Business activities, breakdown of turnover by product

Updated: 21 May 2024

Next update: 23 May 2025

Strategic management consulting services share of total turnover in Business and management consultancy
Strategic management consulting services share of total turnover in Business and management consultancy
Industry 70.2 Business and management consultancy. Turnover by products. Enterprises
Industry 70.2 Business and management consultancy. Turnover by products. Enterprises
70.2 Management consultancy activities70.210 Public relations and communication activities70.220 Business and other management consultancy activities
NOK millionShareNOK millionShareNOK millionShare
TOTAL32 917.2100.02 313.0100.030 604.2100.0
01 Business and management consultancy activities31 464.795.62 172.793.929 292.095.7
01.1 Public relations (PR) and communication services1 570.34.81 427.661.7142.70.5
01.2 Strategic management consulting services10 431.331.7326.714.110 104.533.0
01.3 Financial management consulting services3 251.09.914.90.63 236.110.6
01.4 Human resources management consulting services688.
01.5 Marketing management consulting services1 203.73.7278.812.1924.93.0
01.6 Productions management consulting services961.
01.7 Supply chain and other management consulting services1 343. 343.44.4
01.8 Businnes process management services2 462.47.540.51.82 421.97.9
01.9 Other project management services, excluding construction1 266.93.875.83.31 191.13.9
01.10 Other business consulting services8 277.727.0
02 Trademarks and franchises consulting services0.
03 Other additional products1 452.54.4140.36.11 312.24.3
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Industry 73.2 Market research and public opinion polling. Turnover, by product. Enterprises
    Industry 73.2 Market research and public opinion polling. Turnover, by product. Enterprises
    NOK millionShare
    TOTAL1 944.5100.0
    1 Market research services1 792.392.2
    1.01 Qualitative surveys244.712.6
    1.02 Quantitative ad-hoc surveys433.222.3
    1.03 Quantitative continuous/regular surveys1 008.151.8
    1.04 Market research other than surveys106.35.5
    2 Public opinion polling services79.04.1
    3 Other additional products73.23.8
    Explanation of symbols
  • Industry 71.2 Technical testing and analysis. Turnover, by products . Enterprises.
    Industry 71.2 Technical testing and analysis. Turnover, by products . Enterprises.
    NOK millionShare
    TOTAL18 096.2100.0
    1 Technical testing and analysis services16 338.890.3
    1.1 Composition and purity testing and analysis services1 598.08.8
    1.2 Testing and analysis services of physical properties8 461.446.8
    1.3 Testing and analysis services of integrated mechanical and electrical systems services663.63.7
    1.4 Technical automobile inspection services0.00.0
    1.5 Certification1 661.29.2
    1.6 Other technical testing inspection and analysis services3 954.621.9
    2 Other additional products1 757.49.7
    Explanation of symbols
  • Industry 71.1 Architectural and engineering services. Turnover, by products. Enterprises.
    Industry 71.1 Architectural and engineering services. Turnover, by products. Enterprises.
    71.1 Architectural activities and technical consultancy activities71.11 Architectural activities71.12 Engineering activities and related technical consultancy
    NOK millionShareNOK millionShareNOK millionShare
    TOTAL138 193.8100.010 528.5100.0127 665.3100.0
    1 Architectural services12 367.98.98 719.582.83 648.42.9
    1.01 Plans and drawings for architectural purposes3 530.02.62 750.526.1779.50.6
    1.02 Architectural services for buildings4 294.23.13 849.536.6444.70.3
    1.03 Architectural advisory services3 111.22.31 179.511.21 931.71.5
    1.04 Landscape architectural services1 093.70.8675.76.4418.00.3
    1.05 Historical restoration architectural services338.80.2264.32.574.50.1
    2 Urban and land planning services2 354.01.7857.48.11 496.61.2
    3 Engineering services91 176.466.0820.27.890 356.270.8
    3.01 Engineering advisory services18 320.113.3259.92.518 060.214.1
    3.02 Engineering services for building projects9 606.47.0359.93.49 246.57.2
    3.03 Engineering services for power projects20 635.814.917.70.220 618.116.2
    3.04 Engineering services for transportation projects9 792. 784.47.7
    3.05 Engineering services for water, sewerage and drainage projects2 676.71.9121.11.22 555.62.0
    3.06 Engineering services for industrial and manufacturing projects5 454. 454.34.3
    3.07 Engineering services for telecommunications and broadcasting projects3 267.82.6
    3.08 Engineering services for waste management services1 284.11.0
    3.09 Engineering services for other projects7 386. 386.75.8
    3.10 Consultancy services related to map and surveying1 686. 667.81.3
    3.11 Other types of engineering and/or consultancy services11 030.78.6
    4 Project management services related to constructions and civil engineering works9 403.26.879.30.89 323.97.3
    5 Geological, geophysical and related prospecting and consulting services17 265.312.50.00.017 265.313.5
    9 Other5 626. 574.84.4
    Explanation of symbols
  • Industry 69.2 Accounting & Audition. Turnover by products. Enterprises.
    Industry 69.2 Accounting & Audition. Turnover by products. Enterprises.
    69.2 Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities69.201 Accounting and bookkeeping69.202 Auditing69.203 Tax consultancy activity
    NOK millionShareNOK millionShareNOK millionShareNOK millionShare
    TOTAL37 446.3100.019 701.5100.017 744.8100.00.0.
    01 Financial audition9 501.925.4175.40.99 326.552.60.0.
    02 Accounting and bookkeeping21 855.858.418 492.993.93 362.919.00.0.
    02.1 Accounting services except tax returns4 320.011.53 385.117.2934.95.30.0.
    02.2 Bookkeeping services11 311.430.210 523.553.4787.34.40.0.
    02.3 Compilation services of financial statemenst and review services3 394.19.12 351.411.91
    02.4 Payroll services2 831.07.62 232.911.3598.13.40.0.
    03 Tax consultancy services including tax returns2 791.47.5849.94.31 941.510.90.0.
    04 Insolvency and receivership services57.
    06 Turnover from other technical consultancy services1 288.03.3248.61.2911.24.9128.2100.0
    05 Other additional products3 239.48.7130.80.73 108.617.50.0.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Industry 69.1 Legal activities. Turnover, by products. Enterprises
    Industry 69.1 Legal activities. Turnover, by products. Enterprises
    NOK millionPer cent
    TOTAL23 753.9100.0
    01 Legal advisory and representation services in criminal law1 927.18.1
    02 Legal advisory and representation services in business/commercial law13 610.357.3
    03 Legal advisory and representation services in labour law1 654.47.0
    04 Legal advisory and representation services in civil law4 622.719.5
    05 Patent and copyrigths consultancy services256.31.1
    06 Notarial services2.30.0
    07 Arbitration and conciliation services439.61.9
    08 Auction legal services0.00.0
    09 Other legal services1 093.74.6
    10 Other additional products147.50.6
    Explanation of symbols
  • Industry 78 Labour recruitment and provision of personnel. Turnover by products. Enterprises
    Industry 78 Labour recruitment and provision of personnel. Turnover by products. Enterprises
    78 Employment activities78.100 Activities of employment placement agencies78.200 Temporary employment agency activities
    NOK millionShareNOK millionShareNOK millionShare
    TOTAL54 553.9100.02 954.9100.051 599.0100.0
    01 Placement services of personnel5 445.710.01 936.565.53 509.36.8
    01.01 Executive search services1 728.63.2797.927.0930.71.8
    01.02 Placement services of office support personnel and other workers3 717.16.81 138.638.52 578.55.0
    02 Supply services of personnel47 249.486.6827.828.046 421.690.0
    02.01 Computer and telecommunication1 127.42.2
    02.02 Other office support personnel2 875.45.332.81.12 842.55.5
    02.03 Commercial and trade459.30.8152.65.2306.70.6
    02.04 Industrial/manufacturing workers9 290.017.0380.312.98 909.817.3
    02.05 Hotels and restaurants (HORECA)898.
    02.06 Medical6 130.511.20.00.06 130.511.9
    02.07 Transport, warehousing and logistics2 814. 745.25.3
    02.08 Construction10 945.720.15.90.210 939.721.2
    02.09 Other personnel12 699.423.3171.75.812 527.724.3
    03 Other human resources provision services personnel1 470.82.7122.14.11 348.62.6
    04 Other additional products388.00.768.42.3319.60.6
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The statistics provide detailed information about the products that are produced within NACE 58.2, 62, 63.1, 69.1, 69.2, 70.2, 71.1, 71.2, 73.1, 73.2 and 78. The statistics are based on register data from the a-scheme, surveys and other sources such as annual accounts. Statistics related to the business statistics provide information on the activity.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 2 June 2023.


In the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) an enterprise is the smallest combination of legal entities that is an organizational unit producing goods or services, which benefits from a certain degree of autonomy in decision making.


Turnover is defined as the sum of remuneration for rendering of services to customers and sales of merchandise, and gross income from other activities. Rental income and commissions are included, while special taxes, subsidies and profits from sales of businesses assets are not. VAT is not included in the statistics.

The industry classification is in accordance with the Norwegian Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007) used in Statistics Norway, which is based on the EU Standard NACE Rev. 2 and the United Nation’s International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC), Rev. 4.

See Statistics Norway’s Standard Industrial Classification for a description of the different industries.

The types of products in accordance wiht (EC) No. 251/2009. Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 295/2008 concerning structural business statistics and the adaptations necesary after the revisjon of the statistical cassification of products by activity (CPA).

Name: Business activities, breakdown of turnover by product
Topic: Wholesale and retail trade and service activities

23 May 2025

Division for Structural Business Statistics

National level.

Annual. Final figures are published within 17 months after the end of the reference period.

The statistics are reported to Eurostat.

Nace 58.2, 62, 63.1, 73.1 and 78 are reported yearly and nace 69.1, 69.2, 70.2, 71.1, 71.2 and 73.2 every second year.

Primary data and the compiled statistics are stored temporarily in the programming language SAS, and stored permanently as text-files.

The statistics provides detailed information about the products which are produced within nace 58.2, 62, 63.1, 69.2, 70.2, 71.1., 71.2, 73.1, 73.2 og 78, based on accounting figures and questionnaires.

The statistics adhere to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of 27 November 2019 on European business statistics (EBS).

The statistic were published for the first time in 2006, for the reference year 2004.

The data are needed by the National accounts (NR). In addition ministries and various trade organizations want and need statistical data and the public’s need for information has to be met too. The statistic are also used to provide weight information for service producer price indexes (SPPI).

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on at 8 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given inthe Statistics Release Calendar. This is one of Statistics Norway's key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally

The statistic is a part of Statistics Norway industrial statistics covering most industries. The data are needed by the National accounts ( NR). The statistic are also used to provide weight information for service producer price indexes ( SPPI).

The Statistics Act 21st of June 2019 number 32, §10 and §20

Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on European business statistics (EBS)

Business services, breakdown of turnover by product and include the industry groups and subgroups:

Nace 58.2 Software publishing

Nace 62.0 Computer programming, consultancy nd related activities

Nace 63.1 Data processing, hosting abd related activities, web portals

Nace 69.1 Legal activities

Nace 69.2 Accounting, book-keeping and auditing activities. Tax consultancy

Nace 70.2 Management consultancy activities

Nace 71.1 Architectural activities and technical consultancy activities

Nace 71.2 Technical testing and analysis

Nace 73.1 Advertising services

Nace 73.2 Market research and public opinion polling

Nace 78 Labour recruitment and provision of personnel

The statistics comprises most of the enterprises that are registered in the above groups , as long as the enterprises were registered with activity in Norway in the relevant statistical year.

The exception is enterprises within the public service sectors 110, 510 and 550. Such units are not included in the structural business statistics for real estate, renting and business activities even though they should happen to have operations in the abovementioned industries.

However, all other enterprises in the public sector or owned by the public sector, i.e. units with sector codes 610, 630, 635, 660 and 680, are included in the statistics if they have activity in the abovementioned industries.

Data are collected directly from the enterprises through a survey. In addition, information about turnover for every enterprise in the population are collected through the Structural Business Statistic.

The population consists of all enterprises in the relevant industry groups with registered activity in the reference year. The population is divided into subpopulations, called strata, after criteria like industrial classification and number of employees. In some of the strata, all enterprises are always included in the sample. From the remaining strata, a representative selection of enterprises is drawn. The enterprises in the sample are identical with enterprises in the sample for Structural Business Statistic.

The enterprises in the sample provide information about turnover, divided between different products. For the enterprises outside the sample information about total turnover are collected through the Structural Business Statistic.

The questionnaires are sent out in April/May after the end of the statistical year, with a response deadline of four or five weeks. The enterprises that do not respond to the first letter will receive reminders in writing up until six months after the first deadline. Failure to respond is subject to fines.

The questionnaires are particular controlled for industry codes and breakdown of turnover into products.

The raw data are checked against reports for last year, the Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises, the Register of Annual Company Reports in Brønnøysund and other available sources like the Internet, and by contacting the respondent if necessary.

For the enterprises where a complete Trading statement (NO) with supplementary form exists, no variables are estimated. For these enterprises the information in the forms are used.

For the enterprises outside the sample we collect turnover from the Structural Business Statistics. We estimate the value of each product in every single enterprises, based on key from the sample in the same strata.

Not relevant

Employees of Statistics Norway have a duty of confidentiality.

Statistics Norway does not publish figures if there is a risk of the respondent’s contribution being identified. This means that, as a general rule, figures are not published if fewer than three units form the basis of a cell in a table or if the contribution of one or two respondents constitutes a very large part of the cell total.

Statistics Norway can make exceptions to the general rule if deemed necessary to meet the requirements of the EEA agreement, if the respondent is a public authority, if the respondent has consented to this, or when the information disclosed is openly accessible to the public.

More information can be found on Statistics Norway’s website under Methods in official statistics, in the ‘Confidentiality’ section.

To ensure confidentiality, the ‘rounding up/down’ method is used in these statistics.

So far the statistic has only been published for the reference year 2004.

The results of a statistical survey will as a rule contain some measurement and processing errors. Measurement errors occur when the provider of the data gives erroneous answers due to forgetfulness, misunderstanding of the question etc.

Processing errors are errors from coding or errors that occur during the transferring of information from the questionnaire to the machine-readable medium or during revision.

Non-response will always be a factor in form-based surveys. This is because some respondents either do not return their forms or return them incompletely filled out.

Non-response can also be due to mergers, acquisiions, bankruptcy, etc.

Non-response from important units will be followed-up in the manual revision process. Other enterprises, which do not respond, will be treated the same way as the enterprises outside the sample.

Sampling errors is the uncertainty that occurs when the figures are produced on the basis of a sample of data, and not the whole population. The sampling error is the expected deviation between the result of the sample and the result if the whole population were examined.

Imbalances in the sample (e.g. misleading stratification) can cause errors for the variables for which information has not been obtained for all units in the population. Statistics Norway assumes explicitly by the imputation that enterprises outside the sample have the same cost and income structure as enterprises in the sample.

The Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises, the Register of Annual Company Reports in Brønnøysund, the VAT Register and the Register of Employees and Employers (the AA Register) are used in order to define the population and help collect the necessary data.

Errors in these administrative registers - like time gaps in registration, incorrectly identified unit characteristics etc. may therefore be a potential source of uncertainty in the statistics and may for instance have an impact when dividing the population into adequate strata.

Not relevant


Maria Asuncion Campechano

(+47) 40 81 14 21