Working environment, sickness absence, strikes and lockouts


Accidents at work
Statistics on reported accidents at work, and fatal accidents at work.
Sickness absence
The statistics give information about the change in sickness absence over time
Trade union members and strikes
The statistics cover the number of members in national associations for wage earners
Working environment, survey on living conditions
The survey covers the physical, chemical, ergonomic and psychosocial work environment
Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service - StatRes
The statistics has been discontinued

Analyses, articles and publications

Showing 2 of 2
  1. Mortality by occupation. Trends after 2000

    The inequality in mortality between different occupations is well known from earlier studies, particularly amongst men.

  2. Sick leave absence and labor market attrition

    The evolution of sick leave absence over time will be affected by the composition of wage earners.

Older analyses, articles and publications
about subtopc working environment, sickness absence, strikes and lockouts.