Analyses, articles and publications
Monitor for Norwegian-born with immigrant parents
In 2019, Statistics Norway established a monitor to be able to follow the group of Norwegian-born with immigrant parents. This report is a continuation of the monitor, and provides an analysis of this group with the themes of demography, education, participation in the labor market and household income.
Immigration and Immigrants in the Nordic Countries 2016-2022
The report provides a descriptive analysis of immigration to Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden and the situation for immigrants and their descendants living there. Furthermore, it looks at how immigrants and descendants are integrated into society, with a focus on their participation in education and working life.
Attitudes towards immigrants and immigration 2024
This report presents results from Statistics Norway's survey of the population's attitudes towards immigrants and immigration, which was carried out in January-February 2024.
Statistics and analysis of immigrants in Norway 2023
Immigrants and their Norwegian-born children are highly heterogeneous and stand for an increasingly significant proportion of the Norwegian population. This publication presents a description of who they are and how they are doing.
Unaccompanied minor refugees 1996-2022
Unaccompanied minor refugees are children and young people who arrived in Norway before turning 18 without their parents or anyone with parental responsibility for them, and who applied for asylum and were granted residence in Norway on this basis.
Acquisition of Norwegian citizenship 1977-2021
Naturalisation may be interpreted as an indication of belonging and integration into the Norwegian society. There were 423 300 such naturalisations during the period we look at in this report, 1977 to 2021.
Resettlement refugees in Norway 2023
Resettlement refugees are people who have fled their home country and who have been transferred to a third country. At the beginning of 2023, there will be over 48 000 resettlement refugees in Norway. In this report, we provide a demographic description of this group of refugees, their participation and results in education, their connection to the labor market and an overview of their income and living conditions.
Social mobility among immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents
Attitudes towards immigrants and immigration have become increasingly positive during the last years, and the results from this year’s survey shows this continuing trend.
A probabilistic forecast of the immigrant population of Norway
We present a probabilistic forecast for the immigrant population of Norway and their Norwegian-born children (“second generation”) broken down by age, sex, and three types of country background: 1. West European countries plus the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand; 2. East European countries that are members of the European Union; 3. other countries.
The cash-for-care reform and immigrant fertility. Fewer babies of poorer families?
Cash-for care policies are contested in many contexts, as they represent an incentive for childrearing over work that may reduce labour market participation, especially among immigrant women.
Older analyses, articles and publications
for subtopic immigration and immigrants; population.