Economic statistics, national accounts and macroeconomic planning

Statistics Norway is the key actor in the production of official economic statistics and national accounts in Norway, and has a strong research department, where the focus is on research and policy analysis within the field of economics. This enables Statistics Norway to provide partner countries with support to national accounts, economic statistics as well as macro and microeconomic analysis. Statistics Norway is also supporting the tools NADABAS (national accounts, and Statbus (Statistical Business Register,

Register-based statistical production

Statistics Norway has long been at the forefront of using administrative data for statistical production – especially within the field of economic and social statistics, including Civil Registration and Vital Statistics. Within the international statistical community, there is a growing trend for register-based solutions, and we see a growing interest in the use of register data to produce statistics in our partner countries.

Food Security Statistics 

Strengthen the capacity of National Statistical Offices so that food security statistics from Household Consumption Expenditure Surveys becomes part of the regular statistical production. Read more about COMESA and Statistics Norway Food Security Statistics.

Human Resources and Training

People are the key to producing high quality statistics. Statistics Norway is working with partners to jointly find ways to help staff perform better, through training and capacity development. Statistics Norway partner with other NSOs in identifying training needs and establishing training programmes and training centres, with a focus on strengthening in-house training. 

Cooperation on modern human resource management: to bring out the best in people, our colleagues need to have the relevant skill, resources and management support. Statistics Norway work with managers in partner institutions to develop enabling environments, where staff can thrive and develop high quality statistics.

Energy statistics

Access to energy can impact people’s lives. The Impact Access to Sustainable Energy Survey (IASES) was carried out in cooperation between the National Bureau of Statistics in Tanzania (NBS), Instituto Nacional de Estatística in Mozambique (INE) and Statistics Norway (SSB) between 2018-2024. The project was  funded by the Norad, the Norwegian agency for development cooperation.

Reports from the two surveys conducted in Mozambique and Mainland Tanzania, as well as methodological documentation, survey instruments, manuals, training material, data and syntax are gathered in a knowledge platform for IASES.

Other thematic areas we support

  • Communication and advocacy
  • Quality assurance and the Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM)
  • IT-assessments
  • Ocean accounts and environmental statistics
  • Governance statistics (PRAIA group)
  • Statistics on Refugees, Internally displaced persons (IDPs)  and Stateless (EGRISS group)
  • Geospatial statistics, webscraping and other sources (Data for Now)