Banking and financial markets

Financial corporations, balance sheetJune 2015

As from 2016 the statistics is published with Banks and mortgage companies.


State lending institutions. Loans by industry. NOK million
June 2015May 2015April 2015March 2015February 2015January 2015December 2014November 2014October 2014September 2014August 2014July 2014June 2014
1Due to the main revision of the national accounts in 2014 there is a new definition of Mainland-Norway. Parts of the industry of ‘Services linked to extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas’ will now be classified under the industry of ‘Mining and quarrying’, also a part of the industry of ‘Sea transport abroad’ and ‘Transport via pipelines’ will now be classified under the industry of ‘Transportation and storage’. The shift will basically occur in the period from October to December 2014.
All industries75 90876 23676 29176 52876 35176 27676 42676 35875 84375 74075 64575 61575 360
Agriculture4 9965 0245 0425 0665 1015 1455 1505 1205 1225 1055 0975 0815 075
Fishing and hunting5 0475 0595 0475 0635 0455 0224 9945 0245 0145 0615 0755 0054 992
Fish farming services352355358358321323324328331332334336341
Mining and quarrying123232324242463636363636465
Services linked to extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas1................00000
Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas..........................
Industry2 0672 1042 1152 1292 1492 1532 2582 2892 2932 3802 4002 4612 470
Ship and boat building305315318321322324317218221224236237236
Electricity and water supply949310110110210310210010199999998
Water supply, drainage and waste disposal27282828282828292929292923
Real estate development1 0191 0391 001953895899896889884890903893897
Building and construction work beyond real estate development332336331321320333331332327327326326304
Commodity trade etc130119132138141142152140144146149150148
Sea transport abroad and transport via pipelines111111111411411912011912012412412712879
Transportation and storage1388395398397402405407413363364368371376
Hotels and restaurants949951956899896898899902895878877879875
Information and communication217185179182173179181176176172166167170
Real estate, renting and business activities44 10544 36644 40944 60044 64244 65544 74344 99744 85944 73444 60044 60344 708
Professional and financial services469456452452454449458481483475467460459
Businesslike services201197199199198198198193193190203199196
Other service activities14 96414 96514 97515 06114 90014 75514 68414 42314 09914 02914 00614 00813 735