New release of Sami

3 March 2025: Population figures in core Sami areas as of 1 January 2025.

31 March 2025: Demographic changes in 2024.

Statistikk innhold

Statistics about


A comprehensive and current overview of official statistics relevant to Sami social relations. The statistics have a primarily geographical approach, with the emphasis on Sami settlement areas north of the Saltfjellet mountain range, which lies on the Arctic Circle.

Updated: 3 March 2025
Next update: 31 March 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Population at 1 January, Norway north of Saltfjellet
    Population at 1 January, Norway north of Saltfjellet
    2025Change in per cent
    2024 - 20251990 - 2025
    Norway North of Saltfjellet - total411 1490.38.0
    STN area - total53 073-0.2-18.5
    Other areas - total358 0760.413.5
    Øst-Finnmark23 876-0.5-10.1
    Øst-Finnmark, STN3 583-0.1-25.8
    Øst-Finnmark, other areas20 293-0.5-6.5
    Indre Finnmark12 070-0.3-9.1
    Indre Finnmark, STN12 070-0.3-9.1
    Vest-Finnmark39 0960.413.9
    Vest-Finnmark, STN3 432-0.8-41.5
    Vest-Finnmark, other areas35 6640.525.3
    Nord-Troms17 466-0.3-14.5
    Nord-Troms, STN17 466-0.3-14.5
    Sør-/Midt-Troms153 0130.621.3
    Sør-/Midt-Troms, STN13 9530.0-18.6
    Sør-/Midt-Troms, other areas139 0600.727.5
    Nordre Nordland165 6280.33.6
    Nordre Nordland, STN2 5690.1-29.2
    Nordre Nordland, other areas163 0590.34.4
    Explanation of symbols
  • Population at 1 January, births, deaths and migration. STN area - total.
    Population at 1 January, births, deaths and migration. STN area - total.
    Population totalLive birthsDeathsExcess of birthsIn-migration1 Emigration1 Net migrationsPopulation increase2 3 Population increase (per cent)2 3
    200856 520527593-662 1112 303-192-378-0.7
    200956 142546627-812 2252 281-56-208-0.4
    201055 934507608-1012 3022 434-132-299-0.5
    201155 635492621-1292 5322 367165-40.0
    201255 631444620-1762 5622 291271210.0
    201355 652472639-1672 5882 349239-33-0.1
    201455 619481597-1162 5692 437132-45-0.1
    201555 574469609-1402 5582 414144120.0
    201655 586448597-1492 7792 594185-42-0.1
    201755 544407632-2252 4552 37481-241-0.4
    201855 303394603-2092 2432 437-194-502-0.9
    201954 801425594-1692 3032 595-292-494-0.9
    202054 287369610-2412 1672 464-297-577-1.1
    202153 710................
    1Migration to/from other localities in Norway and abroad.
    2Population growth is calculated as the difference between the population at 1 January in the year in question and that at 1 January in the following year. Due to the recording routines employed and variations in the quality of migration data for basic statistical units in individual municipalities, there will be differences from som individual municipalitites, such as in the statistics for the STN area.
    3The area of activity of the Sami Parliament subsidy schemes for business development (STN). Based on the 2015 definition of the STN area.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Highest education completed for persons aged 16 years and over at 1 October, by gender and area. Per cent
    Highest education completed for persons aged 16 years and over at 1 October, by gender and area. Per cent1 2 3
    Below upper secondary school levelUpper secondary level4 Higher education of 4 years' or less duration5 Higher education of more than 4 years' duration6
    All of NorwaySTN area north of Saltfjellet7 Other areas north of Saltfjellet8 All of NorwaySTN area north of Saltfjellet7 Other areas north of Saltfjellet8 All of NorwaySTN area north of Saltfjellet7 Other areas north of Saltfjellet8 All of NorwaySTN area north of Saltfjellet7 Other areas north of Saltfjellet8
    Both sexes26.237.629.440.340.540.023.718.
    Both sexes25.836.728.840.140.940.024.118.322.910.04.18.3
    Both sexes25.336.
    Both sexes24.835.227.440.041.740.324.718.823.510.64.28.9
    1The definition of the different levels of education used in statistics on the population's educational levels where changed in 2006. The 2006 definition of level of education are used as the basis for all years.
    2Discrepancies in the figure from earlier publications are due to corrections of the data.
    3Does not include persons with unstated or incompleted education.
    4Includes intermediate level courses based on completed upper secondary level, but which are not accredited as tertiary education.
    5Tertiary education level, short comprises higher education of up to 4 years' duration.
    6Tertiary education, long comprises higher education of more than 4 years' duration, and post-graduate research.
    7The area of activity of the Sami Parliament subsidy schemes for business development (STN). Based on the 2012 definition of the STN area.
    8Areas North of Saltfjellet outside the area of activity of the Sami Parliament subsidy schemes for business development (STN).
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 12 September 2021.

The STN area, the geographical area of activity of the Sami Parliament subsidy schemes for business development.

As of 2015, the geographical area of activity covers the following municipalities and municipal sub-areas/basic statistical units:

2011 Kautokeino, entire municipality

2012 Alta, the following basic statistical units:

0101 Stjernøy
0102 Seiland
0103 Lille Lerresfjord
0104 Store Lerresfjord
0105 Komagfjord
0106 Korsfjord
0107 Nyvoll
0108 Storekorsnes
0110 Kongshus
0201 Isnestoften
0202 Tappeluft/Riverbukt
0203 Langfjordbotn
0204 Talvik
0205 Vasbotnelv

2014 Loppa, entire municipality

2017 Kvalsund, entire municipality

2018 Måsøy, the following basic statistical units:

0119 Snefjorden
0120 Litlefjord
0121 Slåtten
0122 Gunnarnes
0123 Tufjord
0124 Ingøy

2019 Nordkapp, the following basic statistical units:

0113 Vestersida-Botnområdet
0114 Nordvågnesområdet
0115 Kjelvik-Helnesområdet
0117 Skuotanjargga
0118 Mannskarvik-Repvåg
0119 Sværholthalvøya
0201 Gjesvær
0202 Knivskjellodden
0203 Tufjorden
0204 Magerøystua
0205 Finnvik
0206 Vannfjordnæringen

2020 Porsanger, entire municipality

2021 Karasjok, entire municipality

2022 Lebesby, the following basic statistical units:

0103 Dyfjord
0104 Kifjord/Normanset/Mårøyfjord
0105 Torskefjord/Bekkarfjord
0106 Lebesby
0107 Ifjord
0108 Friarfjord/Adamsfjord
0109 Laksefjordbotn/Kunes
0110 Veidnesklubben/Godviknes
0111 Vadasbaksæibos
0112 Gappatvarri
0113 Eretoaivit
0114 Vuonjalrassa

2023 Gamvik, entire municipality

2025 Tana, entire municipality

2027 Nesseby, entire municipality

2030 Sør-Varanger, the following basic statistical units:

0101 Bugøynes
0102 Bugøyfjord
0103 Spurvnes/Skogerøya
0104 Neiden
0402 Jakobsnes
0403 Ropelv
0404 Jarfjord
0405 Grense Jakobselv
0503 Svanvik
0504 Melkefoss/Skrotnes
0505 Øvre Pasvik

1902 Tromsø, the following basic statistical units:

3301 Jøvik
3302 Olderbakken
3303 Lakselvbukt
3304 Lakselvdalen
3305 Sjøvassbotn
3306 Stordal
3307 Sjursnes
3308 Reiervik
3309 Breivika
3310 Ullsfjordmoane

1913 Skånland, entire municipality

1919 Gratangen, entire municipality

1920 Lavangen, entire municipality

1923 Salangen, entire municipality

1925 Sørreisa, the following basic statistical units:

0101 Gumpedal
0102 Øvre Bakkejord
0103 Skøelvdal
0104 Smørsgård
0201 Storlia/Rabbås
0207 Reinelv
0208 Andsvatn

1933 Balsfjord, entire municipality

1936 Kalsøy, entire municipality

1938 Lyngen, entire municipality

1939 Storfjord, entire municipality

1940 Kåfjord, entire municipality

1941 Skjervøy, entire municipality

1942 Nordreisa, entire municipality

1943 Kvænangen, entire municipality

1805 Narvik, the following basic statistical units:

[0101 Veggen &– transferred to Evenes in 1999]
0102 Herjangen
0109 Vassdal
0110 Elvegården
0111 Kvandal

1849 Hamarøy, the following basic statistical units

0116 Innhavet
0117 Veggfjell
0118 Sagvatnan
0119 Grensefjellene

1850 Tysfjord, entire municipality

1853 Evenes, the following basic statistical units:

0109 Evenesmark
0110 Myrnes
0111 Osmark
0114 Lenvik/Lenvikmark
0117 Veggen [transferred from Narvik in 1999]

Also included are the Sami population in Senja and in the rest of Lenvik municipality, the Sami population in the Southern Sami area and the settlement of Sarnes in Nordkapp in the geographical area of activity of the Sami Parliament subsidy schemes for business development . However, these areas are not included in the statistical source since the geographically-based statistics only cover the part of the STN’s area of activity where the entire population is the target group for the instruments. In these areas, the instruments are reserved for the Sami population and the Sami settlement is considered to be so scattered that the areas as a whole are not regarded as Sami communities.

Regional breakdown

Some of the figures in Sami statistics are too small to be published at municipal level. As an alternative publishing level between the municipal and county level, a regional breakdown of STN areas and Other areas per county has been devised. The breakdown is shown below. In the STN area lists, STN is indicated beside the names of municipalities that are only partly included in the STN area, and an asterisk (*) is used in the lists of Other areas.

Øst-Finnmark, STN

2022 Lebesby, STN
2023 Gamvik
2027 Nesseby
2030 Sør-Varanger, STN

Øst-Finnmark, Other areas

2002 Vardø
2003 Vadsø
2022 Lebesby*
2024 Berlevåg
2028 Båtsfjord
2030 Sør-Varanger*

Indre Finnmark, STN

2011 Kautokeino
2020 Porsanger
2021 Karasjok
2025 Tana

Vest-Finnmark, STN

2012 Alta, STN
2014 Loppa
2017 Kvalsund
2018 Måsøy, STN
2019 Nordkapp, STN

Vest-Finnmark, Other areas

2004 Hammerfest
2012 Alta*
2015 Hasvik
2018 Måsøy*
2019 Nordkapp*

Nord-Troms, STN

1936 Karlsøy
1938 Lyngen
1939 Storfjord
1940 Kåfjord
1941 Skjervøy
1942 Nordreisa
1943 Kvænangen

Sør-/Midt-Troms, STN

1902 Tromsø, STN
1913 Skånland
1919 Gratangen
1920 Lavangen
1923 Salangen
1925 Sørreisa, STN
1933 Balsfjord

Sør-/Midt-Troms, Other areas

1901 Harstad
1902 Tromsø*
1911 Kvæfjord
1915 Bjarkøy
1917 Ibestad
1922 Bardu
1924 Målselv
1925 Sørreisa*
1926 Dyrøy
1927 Tranøy
1928 Torsken
1929 Berg
1931 Lenvik

Nordre Nordland, STN

1805 Narvik, STN
1849 Hamarøy, STN
1850 Tysfjord
1853 Evenes, STN

Nordre Nordland, Other areas

1804 Bodø
1805 Narvik*
1837 Meløy
1838 Gildeskål
1839 Beiarn
1840 Saltdal
1841 Fauske
1845 Sørfold
1848 Steigen
1849 Hamarøy*
1851 Lødingen
1852 Tjeldsund
1853 Evenes*
1854 Ballangen
1856 Røst
1857 Værøy
1859 Flakstad
1860 Vestvågøy
1865 Vågan
1866 Hadsel
1867 Bø
1868 Øksnes
1870 Sortland
1871 Andøy
1874 Moskenes

Electoral constituencies

Below is a list of the municipalities and/or counties covered by each of the seven electoral constituencies. All municipalities that are fully or partly included in the STN area are marked in italic in the list. The municipalities that are only partly included in the area are also marked with an asterisk (*). For the five constituencies that cover STN municipalities, an indication is also given in brackets of how many of the municipalities in the electoral constituency this applies to.

1. Østre electoral constituency: Sør-Varanger*, Nesseby, Vadsø, Vardø, Båtsfjord, Tana, Berlevåg, Lebesby* and Gamvik in Finnmark county (5 of 9)

2. Ávjovári electoral constituency: Karasjok, Kautokeino and Porsanger in Finnmark county (3 of 3)

3. Nordre electoral constituency: Nordkapp*, Måsøy*, Kvalsund, Hammerfest, Alta*, Hasvik and Loppa in Finnmark county and Skjervøy, Kvænangen and Nordreisa in Troms county (6 of 10)

4. Gáisi electoral constituency: Kåfjord, Storfjord, Lyngen, Karlsøy, Tromsø*, Balsfjord, Målselv, Bardu, Lenvik, Berg, Torsken, Tranøy and Sørreisa* in Troms county (5 of 13)

5. Vesthavet electoral constituency: Dyrøy, Salangen, Lavangen, Gratangen, Skånland, Ibestad, Harstad, Bjarkøy, Kvæfjord in Troms county and the municipalities from Saltdal, Beiarn and Meløy and northwards in Nordland county [including Evenes*, Tysfjord, Hamarøy*, Narvik*] (7 of 38)

6. Southern Sami electoral constituency: The municipalities from Rana and Rødøy and southwards in Nordland county, the counties Nord-Trøndelag and Sør-Trøndelag, the municipalities Surnadal, Rindal and Sunndal in Møre- og Romsdal county and the municipalities Engerdal, Rendalen, Os, Tolga, Tynset and Folldal in Hedmark county

7. South Norway electoral constituency: The municipalities in Møre og Romsdal and Hedmark counties that do not belong to electoral constituency 6, and the counties Sogn og Fjordane, Hordaland, Rogaland, Vest-Agder, Aust-Agder, Telemark, Buskerud, Vestfold, Akershus, Østfold, Oppland and Oslo.

Not relevant


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