Statistics Norway publications

Results (219)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Labour market flows Reports 2015/14 Labour market and earnings
Labour force participation among older persons after the Norwegian pension reform Reports 2015/12 Labour market and earnings
Population's level of education and connection with the labour market. Reports 2015/11 Education, Labour market and earnings
Employment and education among young people with immigrant background. 2013 Reports 2015/07 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Employment in the petroleum industry and related industries 2013 Reports 2015/05 Labour market and earnings, Energy and manufacturing
Employment in the power supply industry and power related establishments 2013 Reports 2014/40 Labour market and earnings, Energy and manufacturing
Employment and economic transfers among seven arrival cohorts of immigrants observed through 1993-2010 Reports 2014/38 Labour market and earnings, Social conditions, welfare and crime, Immigration and immigrants
Young people neither in paid employment nor in education or training Reports 2014/37 Labour market and earnings
Disabled people on the labour market in 2014 Reports 2014/36 Labour market and earnings, Health
On welfare benefits and not participating in the labour market Reports 2014/34 Labour market and earnings, Social conditions, welfare and crime
Projections of population and labour force by education based on alternative assumptions about immigration Reports 2014/31 Labour market and earnings, Education, Immigration and immigrants
Overqualification among immigrants in Norway 2007 – 2012 Reports 2014/28 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Shares of immigrants among employees in establishments 2012 Reports 2014/25 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants, Establishments, enterprises and accounts
Immigrants with a weak connection with the labour market - who are they? Reports 2014/22 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants, Social conditions, welfare and crime
Labour force participation among older persons after the Norwegian pension reform Reports 2014/19 Labour market and earnings