Statistics Norway publications
Results (3085)
Title | Series/nr | Date | Topic |
Good results for banks | Articles | Banking and financial markets | |
Increase in export price of fresh salmon | Articles | External economy, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing | |
Growth rate tapered off throughout the third quarter | Articles | National accounts and business cycles | |
Gaps in prices on energy goods | Articles | Prices and price indices, Energy and manufacturing, National accounts and business cycles | |
CPI up 1.8 per cent last 12 months | Articles | Prices and price indices, Income and consumption | |
Unchanged manufacturing output in the third quarter | Articles | Energy and manufacturing | |
Increase in turnover for building of ships and oil platforms | Articles | Energy and manufacturing | |
Decrease in export price of fresh salmon | Articles | External economy, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing | |
More guest nights | Articles | Transport and tourism, Svalbard | |
Increased growth in domestic loan debt | Articles | Banking and financial markets | |
A small decrease in export price of fresh salmon | Articles | External economy, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing | |
Weak decline in retail sales | Articles | Wholesale and retail trade and service activities, Income and consumption | |
Increase in employment | Articles | Labour market and earnings | |
Increase in full-time employed women | Articles | Labour market and earnings | |
Further drop in solved offences | Articles | Social conditions, welfare and crime |