Banking and financial markets
Statistikken gir oversikt over de norske fondenes balanse, med fokus på sektoriserte opplysninger om andelskapital i fondene og hva fondene eier av ulike verdipapirer. Utvalget er alle fond registrert i Finanstilsynets konsesjonsregister. Husholdninger, finansielle foretak og utenlandske aktører er noen av de sektorene som eier fondene.

Mutual funds, quarterly figuresQ3 2016


Net purchases of mutual fund shares by purchasing sectors. NOK million
Net purchases/sales
4th quarter 20151st quarter 20162nd quarter 20163rd quarter 2016
Total-26 93024 9369 11014 812
Non-financial corporations-4 8312 2441 1311 893
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government0000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government-56882-669-109
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government1390-50-49
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government46-314-1724
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises-3 7801 9561 7631 934
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises-21-5-62
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises-50913511091
Financial corporations-17 52426 34410 96611 603
Norges Bank0000
Banks-6742049721 543
Mortgage companies....30100
Finance companies00-10-4
State lending institutions etc.-147-123-116-57
Financial holding companies02810
Mutual funds-3799 7021 7192 918
Investment trusts and private equity funds365-39-3734
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds785-1192 5311 110
Life insurance companies and pension funds-17 28616 6847 3786 597
Non-life insurance companies-1887-1 166-608
General government321395549-52
Central government-2650-20-2
Local government347345569-50
Non-profit institutions serving households-1 043-1 139-238592
Households2 721-344-334755
Unincorporated enterprises within households20-31
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc.0000
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.2 719-344-331754
Rest of the world-6 587-2 538-2 96124
Unspecified sector13-26-3-3