Corrected figures

All tables have been recalculated for all years and minor deviations from previously published figures may occur. For table 13654 considerable corrections have been made for all years and particularly so for income across specific assistive products.

Living conditions of disabled people

Updated: 13 March 2025

Next update: Not yet determined

People using assistive products
People using assistive products
456 137
Users of assistive products
Users of assistive products
201920222023Change in percentage
2019 - 20232022 - 2023
At least one assistive product
Total (persons)410 451440 613456 13711.13.5
Live in crowded dwelling, few rooms and sq.m. (percentage)
Tenant (percentage)17.418.
Disabled (persons)67 78871 06172 0946.41.5
Live in crowded dwelling, few rooms and sq.m. (percentage)
Tenant (percentage)25.226.426.91.70.5
Assistive devices for personal mobility
Total (persons)108 977121 661127 96817.45.2
Live in crowded dwelling, few rooms and sq.m. (percentage)
Tenant (percentage)24.425.
Disabled (persons)23 02024 59625 3069.92.9
Live in crowded dwelling, few rooms and sq.m. (percentage)
Tenant (percentage)31.633.434.32.70.9
Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The statistic provides an insight into the living conditions of Norwegian residents who on a permanent basis use assistive products, as well as receiving a number of benefits. These are common characteristics of disabled persons.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 17 March 2023.


A person is registered as a resident in Norway when living here or with the intention of living here for at least 6 months, and having a valid residence permit.

Private household

A private household consists of persons that are residents in the same private dwelling according to the National Population Register.

Assistive product.

Assitive product are catalogued according to NS-ISO 9999 , 1998 and 2007 editions. There are three levels of detail, where the statistic only uses the two aggregated levels.

Not all products will be found in the statistic,for example hearing aides

Industry has been encoded according to Standard for næringsgruppering (SN2007).

Employment sector has been encoded according to Standard for institusjonell sektorgruppering

Occupation has been encoded according to Standard for yrkesklassifisering (STYRK-2008).

Education has been encoded according to Standard for utdanningsgruppering (NUS)

Name: Living conditions of disabled people
Topic: Health

Not yet determined

Division for Health, care and social statistics

Not relevant

The statistics is published once a year for the previous calender year. The population is all residents in Norway by 31. December.


All collected data are anonymized prior to processing and will be deleted

Not relevant
Not relevant

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on at 8 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given in the Statistics Release Calendar.

Not relevant

Statistics Act of 21 June 2019 No. 32, Section10 (1).

Not relevant

The statistic is based on a number of government registres. Some adjustments and interpretations have been necessary when combining this information with SSB's databases.

The number of users of "walker" is underestimated. This is because personal IDs of some users are missing from the data source.

Reported income data pertain to late fall of the previous year, Hence, some inaccuracy must be expected.

Not relevant
