Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Academic and special libraries

Statistics on academic and special libraries at Norwegian universities and university colleges, public and private special libraries at research institutes and the National Library. These libraries are designed to provide services to students, teachers, researchers and those at the institution of which the library is part. The statistics show a summary of the activity during the year.

Updated: 5 June 2024
Next update: 2 June 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Academic and special libraries, main results.
    Academic and special libraries, main results.
    Physical events943
    Digital events111
    Hybrid events179
    Library loans1 383 983
    Man-years per 31.12, in library services1 545
    Number of academic and special libraries103
    Explanation of symbols
  • Collection statistics of a few selected groups of physical and digital resources
    Collection statistics of a few selected groups of physical and digital resources
    All academic and special librariesNational librariesUniversities with faculty and departemental libraryLibraries at scientific collegesLibraries at other collegesSpecial libraries and libraries at health institutions
    Books physical9 329 8671 311 6805 630 572447 965500 0571 439 593
    Books digital9 089 790685 4574 500 1141 302 0701 960 233641 916
    Periodicals physical187 41755 629100 5987 4154 39919 376
    Periodicals digital1 053 0101 349487 588181 174223 208159 691
    Manuscripts physical16 074 40616 000 0008 9183441565 039
    Manuscripts digital1 040 5871 014 13494001925 494
    Graphic and cartographic material physical7 005 3006 985 95413 1741 0427774 353
    Graphic and cartographic material digital4 793 1824 770 3235 2112 1715 13310 344
    Musical score documents physical311 168102 856138 53261 5883 1375 055
    Musical score documents digital61 9276 32955 57513100
    Realia2 19301 1804090271
    Explanation of symbols
  • Library use
    Library use1
    Number of loans1 Primary loan of realiaDownloads/streaming in totalUnique downloads Open Access articles from paid resources
    All academic and special libraries2 1 383 9838 43226 699 2614 208 227
    Universities with faculty and departemental library598 4435 57821 185 3453 540 542
    Libraries at scientific colleges102 1792971 985 012155 757
    Libraries at other colleges231 7862 5152 376 949254 143
    Special libraries and libraries at health institutions243 130421 147 227255 500
    1The number of physical loans is the sum of inital loan registration to primary users and others, including interlibrary loans.
    2Academic and special librarys, without the National Libraries.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Figure 1. Number of academic and spesial libraries

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 4 June 2024.

PDA/DDA: Patron Driven Acquisition/Demand Driven Acquisition refers to non-purchased titles that the library offers, meaning titles that can potentially be activated.

Periodicals: Yearbooks, series, report series, regular conference reports and similar publications.

Manuscripts: Original documents of all kinds that are handwritten or typewritten.

Graphic materials: Documents where images constitute the main informational content, such as graphic art, reproductions, art prints, photographs, posters, technical drawings, and similar items. In this statistic, no distinction is made between graphic and cartographic documents.

Cartographic materials: Representations in a reduced scale of a concrete or abstract phenomenon located in time and space. This includes two- and three-dimensional maps, globes, plans, topographic models, relief maps/tactile models, and aerial photographic presentations, but does not include atlases and other cartographic documents in codex form or microform, as well as AV documents. In this statistics, no distinction is made between graphic and cartographic documents.

Musical score documents: Documents that mainly contain the reproduction of music in written form, usually by means of musical notation. They can appear as loose sheets or in codex form.

AV documents: Documents where the content is dominated by sound and/or images and require the use of special equipment to be viewed or heard (e.g., phonograph records, audio tapes, CDs, audiobooks, slides, etc.).

Other library materials: Remaining information-bearing materials such as patents and microforms.

Realia: Non-information-bearing materials that are made available and registered as borrowed. This can include various types of equipment such as AV equipment, devices for reading digital files, various accessories such as chargers and similar items, tools, equipment for recreational activities, etc.

Tasks: The sum of systematic searches and professional support/research.

Primary target group: Individuals and institutions within the library's defined user group as of December 31 in the statistical year.

Employees: The number of permanent employees as of December 31 who work with the library's service offerings.

Man-years: The number of agreed full-time man-years as of December 31 associated with the operation or development of the library services. Man-years in administrative positions related to the operation of library services are included.

Interlibrary lending: Loans/copies to another library under a different administrative unit (e.g., another university). For the borrowing library, this is an incoming loan. Includes the number of received requests, the number of dispatched loans, and the number of dispatched copies to other libraries.

Interlibrary borrowing: Incoming loans are loans from another library under a different administrative unit (e.g., another university). For the lending library, this is an interlibrary loan. It reports the number of dispatched requests, the number of received loans, and the number of received copies from other libraries. Loans from another library under the same administrative unit are not counted as incoming loans.

Based on international standard ISO 2789 (Information and documentation - International library statistics)

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