
Updated: 3 May 2023

Next update: Not yet determined

Proportion of the population 45-49 years who live in cohabitation
Proportion of the population 45-49 years who live in cohabitation
Proportion of cohabitants in different age groups. Per cent
Proportion of cohabitants in different age groups. Per cent
20-24 years25282521
25-29 years35413942
30-34 years24333640
35-39 years15252929
40-44 years10172226
45-49 years8142122
50-54 years6121519
55-59 years481017
60-69 years35710
70-79 years1245
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Proportion of cohabitants, married and single by age. Per cent. Males and females.
    Proportion of cohabitants, married and single by age. Per cent. Males and females.
    Cohabitation, sex, age200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022
    16-19 years221111331112231112311
    20-24 years271918252324212419182118222015171621151916
    25-29 years374043373940372933413140363734333834333843
    30-34 years333731293137302828363437344138423841414144
    35-39 years272627252426282631282931333629292831323327
    40-44 years152217241923192322192024222025242526282826
    45-49 years141814181716202117212420162122222423272624
    50-54 years11141591210111516131619171816191420231920
    55-59 years107128111011911121412171521221617132019
    60-69 years7567778576899111071312121111
    70-79 years236234424467574566687
    16-19 years447847546421532342332
    20-24 years353532363837363032343229302430283024292323
    25-29 years394840454139443951413445494337413944434946
    30-34 years313335322830343233383338344033333039363544
    35-39 years222227222425242625292827312430272326262628
    40-44 years161517191918202020261925202125211726262421
    45-49 years121413131416212017211820202122201821201919
    50-54 years11998121091511121416132213171822201716
    55-59 years675848871179910910142111151519
    60-69 years52334654755947799109711
    70-79 years122323223331222344244
    16-19 years..1......1..00000000000001
    20-24 years442321132225121022021
    25-29 years1418161615161119211216121718171488975
    30-34 years373637364544414345283034373232303329292621
    35-39 years484944534951495049524746484447505046414449
    40-44 years615460565856525563656351555953545350475350
    45-49 years706764606465555657585756615655556158545253
    50-54 years696770717168696666696758625955535658505650
    55-59 years777572747370757375706871636460596260625555
    60-69 years767979757571777772767475717170736571656769
    70-79 years757972777871778074787476767375768170727874
    16-19 years010110..10000000100000
    20-24 years584675757646334231223
    25-29 years292426232730232721212820281519181613161612
    30-34 years504346414847494252404243453842444541393833
    35-39 years565856565854565457575056535353555553525148
    40-44 years636461596059616259526655575753495857534949
    45-49 years696358636162615655536161565953595356565760
    50-54 years697066646470676060666158575560555955526160
    55-59 years757462696770696161686471616264615253555549
    60-69 years606470676461686569716562686267646261596257
    70-79 years515342504749535647465559545451565959555657
    16-19 years989799999998979899999998989799999998979998
    20-24 years768072757529777379807777777984838277857984
    25-29 years484241474645525245465347474548535558585552
    30-34 years292732352420292827363629292730283029303335
    35-39 years252529222724232421192423202125222123262324
    40-44 years232423202321292315161724232122222123251824
    45-49 years171623222019252327212023232323231520192224
    50-54 years191815201722202019171723212329292922272530
    55-59 years141716181620141814181717212120202324252526
    60-69 years181615181922151821181816191820202220222221
    70-79 years231822211925191822182117191921191325221419
    16-19 years969593919693959594969899959798979698979798
    20-24 years635864585558576562616566677366706675697674
    25-29 years332934323231333428383936234244424443413542
    30-34 years202419272424162615212620212324242520252823
    35-39 years222017221722202018152218172317172221212324
    40-44 years192121222123201821221620232123302517212730
    45-49 years192329252523182428272019242025213022242420
    50-54 years202124282420232529222527302427292323282325
    55-59 years192033232923243228262720282826252836303132
    60-69 years353426303233263124242929283126272927323132
    70-79 years484657475148454251514340444447413837433938
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

Percentage of cohabitants in the population aged 16-79 years.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 4 June 2021.


The statistics is based on a sample of all persons between 16-79 years who was resident in Norway according to the population register.


Two persons who lives in the same residence and is married to each other, registered partners or cohabiting is counted as a couple.

Not relevant

Name: Cohabitants
Topic: Population

Not yet determined

Division for Population Statistics


Every third year

Not relevant

Files on individual level containing data that are processed and stored in the long term.

The statistics is based on surveys and place of usual residence for women and men aged 16-79 years. It shows proportions of cohabitants, married and singles in different age groups. The first figures published are from 1977 for women and 1988 for men. Since 1993 annual figures have been published.

The statistics have a wide range of users and applications, including institutes involved in researching demographics and living conditions, public administration, the mass media and private persons.

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on at 08 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given inthe Statistics Release Calendar. This is one of Statistics Norway’s key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally.

The statistics is based on a survey and whether a person is defined as a cohabitant or not depends on what answer the person himself gives to this question. In register based statistic one must be registered on the same legal residence address to be defined as cohabitants. Experience shows that statistics based on registers and legal residence address result in fewer cohabiting couples than statistics from surveys based on interviews and place of usual residence.

Statistics Act § 10

Not relevant

The statistics cover a sample of the Norwegian population in the age group 16 - 79 years.

The sources for this statistics are the Population register in combination with the Travel survey.

The Travel survey is carried out among 8 000 Norwegians between 16 and 79 years of age, according to Statistics Norway's standard sampling procedure.

Interview (telephone)/CATI

A computer is used during the interview. The interviewer reads the questions aloud from the screen and the answers are registered instantly. This allows the data to be controlled immediately, and it reduces the risk of asking the interviewee wrong questions.

The proportion of cohabitants in an age group is estimated by the number of people in an age group who have answered that they are cohabitants compared to everyone who has answered the questions on relationship status in the same age group. The proportion who are married/not in a relationship are calculated in the same way.

The total number of cohabitants is estimated by multiplying the estimated proportion of cohabitants in an age group by the mean population in the same age group.

Not relevant
Not relevant

From 2005 data from Statistics Norway's Travel survey has been used. Former sources have been the Fertility survey 1977, Family and Occupation Survey 1988 and Omnibus Surveys 1993-2004. The questions have been the same in all surveys. It is expected that use of data from different surveys do not influence the comparability in the time series.

Collection errors, like when the interviewee gives incorrect information, or processing errors, like when the interviewer registers the answer incorrectly, are tried kept to a minimum by automatically controlling the answers during the interview. Nevertheless, there may still be some errors left. The number and kind of errors are not known.

The unit non-response has inceased somewhat over the years, and is approximately 40 per cent. Non-response errors are errors caused by unit non-response, i.e. that the unit (for instance an individual or a company) has failed to respond, or item non-response, i.e. that the unit has failed to respond to some but not all the questions in the survey.

Sampling bias may arise when the distribution of some variables in the sample is not the same as the corresponding distribution in the population. The results in this survey are based on the information provided by those responding. Non-response is mainly due to the interviewee not wanting to participate or that he/she was not reached by the interviewer. If the interviewee was not reached due to he/she being on holiday, the distribution of this variable among those interviewed and the non-respondents may differ and sampling bias may arise.

The Travel survey is carried out among a sample of persons resident in Norway between 16 and 79 years of age. The uncertainty of findings based on only a part of the population, (sampling variance) depends among other factors on the number of observations in the sample and on the distribution of the current variable in the whole population. An estimate of this uncertainty (standard deviation) can be constructed by means of the observations in the sample. There is not made an exact calculation of the standard deviation for this survey.

Not relevant


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