Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Business tendency survey for manufacturing, mining and quarrying

The statistics provide current data on the business cycle for manufacturing, mining and quarrying by collecting business leaders’ assessments of the economic situation and the short-term outlook.

Updated: 16 January 2025
Next update: 23 April 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Manufacturing. Selected indicators
    Manufacturing. Selected indicators
    3rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    Confidence Indicator. Seasonally adjusted.1 1.85.5
    Changes from previous quarter2
    Total volume of production51.549.6
    Average employment53.954.0
    New orders received from home markets50.049.5
    New orders received from export markets50.349.6
    Expected changes in next quarter. Diffusion indices2
    Total volume of production55.856.3
    Average employment53.153.8
    New orders received from home markets53.954.0
    New orders received from export markets55.154.2
    1Industrial confidence indicator is the average of the answers (balances) to the questions on production expectations, total stock of orders and inventories of own products ment for sale (the latter with inverted sign). The indicator is presented as seasonally adjusted balance.
    2A diffusion index is compiled using the estimated percentages on "ups" and "same" according to the formula: (ups + 0,5 * same). The diffusion index has a turning point at 50. An index value above 50 indicates growth in the variable, and opposite for a value below 50. The diffusion index is presented as smoothed seasonally adjusted figures.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Industrial confidence indicator¹

    ¹ Industrial confidence indicator is the arithmetic average of the answers (balances) to the questions on production expectations, total stock of orders and inventories of own products (the latter with inverted sign).
  • Manufacturing, Mining and Quarrying. Tendencies. Diffusion index. Smoothed seasonally adjusted
    Manufacturing, Mining and Quarrying. Tendencies. Diffusion index. Smoothed seasonally adjusted1 2
    4th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    Changes from previous quarter
    Total volume of production48.850.352.151.549.6
    Average capacity utilisation48.449.751.550.548.3
    Average employment52.953.753.953.753.9
    New orders received from home markets44.946.749.050.049.5
    New orders received from export markets48.650.852.051.350.3
    Total stock of orders45.848.049.449.549.0
    Prices on products at home markets59.259.159.560.059.7
    Prices on products at export markets57.557.358.059.159.4
    Cost prices67.166.867.467.967.2
    Expected changes in next quarter
    Total volume of production51.653.354.755.856.4
    Average capacity utilisation50.852.353.855.156.0
    Average employment52.352.552.953.153.6
    New orders received from home markets49.751.252.754.155.1
    New orders received from export markets53.053.254.455.555.0
    Total stock of orders49.050.952.854.755.5
    Prices on products at home markets59.158.959.360.561.9
    Prices on products at export markets57.357.457.857.958.1
    Cost prices63.
    1A diffusion index is compiled using the estimated percentages on "ups" and "same" according to the formula: (ups + 0,5 * same) after adjustments for non-response.
    2The diffusion index has a turning point at 50. A common way of interpreting an index value of 50 is to say that half the respondents has had an increase while the other a fall. An increasing index at or above 50 indicates that the growthrate is increasing, while a falling index above 50 indicates a falling rate of growth. Opposite for an index below 50.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Manufacturing, Mining and Quarrying. Judgements and composite indicators. Smoothed seasonally adjusted
    Manufacturing, Mining and Quarrying. Judgements and composite indicators. Smoothed seasonally adjusted
    4th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    Diffusion indices1
    Stocks of orders compared to current level of production34.034.835.435.636.0
    Stocks of orders for export43.
    Inventories of own products ment for sale50.850.250.350.450.4
    Does the enterprise consider changes in the plans for gross capital investments48.949.349.449.550.1
    General judgement of the outlook for the enterprise in next quarter50.253.154.855.656.0
    Limiting factors for investments. Per cent
    Acces to credit7.
    Expected development in demand21.321.421.020.721.1
    Prices for Capital goods10.310.310.310.610.9
    Financing costs10.
    Governmental requirement2.
    Acces to government subsidy3.
    Avaible production capacity4.
    Other factors3.
    Composite indicators
    The utilisation of capacity at current level of production in per cent78.278.478.578.578.7
    Number of working months covered by stock of orders, weighted average4.
    Indicator on resource shortage2 27.126.626.226.426.9
    Confidence Indicator3 -41326
    1A diffusion index is compiled using the estimated percentages on "ups" and "same" according to the formula: (ups + 0,5 * same) after adjustments for non-response.
    2Indicator on resource shortage is the sum of percentages for those who have pointed out that lack of qualified labour and raw materials/electric power limits production, plus the percentage of establishments with capacity utilisation above 95 per cent. See also table 10.
    3Industrial confidence indicator is the average of the answers (balances) to the questions on production expectations, total stock of orders and inventories of own products ment for sale (the latter with inverted sign). The indicator is presented as seasonally adjusted balance. See also table 9.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Manufacturing, Mining and Quarrying. Limiting factors for production. Smoothed seasonally adjusted. Per cent.
    Manufacturing, Mining and Quarrying. Limiting factors for production. Smoothed seasonally adjusted. Per cent.1
    4th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    Limiting factors in current quarter
    Demand and competition (total)6060595961
    Demand from home markets2828282728
    Demand from export markets1515141414
    Competition at the home market1010111111
    Competition in the EU market44445
    Competition when exporting to other countries22233
    Capasity of the unit77666
    Supply of labour1010111110
    The supply of raw materials and/or electric power76666
    Other factors43344
    No special factors1314141413
    Limiting factors expected for next quarter
    Demand and competition (total)6160606162
    Demand from home markets2828282727
    Demand from export markets1615151515
    Competition at the home market1011111111
    Competition in the EU market44555
    Competition when exporting to other countries22333
    Capasity of the unit66656
    Supply of labour1010101010
    The supply of raw materials and/or electric power66556
    Other factors33333
    No special factors1415151414
    1The results are percentages estimated for important limiting factors for production in current quarter or expected limiting factors for next quarter.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Manufacturing. Tendencies, judgements and composite indicators. Diffusion index. Smoothed seasonally adjusted
    Manufacturing. Tendencies, judgements and composite indicators. Diffusion index. Smoothed seasonally adjusted1
    4th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    Changes from previous quarter
    Total volume of production48.650.352.151.549.6
    Average capacity utilisation48.249.651.450.548.4
    Average employment52.953.754.053.954.0
    New orders received from home markets44.846.749.050.049.5
    New orders received from export markets49.051.151.450.349.6
    Total stock of orders45.547.849.449.548.8
    Prices on products at home markets59.259.159.559.959.4
    Prices on products at export markets57.457.458.259.359.3
    Cost prices67.266.967.668.067.3
    Judgements of the current situation by end of quarter
    Stocks of orders compared to current level of production34.034.835.435.535.9
    Inventories of own products ment for sale50.850.450.350.450.6
    Does the enterprise consider changes in the plans for gross capital investments48.849.349.449.650.0
    General judgement of the outlook for the enterprise in next quarter50.152.954.755.655.7
    Expected changes in next quarter
    Total volume of production51.853.354.755.856.3
    Average capacity utilisation50.952.453.955.256.1
    Average employment52.352.452.853.153.8
    New orders received from home markets49.251.352.853.954.0
    New orders received from export markets52.953.954.755.154.2
    Total stock of orders49.050.952.954.755.5
    Prices on products at home markets59.158.959.460.562.0
    Prices on products at export markets57.357.457.857.957.9
    Cost prices63.163.364.265.366.2
    Composite indicators2
    The utilisation of capacity at current level of production in per cent78.078.278.478.578.8
    Number of working months covered by stock of orders, weighted average4.
    Indicator on resource shortage3 27.026.526.226.426.8
    Demand and competition as limiting factors for production in current quarter, per cent6160595961
    Confidence Indicator4 -41326
    1A diffusion index is compiled using the estimated percentages on "ups" and "same" according to the formula: (ups + 0,5 * same) after adjustments for non-response.
    2Composite indicators are not precented as diffusionindices, but in per cent, number of months and balance
    3Indicator on resource shortage is the sum of percentages for those who have pointed out that lack of qualified labour and raw materials/electric power limits production, plus the percentage of establishments with capacity utilisation above 95 per cent. See also table 10.
    4Industrial confidence indicator is the average of the answers (balances) to the questions on production expectations, total stock of orders and inventories of own products ment for sale (the latter with inverted sign). The indicator is presented as seasonally adjusted balance. See also table 9.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Intermediate goods. Tendencies, judgements and composite indicators. Diffusion index. Smoothed seasonally adjusted
    Intermediate goods. Tendencies, judgements and composite indicators. Diffusion index. Smoothed seasonally adjusted1
    4th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    Changes from previous quarter
    Total volume of production44.145.247.347.445.9
    Average capacity utilisation45.147.449.448.646.4
    Average employment48.549.550.551.150.7
    New orders received from home markets42.144.045.645.645.9
    New orders received from export markets45.949.351.049.246.2
    Total stock of orders42.245.246.646.247.1
    Prices on products at home markets49.251.254.958.258.3
    Prices on products at export markets49.551.655.960.260.4
    Cost prices58.360.064.166.966.6
    Judgements of the current situation by end of quarter
    Stocks of orders compared to current level of production29.331.
    Inventories of own products ment for sale48.649.249.748.448.5
    Does the enterprise consider changes in the plans for gross capital investments46.447.047.447.748.8
    General judgement of the outlook for the enterprise in next quarter46.349.751.953.855.2
    Expected changes in next quarter
    Total volume of production48.951.152.754.455.5
    Average capacity utilisation48.150.452.754.355.4
    Average employment48.848.449.350.952.1
    New orders received from home markets45.448.651.453.153.5
    New orders received from export markets50.352.754.554.954.5
    Total stock of orders45.948.450.653.455.3
    Prices on products at home markets53.455.657.358.359.2
    Prices on products at export markets52.856.157.356.756.4
    Cost prices58.760.
    Composite indicators2
    The utilisation of capacity at current level of production in per cent77.377.577.577.577.8
    Number of working months covered by stock of orders, weighted average3.
    Indicator on resource shortage3 25.123.822.721.419.7
    Demand and competition as limiting factors for production in current quarter, per cent6161616163
    Confidence Indicator4 -6-2105
    1A diffusion index is compiled using the estimated percentages on "ups" and "same" according to the formula: (ups + 0,5 * same) after adjustments for non-response.
    2Composite indicators are not precented as diffusionindices, but in per cent, number of months and balance
    3Indicator on resource shortage is the sum of percentages for those who have pointed out that lack of qualified labour and raw materials/electric power limits production, plus the percentage of establishments with capacity utilisation above 95 per cent. See also table 10.
    4Industrial confidence indicator is the average of the answers (balances) to the questions on production expectations, total stock of orders and inventories of own products ment for sale (the latter with inverted sign). The indicator is presented as seasonally adjusted balance. See also table 9.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Capital goods. Tendencies, judgements and composite indicators. Diffusion index. Smoothed seasonally adjusted
    Capital goods. Tendencies, judgements and composite indicators. Diffusion index. Smoothed seasonally adjusted1
    4th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    Changes from previous quarter
    Total volume of production57.057.556.855.253.5
    Average capacity utilisation53.853.953.953.051.0
    Average employment60.661.161.060.459.7
    New orders received from home markets50.149.549.750.651.0
    New orders received from export markets55.255.554.652.853.1
    Total stock of orders48.548.649.850.852.7
    Prices on products at home markets60.960.058.957.856.9
    Prices on products at export markets61.861.059.558.157.2
    Cost prices71.169.868.367.065.4
    Judgements of the current situation by end of quarter
    Stocks of orders compared to current level of production38.339.340.040.842.1
    Inventories of own products ment for sale52.251.751.852.151.8
    Does the enterprise consider changes in the plans for gross capital investments50.350.851.251.651.8
    General judgement of the outlook for the enterprise in next quarter55.356.457.458.058.5
    Expected changes in next quarter
    Total volume of production55.457.058.659.960.8
    Average capacity utilisation54.054.956.357.758.3
    Average employment60.361.262.362.662.7
    New orders received from home markets53.554.354.454.454.2
    New orders received from export markets57.657.556.656.355.1
    Total stock of orders52.653.855.857.257.0
    Prices on products at home markets60.759.859.359.460.1
    Prices on products at export markets60.158.357.657.357.4
    Cost prices66.465.064.864.965.1
    Composite indicators2
    The utilisation of capacity at current level of production in per cent81.581.882.082.282.5
    Number of working months covered by stock of orders, weighted average7.
    Indicator on resource shortage3 33.732.832.734.135.9
    Demand and competition as limiting factors for production in current quarter, per cent5454545457
    Confidence Indicator4 -34559
    1A diffusion index is compiled using the estimated percentages on "ups" and "same" according to the formula: (ups + 0,5 * same) after adjustments for non-response.
    2Composite indicators are not precented as diffusionindices, but in per cent, number of months and balance
    3Indicator on resource shortage is the sum of percentages for those who have pointed out that lack of qualified labour and raw materials/electric power limits production, plus the percentage of establishments with capacity utilisation above 95 per cent. See also table 10.
    4Industrial confidence indicator is the average of the answers (balances) to the questions on production expectations, total stock of orders and inventories of own products ment for sale (the latter with inverted sign). The indicator is presented as seasonally adjusted balance. See also table 9.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Consumer goods. Tendencies, judgements and composite indicators. Diffusion index. Smoothed seasonally adjusted
    Consumer goods. Tendencies, judgements and composite indicators. Diffusion index. Smoothed seasonally adjusted1
    4th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    Changes from previous quarter
    Total volume of production45.647.650.250.349.3
    Average capacity utilisation46.748.549.549.548.3
    Average employment48.349.950.049.650.1
    New orders received from home markets46.048.451.052.351.8
    New orders received from export markets42.746.249.350.451.0
    Total stock of orders45.648.851.151.449.6
    Prices on products at home markets68.667.166.165.565.4
    Prices on products at export markets61.761.561.161.562.3
    Cost prices73.572.471.571.471.4
    Judgements of the current situation by end of quarter
    Stocks of orders compared to current level of production34.734.935.134.634.5
    Inventories of own products ment for sale51.
    Does the enterprise consider changes in the plans for gross capital investments51.050.950.149.349.1
    General judgement of the outlook for the enterprise in next quarter50.953.655.055.153.5
    Expected changes in next quarter
    Total volume of production50.652.152.953.653.5
    Average capacity utilisation50.451.553.254.054.0
    Average employment47.347.847.346.746.8
    New orders received from home markets48.551.
    New orders received from export markets48.849.851.452.151.6
    Total stock of orders48.249.951.653.254.9
    Prices on products at home markets63.062.162.464.866.5
    Prices on products at export markets59.157.359.062.463.5
    Cost prices65.665.166.467.869.1
    Composite indicators2
    The utilisation of capacity at current level of production in per cent75.675.275.375.375.4
    Number of working months covered by stock of orders, weighted average2.
    Indicator on resource shortage3 22.022.723.524.323.8
    Demand and competition as limiting factors for production in current quarter, per cent6664646363
    Confidence Indicator4 -51413
    1A diffusion index is compiled using the estimated percentages on "ups" and "same" according to the formula: (ups + 0,5 * same) after adjustments for non-response.
    2Composite indicators are not precented as diffusionindices, but in per cent, number of months and balance
    3Indicator on resource shortage is the sum of percentages for those who have pointed out that lack of qualified labour and raw materials/electric power limits production, plus the percentage of establishments with capacity utilisation above 95 per cent. See also table 10.
    4Industrial confidence indicator is the average of the answers (balances) to the questions on production expectations, total stock of orders and inventories of own products ment for sale (the latter with inverted sign). The indicator is presented as seasonally adjusted balance. See also table 9.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Manufacturing. Industrial Confidence Indicator. Balances
    Manufacturing. Industrial Confidence Indicator. Balances1 2
    4th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    Seasonally adjusted
    Confidence Indicator-41326
    Confidence Indicator-82612
    Expected volume of production-10161395
    Inventories of own products ment for sale-2601-3
    Total stock of orders-15-66-6-2
    1Industrial confidence indicator is the average of the answers (balances) to the questions on expected volume of production, total stock of orders and inventories of own products ment for sale (the latter with inverted sign)
    2The balance (net figure) is defined as the difference between the percentage shares for the extreme response alternatives (Greater - Smaller)
    Explanation of symbols
  • Manufacturing. Indicator on resource shortage. Smoothed seasonally adjusted
    Manufacturing. Indicator on resource shortage. Smoothed seasonally adjusted1
    4th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    A+B+C Indicator of resource shortage2727262627
    A Supply of labour, per cent1010111110
    B Supply of raw mat electric power, per cent76666
    C Units having full capacity, per cent10119911
    1Indicator on resource shortage is the sum of percentages for those who have pointed out that lack of qualified labour and raw materials/electric power limits production, plus the percentage of establishments with capacity utilisation above 95 per cent.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Actual and expected changes in total production, by division and main industrial groupings. Diffusion index. Unadjusted figures
    Actual and expected changes in total production, by division and main industrial groupings. Diffusion index. Unadjusted figures1
    Changes from previous quarterExpected changes in next quarter
    4th quarter 20234th quarter 20244th quarter 20234th quarter 2024
    Manufacturing, mining and quarrying50.151.445.252.7
    Food, beverages and tobacco49.852.639.842.6
    Food products50.352.439.841.7
    Textiles, wearing apparel, leather44.256.246.463.9
    Wood and wood products24.927.526.244.3
    Paper and paper products59.225.876.966.3
    Printing, reproduction33.543.827.729.5
    Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac.50.641.456.863.4
    Basic chemicals39.836.749.767.3
    Rubber, plastic and mineral prod.30.535.635.651.0
    Basic metals42.949.548.849.1
    Non-ferrous metals43.856.448.245.1
    Fabricated metal products49.958.949.759.1
    Computer and electrical equipment77.864.050.664.8
    Machinery and equipment58.
    Ships, boats and oil platforms67.056.560.957.4
    Transport equipment n.e.c59.650.960.166.1
    Repair, installation of machinery51.858.850.250.7
    Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.45.867.835.452.0
    Main industrial groupings:
    Intermediate goods41.843.245.353.9
    Capital goods60.257.249.559.2
    Consumer goods48.054.139.844.2
    1A diffusion index is compiled using the estimated percentages on "ups" and "same" according to the formula: (ups + 0,5 * same) after adjustments for non-response.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Actual and expected changes in employment, by division and main industrial groupings. Diffusion index. Unadjusted figures
    Actual and expected changes in employment, by division and main industrial groupings. Diffusion index. Unadjusted figures1
    Changes from previous quarterExpected changes in next quarter
    4th quarter 20234th quarter 20244th quarter 20234th quarter 2024
    Manufacturing, mining and quarrying51.353.849.051.9
    Food, beverages and tobacco48.452.145.744.5
    Food products47.952.244.844.2
    Textiles, wearing apparel, leather42.939.637.549.0
    Wood and wood products30.737.325.745.1
    Paper and paper products50.050.342.834.2
    Printing, reproduction35.644.222.833.7
    Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac.
    Basic chemicals61.340.646.451.6
    Rubber, plastic and mineral prod.39.444.644.847.7
    Basic metals53.
    Non-ferrous metals56.763.247.149.0
    Fabricated metal products55.463.950.760.4
    Computer and electrical equipment67.662.167.761.9
    Machinery and equipment63.857.455.057.3
    Ships, boats and oil platforms61.258.663.959.5
    Transport equipment n.e.c41.538.458.163.1
    Repair, installation of machinery55.061.555.262.1
    Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.44.962.540.143.5
    Main industrial groupings:
    Intermediate goods47.449.445.849.0
    Capital goods59.760.458.062.8
    Consumer goods46.552.242.743.6
    1A diffusion index is compiled using the estimated percentages on "ups" and "same" according to the formula: (ups + 0,5 * same) after adjustments for non-response.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Actual and expected changes in new orders from home market, by division and main industrial groupings. Diffusion index. Unadjusted figures
    Actual and expected changes in new orders from home market, by division and main industrial groupings. Diffusion index. Unadjusted figures1
    Changes from previous quarterExpected changes in next quarter
    4th quarter 20234th quarter 20244th quarter 20234th quarter 2024
    Manufacturing, mining and quarrying44.950.343.550.6
    Food, beverages and tobacco49.654.438.646.7
    Food products49.254.738.146.5
    Textiles, wearing apparel, leather51.758.943.654.1
    Wood and wood products9.620.920.146.8
    Paper and paper products65.442.234.845.1
    Printing, reproduction25.542.222.433.2
    Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac.52.441.750.256.6
    Basic chemicals43.328.254.860.6
    Rubber, plastic and mineral prod.31.928.440.252.4
    Basic metals29.
    Non-ferrous metals28.146.650.039.3
    Fabricated metal products45.352.852.162.6
    Computer and electrical equipment55.473.856.757.8
    Machinery and equipment46.143.652.548.9
    Ships, boats and oil platforms55.350.743.138.6
    Transport equipment n.e.c64.739.161.447.7
    Repair, installation of machinery50.456.851.053.9
    Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.39.871.829.049.1
    Main industrial groupings:
    Intermediate goods36.041.443.152.5
    Capital goods51.853.451.053.0
    Consumer goods47.256.936.045.9
    1A diffusion index is compiled using the estimated percentages on "ups" and "same" according to the formula: (ups + 0,5 * same) after adjustments for non-response.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Actual and expected changes in new orders from the export market, by division and main industrial groupings. Diffusion index. Unadjusted figures
    Actual and expected changes in new orders from the export market, by division and main industrial groupings. Diffusion index. Unadjusted figures1
    Changes from previous quarterExpected changes in next quarter
    4th quarter 20234th quarter 20244th quarter 20234th quarter 2024
    Manufacturing, mining and quarrying47.951.151.553.3
    Food, beverages and tobacco47.952.946.744.3
    Food products47.053.645.542.8
    Textiles, wearing apparel, leather46.155.740.860.4
    Wood and wood products44.530.450.950.2
    Paper and paper products43.042.868.270.1
    Printing, reproduction17.850.047.317.8
    Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac.49.349.948.054.9
    Basic chemicals53.441.650.963.4
    Rubber, plastic and mineral prod.40.336.352.452.8
    Basic metals29.723.241.745.0
    Non-ferrous metals32.125.638.343.7
    Fabricated metal products56.564.869.064.8
    Computer and electrical equipment54.270.757.168.4
    Machinery and equipment52.753.355.755.1
    Ships, boats and oil platforms52.242.135.430.0
    Transport equipment n.e.c65.548.784.059.9
    Repair, installation of machinery51.847.961.954.9
    Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.
    Main industrial groupings:
    Intermediate goods42.643.449.754.8
    Capital goods55.156.258.656.1
    Consumer goods45.055.343.846.5
    1A diffusion index is compiled using the estimated percentages on "ups" and "same" according to the formula: (ups + 0,5 * same) after adjustments for non-response.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 21 July 2021.

Local unit (establishment) : An enterprise or part of an enterprise that is located in one particular place and can be identified geographically.

Enterprise : The smallest combination of legal units that is an organisational unit producing goods or services and that benefits from a certain degree of autonomy in decision making.

Branch unit : Unit, which comprises all establishments within an enterprise belonging to the same 3-digit industry group (SIC2007).

Altinn: digital government system for reporting data via the Internet.

NACE : Standard for industrial classification used by EUROSTAT based on the UN's international standard for industrial classification, ISIC Rev. 3.

Unadjusted figures : Raw data figures with primary information from the respondent.

Seasonally-adjusted figures : Time series for which calendar and seasonal effects have been removed. X12-ARIMA is used to calculate these figures.

Trend series : Time series for which calendar and seasonal effects together with the irregular component have been removed. The trend in a time series reflects the long-term tendency that influences the series and has a fairly smooth and monotonic character. The trend series are calculated in connection with the decomposition of the time series for the unadjusted figures in X12-ARIMA.

Response distribution : Employment weighted shares in percentages for valid response alternatives for a single question. For questions like «total level of production» the response alternatives are greater , unchanged and smaller respectively. The response distribution may be expressed in the following way:

(1) G + U + S = 100


G = Percentage that has replied: Greater

U = Percentage that has replied: Unchanged

S = Percentage that has replied: Smaller

Net figures : Defined as the difference between the percentage shares for the extreme response alternatives. For questions like «total level of production» the extreme response alternatives are greater and smaller respectively. The Net figure, N, is defined as:

(2) N = G - S

The net figure, as an indicator of the development in the variable, is often assigned turning point characteristics. A net figure greater then zero indicates that the growth rate of the variable is positive. A positive net figure, but reduced from one quarter to the next, indicates that the growth rate is still positive but reduced. The opposite applies for a negative net figure.

Diffusion index : Defined as the estimated positive percentages (greater) plus half of the neutral answers (unchanged). For questions like «total level of production» the diffusion index, D, is compiled as:

(3) D = G + 0.5 x U

The diffusion index has a simple intuitive approach as it compiles the respondents answering greater seen in association with half the share of respondents answering unchanged. The simplicity lies in the fact that the indicator builds on the assumption that half of the respondents answering unchanged in practice have experienced a growth in the variable, while the other half have experienced a decline. The diffusion index has 100 as the maximum value when all active respondents choose the response alternative greater. The minimum value is equal to 0 when all choose smaller. The index normally fluctuates around 50, which is also the turning point value. Below are some interpretations for the diffusion index as described in the literature:

  • If the D value is greater than 50 it indicates that the growth rate of the variable is positive, and the opposite for a value below 50.
  • If the D value rises from a level below to a level above 50, the growth rate of the variable has turned from negative to positive.
  • If the D value is greater than 50 and increasing it indicates that the growth rate is increasing, while a falling index from above 50 indicates a falling rate of growth, but still positive. The opposite is the case for an index below 50.

Industrial Confidence Indicator (ICI) : The ICI is calculated on the basis of the net figures from three questions in the Business Tendency Survey:

  • Actual development in total stock of orders compared with the previous quarter (X)
  • Expected development in the level of production in the forthcoming quarter compared with the present quarter (Y)
  • Assessment of stock of own products intended for sale (Z)

The ICI is the arithmetic average of the net figures (Z with inverted sign). Further, the trend is identified by the seasonal adjustment of the ICI. The Norwegian ICI is harmonised with the ICI defined by EUROSTAT, and the composition is described in detail in Economic Paper number 151, see DG ECFIN (2001). The ICI is supposed to be a leading indicator for the production in manufacturing industries whereby increases in production expectations indicate directly increases in the forthcoming level of output, increases in the total stock of orders indicate an increased level of production due to the fulfilment of the received orders, and finally, increases in stocks indicate slow sales and reduced activity.

(5) ICI = (X + Y - Z)/3

The survey is classified according to the Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (SIC2007). This is a Norwegian adaptation of Eurostat’s industry classification, NACE Rev. 2. SIC2007 forms the basis for classifying units according to principal activity in the Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises. The use of common standards is essential in order to enable the comparison and analysis of statistical data at an international level and over time.

The survey is also classified according to EUROSTAT's end-use categories (Main Industrial Groupings, MIG). The end-use categories (MIGs) are based on the 3-digit level industrial groupings in SIC2007. Five end-use categories are included in the survey:

MIG code



Intermediate goods


Capital goods


Consumer durables


Consumer non-durables


Consumer goods (E3+E4)

The following table summarises the most important industries included in the different end-use categories:


Main industries included

Intermediate goods

Wood and wood products, Paper and paper products, Basic chemicals, Rubber and plastics products, Non-metallic mineral products, Basic metals

Capital goods

Machinery and equipment, Building of ships, boats and oil platforms, Repair and installation of machinery

Consumer durables

Manufacture of furniture

Consumer non-durables

Food products, Printing and reproduction, Basic pharmaceuticals

Consumer goods (E3+E4)

Manufacture of furniture, Food products, Printing and reproduction, Basic pharmaceuticals

For a complete description of industries covered in each MIG, see Commission regulation (EC) No 656/2007 .

The objective of this classification is to provide an activity breakdown of NACE, which is more detailed. The classification of the different units is based on the application of the produced products. It should be noted that the MIGs are not comparable in size, in particular the consumer durables heading is smaller than the others.

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