The Impact Access to Sustainable Energy Survey (IASES) was carried out in cooperation between the National Bureau of Statistics in Tanzania (NBS), Instituto Nacional de Estatística in Mozambique (INE) and Statistics Norway (SSB) between 2018-2024. The project was funded by the Norad, the Norwegian agency for development cooperation.

Reports from Tanzania

The report called “The Impact of Access to Sustainable Energy Survey (IASES) 2021/22 – Access to Electricity and Modern Cooking Solutions”, is based on Sustainable Energy for all SE4All/World Bank framework tier classification. Two key findings reports are also published, one in Kiswahili and one in English.

Reports from Mozambique

The report called “Access to Electricity and Modern Cooking Solutions -  Multi-Tier Framework (MTF) Impact of Access to Sustainable Energy Survey, Mozambique (IASES 2022)”  is based on Sustainable Energy for all SE4All/World Bank framework tier classification.

In 2022, 32 per cent of households in Mozambique had access to the electrical grid, and 18 per cent had access to electricity from other sources, mainly solar power. More details can be found in the report “Inquérito sobre o Impacto do Acesso à Energia Sustentável 2022” (download PDF in Portuguese).

Documentation, resources and tools

Methodological documentation, questionnaires, manuals, training material, CSPro application and syntax used for the analysis of data are available on Github.