Banking and financial markets

Financial corporations, balance sheetJune 2015

As from 2016 the statistics is published with Banks and mortgage companies.


Finance companies. Loan by sector. NOK million
June 2015May 2015April 2015March 2015February 2015January 2015December 2014November 2014October 2014September 2014August 2014July 2014June 2014
Total loans142 809140 123138 560138 980136 544137 145140 742140 115137 653135 290133 258132 557132 040
Non-financial corporations67 91165 65564 92165 67463 77464 01866 44966 53365 11164 50663 48463 04363 156
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government2222222222222
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government564548527502507513680675672683703691628
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government112113115113115112115113113117110111109
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government798795795811809844861869876863866878881
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises65 49763 25162 56163 31161 39161 59263 78063 85962 42361 81760 78660 34060 501
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises894902877890904910965967977977970975988
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises44444445454547484848484647
Financial corporations205196221228201208213221209213208215222
Norges Bank2222222222222
Mortgage companies1101001100000
Finance companies38263836232530211319142326
State lending institutions etc.1111111111111
Financial holding companies3333333333333
Mutual funds..........................
Investment trusts and private equity funds1111111111111
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds64657578667069706971696872
Life insurance companies and pension funds3334333887777
Non-life insurance companies26252526262625252525232222
General government2 4242 4282 3782 4152 3972 3932 4112 4152 4062 4352 3822 3572 417
Central government675685638661646649632648653647615606632
Local government1 7501 7421 7401 7541 7511 7441 7801 7671 7531 7891 7681 7511 785
Non-profit institutions serving households263260261261262258259249249253247242254
Non-profit institutions serving households263260261261262258259249249253247242254
Households57 66057 44456 68356 20055 49155 27755 82955 90355 18454 22253 67853 40952 896
Unincorporated enterprises within households5 9785 9085 8935 9635 9465 9936 6496 6316 5536 5386 5546 5636 552
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc.182165156159126122107948778707072
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.51 50051 37050 63450 07749 41949 16249 07349 17848 54547 60547 05346 77646 272
Unspecified sector..........................
Rest of the world15 04914 64914 59814 89914 84515 41816 23415 21514 91014 28213 66513 69513 697
General government, abroad2222000200000
Banks and financial institutions, abroad3 4533 4523 4533 4513 4513 4503 4463 4493 4483 4233 4233 4223 421
Non-financial corporations and households, abroad11 59411 19511 14311 44611 39411 96912 78811 76411 46210 85910 24210 27310 275
Changes in exchange rates, prices and value-703-509-501-697-427-427-654-421-415-621-407-404-601