DP 132)

11 Financial markets
11.90 Methodology and documentation
Noisy Signals in Target Zone Regimes Theory and Monte Carlo Experiments (DP 160)
12 Public finances
12.01 General government fiscal accounts including National Insurance, tax revenue
Current Tax Data 1977 (ART 99)
Current Tax Data 1978 (ART 112)
Current Tax Data 1980 (RAPP 80/27)
Current Tax Data 1981 (RAPP 81/26)
Current Tax Data 1982 (RAPP 82/27)
Current Tax Data 1983 (RAPP 83/25)
Current Tax Data 1984 (RAPP 85/2)
Current Tax Data 1985 (RAPP 85/33)
Current Tax Data 1986 (RAPP 86/25)
Current Tax Data 1987 (RAPP 87/21)
Current Tax Data 1988 (RAPP 88/24)
Current Tax Data 1989 (RAPP 89/19)
Current Tax Data 1990 (RAPP 90/17)
Current Tax Data 1991 (RAPP 91/17)
Direct Taxes and Government Transfers (ART 109)
Implicit Social Preferences in the Norwegian System of Indirect Taxation (ART 114)
The Norwegian Tax System 1992 (SÃS 79)
Public Sector Finances 1973-1976 (NOS B 17)
Public Sector Finances 1972-1985 (NOS B 677)
Public Sector Finances 1983-1988 (NOS B 860)
Public Sector Finances 1986-1991 (NOS C 54)
Structural Data from the Municipal Accounts 1975 (NOS A 918)
Structural Data from the Municipal Accounts 1976 (NOS A 971)
Structural Data from the Municipal Accounts 1977 (NOS B 29)
Structural Data from the Municipal Accounts 1978 (NOS B 118)
Structural Data from the Municipal Accounts 1979 (NOS B 235)
Structural Data from the Municipal Accounts 1980 (NOS B 281)
Structural Data from the Municipal Accounts 1981 (NOS B 400)
Structural Data from the Municipal Accounts 1982 (NOS B 457)
Structural Data from the Municipal Accounts 1983 (NOS B 528)
Structural Data from the Municipal Accounts 1984 (NOS B 592)
Structural Data from the Municipal Accounts 1985 (NOS B 672)
Structural Data from the Municipal Accounts 1986 (NOS B 743)
Structural Data from the Municipal Accounts 1987 (NOS B 816)
Structural Data from the Municipal Accounts 1988 (NOS B 890)
Structural Data from the Municipal Accounts 1989 (NOS B 947)
Structural Data from the Municipal Accounts 1990 (NOS C 11)
Structural Data from the Municipal Accounts 1991 and 1992 (NOS C 142)
Structural Data from the Municipal Accounts 1993 (NOS C 234)
Structural Data from the Municipal Accounts 1994 (NOS C 298)
12.90 Methodology and documentation
Environmental Tax Reform and Producer Foresight (DP 185)
The Future Burden of Public Pension Benefits: A Microsimulation Study (DP 115)

A Micromodel of Local Government Spending Behaviour in Norway (DP 117)
MIFO: A Model for Analysis of the Old Age Pension of the National Insurance (ART 125)
Tax Reforms when Utility is Composed of Additive Functions (DP 78)
Taxation, Unemployment and Growth: Dynamic Welfare Effects of «Green» Policies (DP 183)
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