International reserves and foreign currency liquidity

Updated: 7 March 2025

Next update: 21 March 2025

Official reserve assets
Official reserve assets
February 2025
982 528
NOK million
Official reserve assets and other foreign currency assets, market value. NOK million
Official reserve assets and other foreign currency assets, market value. NOK million1
January 2025February 2025
A. Official reserve assets959 954982 528
Foreign currency reserves765 758773 093
IMF reserve position14 07213 958
SDRs81 34880 533
Other reserve assets98 776114 944
Other foreign currency assets3 4192 587
1The table is updated with final figures after the 21st of the month following the reporting period
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • International reserves and foreign liquidity. NOK million. I. Official reserve assets and other foreign currency assets
    International reserves and foreign liquidity. NOK million. I. Official reserve assets and other foreign currency assets
    February 2025
    A. Official reserve assets NOK.
    A. Official reserve assets, preliminary figures982 528
    (1) Foreign currency reserves773 093
    (a) Securities758 888
    of which: issuer headquartered in reporting country but located abroad0
    (b) total currency and deposits with:14 205
    (i) other national central banks, BIS and IMF13 955
    (ii) banks headquartered in the reporting country0
    of which: located abroad0
    (iii) banks headquartered outside the reporting country250
    of which: located in the reporting country0
    (2) IMF reserve position13 958
    (3) SDRs80 533
    (4) Gold0
    (5) Other reserve assets114 944
    financial derivatives8
    loans to nonbank nonresidents0
    other114 936
    B. Other foreign currency assets2 587
    securities not included in official reserve assets0
    deposits not included in official reserve assets548
    loans not included in official reserve assets0
    financial derivatives not included in official reserve assets-1
    gold not included in official reserve assets0
    other2 040
    Explanation of symbols
  • International reserves and foreign liquidity. NOK million. II. Predetermined short-term net drains on foreign currency assets (nominal value)
    International reserves and foreign liquidity. NOK million. II. Predetermined short-term net drains on foreign currency assets (nominal value)
    January 2025
    Maturity totalMaturity 0-1 monthMaturity 1-3 monthMaturity 3-12 month
    1.Foreign currency loans, securities, and deposits-6310-6310
    outflows (-) - (Principal)0000
    outflows (-) - (Interest)-6310-6310
    inflows (+) - (Principal)0000
    inflows (+) - (Interest)0000
    2. Aggregate short and long positions in forwards
    (a) Short positions (-)0000
    (b) Long positions (+)0000
    3. Other-62 399-62 39900
    outflows related to repos (-)-52-5200
    inflows related to reverse repos (+)0000
    trade credit (-)0000
    trade credit (+)0000
    other accounts payable (-)-62 347-62 34700
    other accounts receivable (+)0000
    Explanation of symbols
  • International reserves and foreign liquidity. NOK million. IV. Memo items
    International reserves and foreign liquidity. NOK million. IV. Memo items
    January 2025
    (a) Short term domestic currency debt indexed to the exchange rate0
    (b) Financial instruments denominated in foreign currency and settled by other means (NOK)0
    derivatives (forwards, futures or options contracts)0
    (c) Pledged assets0
    (d) Securities lent and on repo-2 745
    lent or repoed and included in section I-2 745
    lent or repoed but not included in section I0
    borrowed or acquired and included in section I0
    borrowed or acquired but not included in section I0
    (e) Financial derivative assets (net, marked to market)-11
    (f) Derivatives (forward, futures or options contracts) that have a residual maturity greater than one year0
    aggregate short and long positions in forwards and futures in foreign currencies vis-à-vis the domestic currency (including the forward leg of currency swaps)0
    aggregate short and long positions of options in foreign currencies vis-à-vis the domestic currency0
    (2) To be disclosed at least once a year:
    Currency composition of reserves0
    Currencies in SDR basket0
    Currency Composition of Reserves, Denominated in US Dollars0
    Currency Composition of Reserves, Denominated in Euros0
    Currency Composition of Reserves, Denominated in Chinese Yuan0
    Currency Composition of Reserves, Denominated in Japanese Yen0
    Currency Composition of Reserves, Denominated in UK Pound Sterling0
    Currencies not in SDR basket0
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The final/preliminary figures for international reserves and foreign currency liquidity are published monthly on behalf of Norges Bank, the central bank of Norway. Publishing of these figures is a part of the central banks obligations according to IMF’s Special Dissemination Standard (SDDS).

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 22 April 2021.

A brief description of the financial institutions and instruments:

Norges Bank: The Central Bank of Norway exercise advisory, excecutant and control functions related to exchange rate-, credit- and monetary policy.

NBIM: Norges Bank Investment Management. NBIM is responsible for investing the Norwegian Government Pension Fund's international assets. In addition to managing the Pension Fund's international assets, NBIM also manages the major share of Norges Bank’s foreign exchange reserves and the Government Petroleum Insurance Fund. NBIM invests in international equities and fixed income instruments, money market instruments and derivatives.

The balance sheet: The balance shows assets, debt and equity by the end of a financial year.

International reserves: Liquid currency claims abroad under the control of monetary authorities.

Foreign currency liquidity: (1) Liquid currency reserves (international reserves and other reserves) under control of the authority. (2) Actual and conditional future net currency flows which affect currency claims (short-term debt in currency and activities off balance).

Future short term obligations: Net currency flows as a result of the authority’s financial activity versus domestic and foreign customers the coming 12 months.

Monetary authorities: The Central Bank

Data are compiled according to the guidelines provided in the IMF's "Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity" – Operational Guidelines.

Name: International reserves and foreign currency liquidity

Topic: External economy

21 March 2025

Division for Financial Markets Statistics

Only at the national level.


Preliminary figures for total international reserves will be published on the fifth working after the end of the reference month.

Final figures for international reserves and foreign currency liquidity will be published on the 21st (or the following business day) after the end of the reference month.

International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Not relevant

Norway adheres to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) which among other things obliges the member countries' central banks to publish a detailed overview of international reserves and foreign currency liquidity.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), Norges Bank and Statistics Norway.

Not relevant

Coherence with Norges Banks’ accounts.

Act concerning official statistics and Statistics Norway of 21 June 2019 no. 32 (the Statistics Act).

Not relevant

Section I. Includes international reserves and other foreign exchange claims based on market values from the asset side of the balance sheet.

Section II. Actual future short-term net foreign exchange flows from instruments that are not specified in Section I. Cash flows are stated at nominal value.

Section III. Conditional/possible future short-terms net foreign exchange flows to non-residents or residents.

Section IV: Specifications/other relevant information about:

i. positions and flows that are not explained in Section I-III but are considered relevant to assessing the reserves, the foreign currency liquidity position and risk exposure;

ii. additional details about positions and flows explained in Sections I-III;

iii. positions and flows broken down or valued in another way than in Sections I-III.

The data are published in millions of NOK at approximate market value or nominal value. The Government petroleum Fund is not included in the figures. Norges Bank sold most of the gold reserves in the beginning of 2004. The remaining gold is not considered as a part of the official reserves.

The data are obtained from Norges Banks’ accounts.

Electronic reporting forms.

Data is controlled by Statistics Norway and Norges Bank.

The data are generally considered to be final at the time of release, and are usually not subject to revision. In the event of revisions, the monthly data become final at the time of the release of the monthly balance sheet of Norges Bank, 10 Norwegian working days after the end of the reference month. The monthly balance sheet is immediately published on the Norges Bank website. Revisions for earlier periods are usually made only for the end of the year, with monthly figures remaining unchanged.

Not relevant

Not relevant

Statistical releases older than 7 April 2017.

Time series will be published.

Errors and inconsistencies in accounting data may occur. The sources to inconsistencies can be errors in the transmitting of data from Norges Bank.

Discrepancy between accounting- and trade date may occur.

Not relevant
