Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Museums and collections

The purpose of museum statistics is to provide an overview of the activities in Norwegian museums throughout the year. These statistics also encompass information on revenues and expenditures. The preparation of these statistics has been carried out in cooperation with Kulturdirektoratet.

Updated: 5 June 2024
Next update: 3 June 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Museum facts
    Museum facts1
    Museum population1 101104102
    Total visits6 485 17310 321 37410 907 108
    Individual visits5 474 1208 491 3798 939 232
    Visitors in gropus1 011 0531 829 9951 967 876
    Paying visitors2 774 3765 654 9196 183 980
    Remunerated man-years4 404.04 645.04 626.3
    Man-years by permanent employees3 516.03 683.03 710.8
    Percentage permanent employment807980
    1The museum population will vary from year to year because some years new entities are added, and other entities on occasion does not report to the annual statistics. This will of course have an impact on the annual statistics.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Museums and collections. Employment
    Museums and collections. Employment1
    Man-years, totalRemunerated man-yearsMan-years by permanent employees
    20134 064.83 862.92 952.9
    20144 052.83 864.62 999.2
    20154 213.14 015.13 085.4
    20164 150.73 954.83 069.2
    20174 169.03 966.03 109.0
    20184 244.04 056.03 169.0
    20194 440.04 213.03 307.0
    20204 310.04 173.03 359.0
    20214 568.04 404.03 516.0
    20224 857.04 645.03 683.0
    20234 826.34 626.33 710.8
    Viken (2020-2023)415.3376.0277.8
    Oslo1 333.31 323.71 085.1
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)204.2188.5159.5
    Møre og Romsdal162.0146.1116.9
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage535.8509.9406.9
    Nordland - Nordlánnda284.4269.5186.1
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)270.1261.9205.3
    1The museum population will vary from year to year because some years entities are added and other entities does not report ti the annual statistics. This will of course have an impact on the annual statistics.
    12 October 2021: The table is updated with corrected numbers for 2020.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Museums and collections. Size of collections
    Museums and collections. Size of collections1
    Art historicalSocial historicalNatural historicalPhotographyArchaeological
    2013715 7553 605 98810 293 70530 974 7205 176 241
    2014760 4283 728 07510 437 05331 907 3546 346 950
    2015766 8993 779 69010 559 20733 885 9466 705 567
    2016782 8873 633 8529 946 82534 027 0686 991 980
    2017799 3653 555 1049 912 14134 971 6477 259 804
    2018800 2163 615 01810 098 70135 209 1797 719 130
    2019808 3483 696 14910 410 25138 874 1178 087 482
    2020828 4803 985 82110 646 55339 146 0928 286 362
    2021837 9683 685 82610 498 40147 066 9798 516 084
    2022838 2683 730 30010 272 80447 647 2098 752 446
    2023841 4003 636 31210 657 97452 454 2439 003 172
    Viken (2020-2023)17 694403 08711 1578 138 102314
    Oslo626 294730 9745 964 3537 501 7302 894 462
    Innlandet7 460439 5057 0457 557 67411 032
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)21 002259 0421 5337 677 9601 958
    Agder4 741147 569131 724334 451722
    Rogaland15 828294 99635 4481 678 8631 599 687
    Vestland60 689458 8422 217 266889 6432 272 284
    Møre og Romsdal3 368113 4772 1826 817 537668
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage40 828373 7001 665 5009 201 3331 829 170
    Nordland - Nordlánnda11 347263 06824 3431 276 464306
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)32 054148 141596 6831 208 686342 471
    Svalbard953 911740171 80050 098
    1The museum population will vary from year to year because some years entities are added and other entities does not report ti the annual statistics. This will of course have an impact on the annual statistics.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Museums and collections. Museums and historic buildings
    Museums and collections. Museums and historic buildings1
    Museums and collectionsCultural historical buildingsOpen cultural historical buildings
    20161075 0142 443
    20171075 0202 519
    20181005 0282 474
    2019985 0282 512
    20201025 0882 123
    20211015 0352 196
    20221045 0482 194
    20231025 0672 215
    Viken (2020-2023)11696284
    Innlandet111 183551
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)5300101
    Møre og Romsdal6254156
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage9454180
    Nordland - Nordlánnda7441183
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)12343180
    1The museum population will vary from year to year because some years entities are added and other entities does not report ti the annual statistics. This will of course have an impact on the annual statistics.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 31 October 2023.

Visits in the statistics for museums: A visit to a museums is defined as a person going to a museum to view at and utilise the museum's exhibitions and arrangement services. A visit to an open museum is defined as visiting the museums premises during its opening hours for the purpose of using the facilities within the museum area. Persons staying in the rooms and open area of the museum will not be counted as a visit. Participants in educational activities are also included in the total number of visits.

Type of company: The true owner, will sometimes differ from the financing source.

Revenue, total: This includes public grants, box office receipts, gifts, and other sources of revenue.

Expenditure, total: This encompasses wages, social expenditures, other operating expenses, and investments.

Subjects/objects: These include historical fine arts, cultural history, natural history, archaeology, and photographs.

As of 2016 basic exhibitions (regular exhibitions) and temporary exhibitions (exhibitions set up for a limit time, ranging from a few days to a year) are grouped together into a new category: "exhibitions."

Travelling exhibitions: These are exhibitions that are transported from one location to another.

Cultural historical buildings: In this context, it refers to historical buildings that provide information about local history, aesthetics, traditions, ways of life, architecture, and economic conditions.

Subjects/objects: Historical fine arts, cultural history, natural history, archaeological and photographs.

As of 2011, museums are no longer classified by type.

In the period from 2007 to 2010, museums were classified into five types:

Art museums: Museums that collect, maintain, secure, and provide information about arts, applied arts, and design products.

Social history museums: Museums that collect, maintain, secure, and provide information about social history materials.

Natural history museums: Museums that collect, maintain, secure, and provide information about natural history materials.

Mixed social/natural history museums: Museums that collect, maintain, secure, and provide information about both social and natural history materials.

Mixed art/social history museums: Museums that collect, maintain, secure, and provide information about arts, applied arts, and design products, as well as social history materials.

Not relevant

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