Statistics Norway publications

Results (219)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Increase in employment Articles Labour market and earnings,
Increase in employment Articles Labour market and earnings,
Increase in full-time employed women Articles Labour market and earnings
Increase in full-time positions Articles Labour market and earnings
Increase in number of job vacancies Articles Labour market and earnings
Increase in the labour force Articles Labour market and earnings
Increase in unemployment Articles Labour market and earnings
Increase in unemployment rate among persons with higher education Articles Labour market and earnings
Increased employment Articles Labour market and earnings
Increased employment Articles Labour market and earnings
Increased labour force Articles Labour market and earnings
Increased labour force participation among men Articles Labour market and earnings
Increased unemployment and decreased employment Articles Labour market and earnings
Job changes among older employees Reports 2013/60 Labour market and earnings
Labour Cost Survey: Quality Report 2012 Documents 2014/46 Labour market and earnings