Marriages and divorces

Updated: 6 May 2024

Next update: 6 May 2025

Change in marriages
Change in marriages
2022 - 2023
Marriages, divorces and separations
Marriages, divorces and separations
20222023Changes, absolute numbers
2022 - 2023
Marriages contracted20 76919 988-781
Divorces8 2048 513309
Separations9 0629 224162
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Marriages, divorces and separations. Same sex couples.
    Marriages, divorces and separations. Same sex couples.
    20222023Changes, absolute numbers
    2022 - 2023
    Explanation of symbols
  • Marriages contracted. Marriages between persons of opposite sex
    Marriages contracted. Marriages between persons of opposite sex
    The bridegroom resident in NorwayThe bride resident in NorwayBoth parties resident in NorwayOne of the parties resident in NorwayThe bridegroom resident abroadThe bride resident abroad
    196023 65123 99823 651......
    196124 14224 32324 142......
    196224 07024 23424 070......
    196324 09624 30924 096......
    196425 00525 24325 005......
    196524 18524 40624 185......
    196627 68027 99127 50028 171491180
    196729 15429 44728 92329 678524231
    196829 44129 76029 25429 947506187
    196929 63029 22129 42430 127497206
    197029 37029 64329 16129 852482209
    197129 51029 70329 35229 861351158
    197228 59628 76428 39328 967371203
    197328 14128 25227 92928 464323212
    197427 34427 45127 09827 697353246
    197525 89826 02725 60926 316418289
    197625 38925 45325 01225 830441377
    197724 02224 05923 61224 469447410
    197823 69023 72723 23724 180490453
    197923 05523 02622 59423 487432461
    198022 23022 14021 70522 665435525
    198122 27122 25821 77822 751480493
    198221 70621 67221 18922 189483517
    198320 80320 73320 23921 297494564
    198420 53720 43619 92321 050513614
    198520 22120 30119 75820 764543463
    198619 87319 76219 12220 513640751
    198720 28520 26019 46421 081796821
    198820 80620 84019 90221 744938904
    198919 95019 79918 99420 755805956
    199021 12320 88320 08021 9268031 043
    199119 06518 77717 96219 8808151 103
    199218 62718 15017 51119 2666391 116
    199318 74118 24917 52619 4647231 215
    199419 86619 17618 43720 6057391 429
    199520 98120 28019 58421 6776961 397
    199622 47821 71521 02123 1726941 457
    199722 93322 08121 19923 8158821 734
    199822 34921 36920 36423 3541 0051 985
    199923 45622 23820 80524 8891 4332 651
    200025 35624 00522 59826 7631 4072 758
    200122 96721 40719 72224 6521 6853 245
    200224 06922 07120 36425 7761 7073 705
    200322 36120 65518 89724 1191 7583 464
    200422 35420 44018 65524 1391 7853 698
    200522 39220 47418 97623 8901 4983 416
    200621 72119 81818 41623 1231 4023 305
    200723 47121 45219 96724 9561 4853 504
    200825 12522 88821 46826 5451 4203 657
    200924 29921 87420 34425 8291 5303 955
    201023 31320 77219 35324 7321 4193 960
    201122 87620 38218 82824 4301 5544 048
    201224 07721 49019 97325 5941 5174 104
    201323 15820 74119 33024 5691 4113 828
    201422 61820 05618 71723 9571 3393 901
    201522 43819 76018 37323 8251 3874 065
    201622 25919 63718 22423 6721 4134 035
    201721 77819 32617 97023 1341 3563 808
    201820 61818 47217 38621 7041 0863 232
    201919 52417 90516 96320 4669422 561
    202015 90414 63113 84016 6957912 064
    202115 75415 08314 46316 3746201 291
    202220 33519 68419 35620 663328979
    202319 56418 96218 59719 929365967
    Explanation of symbols
  • Marriages contracted, by time and type of marriages
    Marriages contracted, by time and type of marriages1
    Marriages totalChurch weddingCivilReligious or philosofical communities outside the Norwegian church2 Abroad3
    201820 9497 6308 0631 7973 459
    201919 8556 8058 8681 5362 646
    202016 1514 5608 3031 3561 743
    202116 0504 9308 1381 500551
    202220 7697 7319 4622 0241 520
    202319 9886 7949 6291 9011 594
    1The bridegroom resident in Norway. Since the new Marriage Act inforce from 2009, husband/oldest spouse resident in Norway
    2Included marriages figures from the Norwegian Humanist Association, which was given the authority to perform marriages at the end of 2004
    3Marriages contracted abroad, type of marriages is unknown
    Explanation of symbols
  • Average age at marriage. Marriages between persons of opposite sex
    Average age at marriage. Marriages between persons of opposite sex
    All married39.937.339.636.9
    Never married37.134.936.834.6
    Previously married53.549.553.349.3
    Explanation of symbols
  • Marriages rates for first time married males and females in selected age groups. Marriages between persons with opposite sex
    Marriages rates for first time married males and females in selected age groups. Marriages between persons with opposite sex1
    First time married males per 1 000 mean populaion of never married males, by ageFirst time married females per 1 000 mean populaion of never married females, by age
    15-19 years0.
    20-24 years5.
    25-29 years24.518.817.234.829.226.8
    30-34 years37.534.932.442.742.638.5
    35-39 years29.829.426.528.530.829.7
    40-44 years20.621.119.616.119.619.5
    45-49 years15.114.414.411.813.814.1
    50-54 years12.112.312.19.911.811.5
    55-59 years8.19.710.
    1Resident in Norway. Same sex couples are not included.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Divorce rates for males and females in various age groups. Divorces between persons with opposite sex.
    Divorce rates for males and females in various age groups. Divorces between persons with opposite sex.1
    Divorces per 1 000 married and separated malesDivorces per 1 000 married and separated females
    All ages9.98.68.910.38.99.1
    15-19 years..
    20-24 years13.512.914.717.216.711.3
    25-29 years16.612.912.017.913.312.8
    30-34 years16.512.811.818.114.714.0
    35-39 years15.413.212.817.915.015.0
    40-44 years16.514.414.417.516.015.2
    45-49 years16.614.614.416.214.815.2
    50-54 years13.613.113.411.911.112.0
    55-59 years9.79.410.
    60-64 years6.
    65-69 years3.
    70 years or older1.
    1Resident in Norway.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Separation rates for males and females in various age groups. Separations between persons with opposite sex
    Separation rates for males and females in various age groups. Separations between persons with opposite sex1
    Separations per 1 000 married malesgeSeparations per 1 000 married femalesge
    All ages11.49.89.911.810.110.3
    15-19 years..87.090.941.716.072.1
    20-24 years27.922.727.227.428.723.1
    25-29 years23.219.919.124.120.720.2
    30-34 years20.216.818.322.118.919.6
    35-39 years18.816.017.421.818.419.1
    40-44 years19.616.417.621.117.619.4
    45-49 years19.116.616.618.116.016.3
    50-54 years14.614.213.512.312.712.1
    55-59 years10.710.
    60-64 years6.
    65-69 years3.
    70 years or older1.
    1Resident in Norway
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

Detailed figures for divorces, separations, marriages and partnerships. For couples of the same sex, events are included when the oldest partners or spouses were settled in Norway at the time of the incident, for couples with different sex when the husband was in Norway at this time.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 12 September 2021.


Events in a period divided by relevant mean population. The period is usually one year. Annual averages are published for five-year periods. Example: The age-specific divorce rate for women in a period is the annual number of divorced women in an age group in the period per 1 000 of the mean population of married and separated women in the same age group.

Mean population

Average population at the beginning and end of the year.


A group of persons that has experienced the same (demographic) events the same calendar year (or period), such as birth or marriage. The birth cohort of 1970 is those who were born in 1970. The marriage cohort of 1985 is the marriages contracted in 1985.


Who is regarded as a resident of Norway and where in Norway a person shall be counted as a resident, is stipulated in the Population Registration Act of 16 January 1970. The regulations to the act were last amended effective 1 October 1998.


Information on the number of children was taken from the notification of divorce/separation up until and including 2005. In 2006, the Central Population Register stopped transferring the number of children from these notifications. Instead, the statistics published as of 2006 the number of children is calculated using information on parents/children relations back to 2001. A comparison of the two time series indicates that the number of children has been somewhat under-reported in the notifications of divorce/separations.

Marital status

After the Act relating to registered partnership came into force on 1 August 1993, the following marital status types apply: Unmarried (not previously married), married, widow/widower, divorced, separated, registered partner, separated partner, divorced partner and surviving partner. The latter four codes were adopted on 1 January 1994.

Name: Population
Topic: Population

6 May 2025

Division for Population Statistics

The country, counties and municipalites.


Not relevant

Data files at the individual level that are processed and stored long-term.

The statistics shall, together with the other subject areas in population statistics, help show the changes that take place, changes that also have an effect on the composition of the population.

Marriages contracted: Total figures for the country exist dating back to 1770, with the exception of 1784-1794.

Statistics are available for registered partnerships starting 1993: The Registered Partnerships for Homosexual Couples Act that became law on 1 August 1993 stipulated that two persons of the same sex may have their union registered.

Statistics for marriages between two persons of the same sex are availible from 2009. The Marriages Act was changed 1 January 2009. The mainly changes were:

  • Two persons of the same sex can be married
  • A registered partnership can be changed to a marriage
  • Registered partnership can not be contracted after 31 December 2008

Divorce statistics date back to 1871. The figures for 1871-1885 do not include divorces granted by court decree, only divorces granted by licence.

Statistics on separations also date back to 1871. Numbers are missing. There are no statistics for the years 1931-1946.

The statistics have a wide spectrum of users and applications, including institutes involved in researching demographics and living conditions, public administration, the mass media and private persons.

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on at 08 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given inthe Statistics Release Calendar. This is one of Statistics Norway’s key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally.

Statistics Act § 10

Not relevant

The statistical material covers divorces, separations, contracted marriages and registered partnerships (until 2008) in which at least one of the parties was a resident of Norway at the time of the event. From 1999 onwards, national main figures are calculated for divorces, separations, marriages and registered partnerships in which the man/elder partner/elder spouce was a resident of Norway at the time of the event. Prior to 1986, the main figures for marriages/partnerships were published as today, according to the definition that the man should be resident in Norway at the time of the event. In the period 1986-1998, these figures covered events in which at least one of the parties was a resident. The published main figures for divorces and separations included events in which the man was a resident of Norway also prior to 1999, but also included some divorces and separations in which the man was living abroad or the place of resident was unknown.

Contracted marriages between two persons of the same sex are counted as contracted marriages between two persons of different sex if the personal number is not fully given.

Delayed population registration reports have been handled differently over the years. A delayed report (on marriage or registered partnership) is defined as a report that has not been sent to the population registry in time to be included in the statistics for the relevant calendar year. The processing of the delayed reports affects whether and how the events are included in the statistics at a later time.

The statistics from 2002 onwards mainly cover events that took place in the relevant statistical year (calendar year), events reported too late to be included in the previous year's statistics or previous years regardless of when the event took place. The deadline for receipt of reports is the end of January.

The statistics for 1999-2001 inclusive include the same events, but permits two-month delays, not one month, which was introduced later.

Before 1990, delayed reports (received later than the end of March in the following year) were not included in the statistics. The deadline for the receipt of reports was three months.

The statistics are based on population register data.

In 1946, local population registries were introduced in each municipality. The local population registry registered all residents in the municipality pursuant to the Population Registration Act and its regulations. In 2005, the work methods of the population registries were changed, and there are now 97 registries with responsibility for population registrations for several municipalities in each county. The population registries receive reports of births, deaths, marriages, divorces, migration etc. from various sources. Marriage reports are forwarded by the minister or official performing the ceremony to the local population registry. Reports of marriages abroad of persons living in Norway are also included. Reports of registered partnerships are forwarded from the district court judge to the local population registry.

Statistics on births, deaths and marriages have been prepared on the basis of records submitted by public servants since 1735.

The National Population Register (DSP) was developed from 1964 to 1966 on the basis of the 1960 population census. At the same time, the 11-digit national identity number was introduced as identification. The register includes persons who were registered in the census and everyone who has lived in Norway since 1 October 1964. In 1995, the Central Population Register (DSF) in the Directorate of Taxes took over as the official register. The Office of the National Registrar, which administrates the DSF (and formerly the DSP), was transferred from Statistics Norway to the Directorate of Taxes in 1991.

Updates of the Central Population Register are conducted partly by the local population registries, which are connected to the DSF via terminals, and partly by the Directorate of Taxes. The basis of the statistics on changes in the population is electronic copies sent to Statistics Norway of all register updates. The reports are also used to update a separate Statistics Norway population database kept for statistical purposes, which forms the basis for the population statistics.

In addition to the controls done by the DSF, Statistics Norway performs checks for statistical purposes. More detailed information about the controls that are done is given in the latest published documentation: Dokumentasjon av BESYS-befolkningsstatistikksystemet. Befolkningsendringer i 1998 og befolkningsbasen (BEBAS) 1. januar 2000, Notater 2000/24 (in Norwegian only).

The statistics are estimated by counting the number of marriages, partnerships, separations and divorces.

Not relevant

If a table consists zero, one or two units and disclosing these units can lead to identification of individuals, the figure is rounded up or left empty.

Time: From 1961 age is given as age at the time of the event, previously as age at the end of the year.

Starting with the 1999 divorce statistics all delayed reports are also included, regardless of which year the event actually took place. In the period 1990-1998 delayed reports from the year before were included, while before 1990 all delayed reports were excluded from the statistics. The number of delayed reports varies but is generally modest, so that the statistics for a calendar year apply for the most part to events taking place that year.

Errors may occur, for instance coding errors, revision errors, data processing errors etc. Routines are in place to minimise such errors and Statistics Norway considers these to be of minor importance.

Not relevant


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