Fewer trade union members
Labour market and earnings;Culture and recreation
arborg, Trade union members and strikes, trade unions, organised labour, member companiesOrganisations and memberships, Working environment, sickness absence, strikes and lockouts, Culture and recreation, Labour market and earnings

Trade union members and strikes2001



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Fewer trade union members

The nation-wide associations for wage earners had just about 1 474 000 members at 31 December 2001, about 9 000 fewer than the previous year.

The number of members in the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) declined from 813 000 members in 2000 to 796 000 members in 2001. The Confederation of Vocational Unions (YS) had a decline from 242 000 members in 2000 to 197 000 members in 2001. The decline in the number of YS-members is mainly due to the fact that the Norwegian Association of Practical Nurses now has joined the new Confederation of Higher Education Unions, Norway (UHO). UHO has a total of 215 000 members and the two largest unions are the Union of Education, Norway and the Nurses' Association with 130 000 and 65 000 members, respectively.

The five large main associations organized about 90 per cent of the members of nation-wide associations for wage earners against 87 per cent in 2000.

Employers' associations

The Confederation of Norwegian Business and Industry organized 15 900 member companies with 448 000 employees in 2001. An increase of 300 companies and 26 000 employees compared with the previous year. The Federation of Norwegian Commercial and Service Enterprises (HSH) increased the number of member enterprises from 9 500 in 2000 to 9 600 in 2001, while the number of employees in member enterprises decreased from 120 000 to 114 000. NAVO Norwegian Association of Public Owned Enterprises increased the number of member enterprises from 143 in 2000 to 149 in 2001. The number of employees in the member enterprises are almost doubled from 2000 and is now 83 000. The Association of Local Authorities (KS) had a decrease in the number of member enterprises from 955 in 2000 to 939 in 2001. At the same time the number of employees in the member enterprises decreased from 397 000 to 342 000. The decline is mainly due to the fact that the electricity supply enterprises no longer are members of the association.

About the statistical basis

The statistics cover employers' and nation-wide associations for wage earners that assist their members in wage agreements and wage negotiations and the main associations to which the individual organizations belong. Organizations that limit their activities to questions of a purely professional nature are not included in the statistics. The number of members of nation-wide associations for wage earners includes all registered members and includes nonworking students, pensioners etc. The statistics cover the number of members at 31 December 2001.
