Banking and financial markets

Financial corporations, balance sheetJune 2015

As from 2016 the statistics is published with Banks and mortgage companies.


Finance companies. Balance sheet. NOK million
June 2015May 2015April 2015March 2015February 2015January 2015December 2014November 2014October 2014September 2014August 2014July 2014June 2014
Notes and divisionary coin76....62....94....88....81
Loans to and claims on financial institutions7 353....7 933....7 423....7 724....8 163
Loans to and claims on customers139 249....135 412....137 185....131 761....128 502
Certificates and bonds26........................
Shares, equity capital certificate e.g.65....64....68....68....645
Financial derivatives565....551....829....170....346
Intangible assets935....1 022....1 059....1 056....1 537
Durable operating equipment861....817....336....269....212
Other assets6 322....5 387....4 225....5 277....4 265
Total assets155 453....151 247....151 217....146 413....143 751
Deposits from financial institutions..........................
Deposits from customers..........................
Certificate and bond debt............1 695....1 420....420
Other loans121 034....118 845....117 355....113 148....111 413
Financial derivatives16....18....20....17....18
Other liabilities14 238....13 274....11 757....11 812....12 618
Subordinated loan capital2 102....2 072....2 089....1 926....1 926
Total liabilities137 389....134 209....132 916....128 323....126 395
Share and owner share capital4 601....4 210....4 296....4 275....4 169
Other paid in equity (share premium account etc.)3 289....3 196....3 143....3 146....2 923
Earned equity capital8 639....8 866....7 464....7 887....8 644
Undistributed profit1 535....766....3 397....2 781....1 620
Total equity18 064....17 037....18 300....18 090....17 356
Total liabilities and equity155 453....151 247....151 217....146 413....143 751