Increase in gas production offset by lower oil production
Energy and manufacturing
ogprodre, Oil and gas activities, production (discontinued), petroleum production, oil production, gas production, condensate, NGL, remaining reserves, oil fields, gas fieldsOil and gas , Energy and manufacturing

Oil and gas activities, production (discontinued)Q3 2005



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Increase in gas production offset by lower oil production

The total petroleum production on the Norwegian Continental Shelf in the first nine months of 2005 was 186.2 million Sm3 oil equivalents (oe). Compared with the same period in 2004, this is a decrease of 5.3 million Sm3 oe. Whereas the production of gas has increased, the production of oil has fallen.

The total production of oil, including NGL and condensate, amounted to 124.4 million Sm3 oe in the first three quarters of 2005, a decrease from 136.5 million Sm3 oe since the same period in 2004.

The production og natural gas continue to increase. In the first nine months of 2004, the total gas production was 55.9 million Sm3 oe, compared with 61.8 million Sm3 oe in the same period this year. Natural gas production made up 33.2 per cent of the total petroleum production in the first three quarters of 2005.

Total production of oil (including NGL and condensate). January-September. 1993-2005. 1000 tonnes.

Total production of natural gas. January-September 1993-2005. 1000 Sm3 oe.

Crude oil

In the first nine months of 2004, the total production of crude oil was 2.8 million barrels a day. This fell to 2.6 million in the first nine months of 2005. If the production of NGL and condensate is included in these figures, the production is 3.1 million barrels a day and 2.9 million barrels a day in 2004 and 2005 respectively.

Ekofisk, Troll Vest, Grane and Gullfaks were the four largest oil production fields in the first half of 2005. They produced 9.9, 9.4, 7 and 5.6 million tonnes oe respectively.

Natural gas

The production of gas continues to increase. In the first nine months of 2005, the total gas production amounted to 61.8 million Sm3. This compares with 55.8 million Sm3 in the same period in 2004. Three fields dominate the production of natural gas - Troll Øst, Sleipner Øst and Åsgard. They produced 20.1, 10.6, and 8.1 million Sm3 respectively in the three first quarters of 2005.
