Banking and financial markets
Statistikken gir oversikt over de norske fondenes balanse, med fokus på sektoriserte opplysninger om andelskapital i fondene og hva fondene eier av ulike verdipapirer. Utvalget er alle fond registrert i Finanstilsynets konsesjonsregister. Husholdninger, finansielle foretak og utenlandske aktører er noen av de sektorene som eier fondene.

Mutual funds, quarterly figuresQ3 2016


Holdings of mutual fund shares, by holding sectors. NOK million
4th quarter 20151st quarter 20162nd quarter 20163rd quarter 2016
Total958 123959 517977 4851 010 827
Non-financial corporations59 89861 71662 84365 498
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government0000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government2 1672 2261 5781 482
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government64454407361
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government1 5651 2311 2201 283
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises51 82253 50655 20257 783
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises143136129134
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises4 1374 1634 3074 455
Financial corporations607 132619 936639 082661 359
Norges Bank0000
Banks22 25822 01723 03425 405
Mortgage companies....30130
Finance companies26261612
State lending institutions etc.415294179124
Financial holding companies190216218221
Mutual funds117 949121 881125 175130 525
Investment trusts and private equity funds575536166172
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds50 82049 20652 18453 783
Life insurance companies and pension funds404 913415 859429 207442 570
Non-life insurance companies9 9869 9018 8738 417
General government12 57612 75013 32213 497
Central government248296281283
Local government12 32812 45413 04113 214
Non-profit institutions serving households31 60931 55031 48532 636
Households139 758134 235134 226138 575
Unincorporated enterprises within households31292729
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc.1111
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.139 726134 205134 198138 545
Rest of the world106 85599 20296 41199 148
Unspecified sector295128116114