Banking and financial markets
Statistikken gir oversikt over de norske fondenes balanse, med fokus på sektoriserte opplysninger om andelskapital i fondene og hva fondene eier av ulike verdipapirer. Utvalget er alle fond registrert i Finanstilsynets konsesjonsregister. Husholdninger, finansielle foretak og utenlandske aktører er noen av de sektorene som eier fondene.

Mutual funds, quarterly figuresQ3 2016


Outstanding amounts of mutual fund shares, by holding sectors and type of funds. Last quarter (NOK million)
3rd quarter 2016
Equity fundsBond fundsMoney market fundsOther bond fundsHybrid fundsOther fundsAll types of funds
Sum all holding sectors485 691317 84196 19260 43446 9283 7411 010 827
Non-financial corporations22 32213 95715 9407 2225 67538265 498
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government0000000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government6673663444201 482
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government158338000361
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government28351423422725..1 283
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises20 55411 75313 1456 3695 58038257 783
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises3545914310134
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises1 3699011 58056837..4 455
Financial corporations289 221272 64056 12131 7579 8171 803661 359
Norges Bank0000000
Banks10 7625 9115 0442 7398707925 405
Mortgage companies01300000130
Finance companies..120..0012
State lending institutions etc.01204000124
Financial holding companies4623152....0221
Mutual funds78 40832 13413 3196 470194..130 525
Investment trusts and private equity funds741431512172
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds25 62210 5329 0743 8484 29940853 783
Life insurance companies and pension funds171 932219 49327 31818 0604 4531 314442 570
Non-life insurance companies2 4444 2811 0676250..8 417
General government4 3194 3233 762982931813 497
Central government808738762..283
Local government4 2394 2363 724906911813 214
Non-profit institutions serving households11 73411 0935 7753 3006835132 636
Households85 2763 8117 81411 45228 9691 253138 575
Unincorporated enterprises within households170507..29
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc.001..001
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.85 2593 8117 80811 45228 9621 253138 545
Rest of the world72 79312 0056 7475 7201 66022399 148
Unspecified sector26123313111114