Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Sickness absence

The statistics give information about the change in sickness absence over time, both self-certified and doctor-certified, for employees aged 16-69 who are residents in Norway.

Updated: 27 February 2025
Next update: 28 May 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Seasonal adjusted sickness absence rate for employees 16-69 years
    Seasonal adjusted sickness absence rate for employees 16-69 years1
    4th quarter 2024Percentage change from last quarter
    Both sexes
    Self-certified and certified by doctor6.61-3.9
    Certified by doctor5.63-3.3
    Self-certified and certified by doctor5.10-4.2
    Certified by doctor4.17-4.5
    Self-certified and certified by doctor8.39-3.6
    Certified by doctor7.34-2.5
    1The sickness absence rates are shown to two decimal points. In other tables the rates are shown with one decimal point. More decimal points are used when calculating the rates of change in order to get more accurate figures. These may therefore differ slightly from the rates of change produced when using the published rounded figures.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Sickness absence rate for employees 16-69 years, by type of certification and industry
    Sickness absence rate for employees 16-69 years, by type of certification and industry
    Self-certified and certified by doctorSelf-certifiedCertified by doctor
    4th quarter 20234th quarter 20244th quarter 20234th quarter 20244th quarter 20234th quarter 2024
    All industries7.
    Agriculture, forestry and fishing5.
    Mining and quarrying5.
    Electricity and gas, water supply, sewerage, waste6.
    Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles7.
    Transportation and storage8.
    Accommodation and food service activities7.
    Information and communication4.
    Financial and insurance activities5.
    Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities5.
    Administrative and support service activities8.
    Public administration and defence6.
    Human health and social work activities10.
    Other service activities6.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Sickness absence rate for employees 16-69 years, by industry and sector
    Sickness absence rate for employees 16-69 years, by industry and sector
    Sum all sectorsPrivate sector, public enterprises, and unspecifiedLocal governmentCentral government
    4th quarter 20234th quarter 20244th quarter 20234th quarter 20244th quarter 20234th quarter 20244th quarter 20234th quarter 2024
    All industries7.
    Agriculture, forestry and fishing5.
    Electricity, water supply, sewerage, waste management6.
    Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles7.
    Transportation and storage8.
    Accommodation and food service activities7.
    Information and communication4.
    Financial and insurance activities5.
    Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities5.
    Administrative and support service activities8.
    Public adm., defence, soc. security6.
    Human health and social work activities10.69.910.29.511.510.79.18.4
    Other service activities6.
    Other/unknown industry5.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Sickness absence rate (doctor certified) for employees 16-69 years, by sex and occupation
    Sickness absence rate (doctor certified) for employees 16-69 years, by sex and occupation
    Both sexesMalesFemales
    4th quarter 20234th quarter 20244th quarter 20234th quarter 20244th quarter 20234th quarter 2024
    All occupations6.
    Technicians and associate professionals, armed forces4.
    Clerical support workers6.
    Service and sales workers8.
    Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers4.
    Craft and related trades workers6.
    Plant and machine operators and assemblers6.
    Elementary occupations7.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Industry-distributed sickness absence for wage earners. Seasonally adjusted and unadjusted.
    Industry-distributed sickness absence for wage earners. Seasonally adjusted and unadjusted.
    Sickness absence rate, not seasonal adjustedSickness absence rate, seasonal adjustedPercentage change
    4th quarter 20234th quarter 20244th quarter 20234th quarter 20244th quarter 2024 - 4th quarter 20234th quarter 2024 - 4th quarter 2023
    All industries7.
    Agriculture, forestry and fishing5.
    Mining and quarrying5.04.74.664.42-5.2-6.0
    Electricity and gas, water supply, sewerage, waste6.25.65.785.14-11.1-9.7
    Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles6.96.56.496.12-5.7-5.8
    Transportation and storage7.97.67.627.35-3.5-3.8
    Accommodation and food service activities6.86.66.516.32-2.9-2.9
    Information and communication4.74.34.364.04-7.3-8.5
    Financial and insurance activities5.04.84.654.44-4.5-4.0
    Real estate, professional, scientific and technical activities5.34.94.894.53-7.4-7.5
    Administrative and support service activities8.07.37.536.86-8.9-8.8
    Public administration and defence6.
    Human health and social work activities10.69.99.989.29-6.9-6.6
    Other service activities6.86.46.405.99-6.4-5.9
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 24 March 2025.

Sickness absence

Absence from work due to one's own illness.

Doctor-certified sickness abcense

Absence from work due to one's own illness certied by a doctor.

Self-certified sickness absence

Absence from work due to one's own illness certified by oneself.

Proportion of employees with sickness absence

The number of employees with doctor-certified sickness absence on a specific reference date in per cent of total number of employees without taking into account of part-time jobs. From 2015 the reference date is Tuesday in the week covering 16th day in the last months of the quarter.

From 2nd quarter 2002 to 4th quarter 2014, the reference date was the Tuesday before the last Wednesday in the Quarter, unless that ended up being the Easter- or Christmas week. In these situations, the reference date was set a week earlier.

Employees with sickness absence adjusted for partial sick leave

The number of employees with doctor-certified sickness absence on a specific reference date adjusted for partial sick leave. This means that a partial sick leave of 80 per cent counts as 0.8 and not as one. From 2015 the reference date is Tuesday in the week covering 16th day in the last months of the quarter. We also compute the rate of this figure by dividing by total number of employees without taking into account of part-time jobs.

Sickness absence rate

The sickness absence rate measures man-days lost due to own sickness as a percentage of contractual man-days.

Sickness absence rate = {sickness absence man-days*100} / contractual man-days


One man-day corresponds to the length in time of one working day for a person in a full-time position (100% position).

Sickness absence man-day

A sickness absence man-day corresponds to one sickness absence day for a person in a full-time position (100%) and who is on full sick leave (100% degree of disability).

Sickness absence man-days in the period

{sickness absence days in the period} x {position proportion} x {degree of disability}.

Sickness absence day

A day during which one normally is supposed to be at work but is not because of one's own illness. The number of sickness absence days in a case of sickness absence is equal to the number of calendar days within the statistics period to which the case of sickness absence pertains minus any weekends and holidays.

Position proportion

Position proportion is reported from the employers to the A Scheme Register. The proportion is allowed to take values between 0 and 1. Until 2014 position proportion was calculated as contractual working hours, divided by 37.5. Hence, we assumed 37.5 to be working hours of a full-time position, which was a simplification. From 2015 a full-time position will have position proportion = 1, regardless of the number of hours per week.

Degree of disability

Whether the person in question is on full or partial sick leave, and to what degree, is indicated by the degree of disability. The degree of disability is between 20 percent and 100 percent, where 100 means full sick leave. If a sickness absence case consists of more than one medical certificate, we use the average of the degrees of disability for the medical certificates in question.

Contractual man-days in a period

{contractual working days in the period} x {position proportion}

Working day

A day during which one normally is supposed to be at work.

Contractual working days

The number of working days that a person has agreed on with his or her employer to work in a period. We define possible working days as the number of calendar days that the employee relationship is lasting minus weekends and general holidays. For many employees such a generalisation will not be correct. At the aggregate level, and when looking at a given period, we believe nonetheless that this approach works reasonably well. For reasons of quality, in the statistics we established a ceiling for how many employee relationships a person may have simultaneously.

Contractual working hours

Contractual working hours for each employee is reported in hours per week with two decimals to the A Scheme register. This number is being used to calculate position proportion, if this proportion is missing. Earlier, all the job relations in the population were divided into six groups formed by sex and the interval values of scheduled working hours from the Employee Register (4-19 hours per week, 20-29 hours per week, and 30 hours per week and above). For each job relation in a group, the scheduled working hours was estimated as the average scheduled working hours in this group according to the Labour Force Survey (LFS).

Case of sickness absence

A case of sickness absence is defined by a common personal identification number, a common start date for the medical certificate date, and a common organisation number for the company. A case of sickness absence will consist of the initial medical certificate and also medical certificates being extensions of the initial one. If an employee on sick leave has more than one job relation, we assume that the person has sick leave from all job relations. For example, a person having two job relations being active during two medical certificates, and these medical certificates are separated by some time where the person is not on sick leave, the person will have four cases of sickness absence.

Counting employee relationship

In some instances, it is necessary to select one employee relationship as counting for persons who are registered with more than one employee relationships simultaneously at a given reference point or in a given period. For instance we have to do this if we wish to divide employees by industry and municipality of the workplace.

The counting employee relationship is selected according to the following criteria, which are the same criteria used by Statistics Norway in its Register statistics of employees:

The employee relationship having the longest contracted working hours per week is the counting employee relationship of a person. In the case of equal working hours, the one with the latest start date is chosen.


Age is defined as the age per the 16th of each month.

Municipal of residence

The variable indicates the person's municipal of residence according to the National Registry. The municipal of residence applies only to doctor-certified sickness absence, not self-certified sickness absence.

It is also aggregated to the county level.

Municipal of workplace

Indicates the location of the company where the employee works.

It is aggregated to the county level.


Sector is obtained from the Central Register of Business Establishments and Enterprises (CRE) and apply to the enterprise where the person works. The following division is used:

  1. Central government: comprises central governmental units that carry out political responsibilities, provide and enforce regulations, produce public services (mainly non-market) and redistribute income and wealth.
  2. Local government: comprises local and regional institutional units (mainly counties and municipalities) that carry out political responsibilities and produce public services (mainly non-market).
  3. Private sector, public enterprises, and unspecified: comprises private enterprises and public incorporated enterprises not included in the central or local government. Public incorporated enterprises are enterprises where the state - directly or indirectly - holds a stake of more than 50 percent of the paid-in-capital.


Duration is measured among ongoing sickness absences at the reference point, which causes the duration to be shorter than if we were looking at terminated sickness absences.


The reference date for educational information is October 1st each year, and the figures are published in June the following year. When publishing figures for the 2nd quarter, new educational information is incorporated into the data basis (education as of October 1st the previous year). This means that figures on sickness absence distributed by education level for the 4th and 1st quarters will be based on previously observed information than the latest available.

Example: When publishing the 2nd quarter, educational information for the previous year is included. This means that for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters of 2023 and the 1st quarter of 2024, the educational information is based on October 1st, 2022. When publishing the 2nd quarter of 2024, new educational information from October 1st, 2023, will be used.

During revisions, we retrieve the latest information on educational levels without having regular routines for this. Updated information on educational levels does not lead to significant changes in the sickness absence figures, and we have therefore chosen not to have revision routines.

On June 14th, 2024, we revised statistics table 13333 back to the 1st quarter of 2015 due to a major restructuring of production. In October 2023, an error was discovered in the data for educational levels for the 4th quarter of 2022 and the 1st quarter of 2023. During this revision, there were therefore larger corrections in these quarters and minor changes for the remaining quarters.

Industry is coded according to the Standard Industrial Classification, SIC2007.

Occupation is coded according to the Norwegian Standard Classification of Occupations (NOS C 521).

Sector is coded according to the classification of institutional sector codes from the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities.

Education is coded according to the Norwegian Standard Classification of Education, NUS (NOS C 751).

Region is coded according to the Classifications of region.

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