Banking and financial markets
The statistics shows the bond and commercial paper market in Norway as well as an overview of bonds and commercial papers issued by Norwegian borrowers abroad.

Debt securitiesQ1 2014

In May 2016, the Debt securities statistics were merged with the statistics for Securities registered with the Norwegian Central Securities Depository. The new merged statistics are known as the Securities statistics.


Norwegian entities' bonds and short-term securities debts abroad at the end of the quarter by issuing sector and remaining maturity. Nominal value. NOK million.
<= 1 year> 1 year <= 2 years> 2 years <= 5 years> 5 years <= 10 years> 10 years <= 20 years> 20 yearsTotal
Total amount of debt274 288202 961571 972283 83384 50059 4811 477 036
Non-financial corporations25 2637 01965 28278 63541 92720 446238 572
Banks153 06722 57693 31053 6043 8031 994328 354
Other financial corporations95 959173 366413 380151 59538 77137 041910 112